txkj 22 years, 5 months ago

Julie, I think your weight loss is going just fine. It's pretty impossible to overeat, especially at our stage of post-opp. I'm 4 weeks out now, not sure how much I weigh as I decided to only weigh at the doctor's office. I've had a hard time eating, I'm throwing up a lot. I've gone back to the basics, warm ceral or part of a piece of toast. Up until this week I'd drink a Carnation instant breakfast, but now I seem to throw them up too. Lunch, maybe some very thin, low fat sliced lunchmeat (turkey) and a small piece of cheese. Sometime during the day I usually have a small helping of unsweetened applesauce. They make these little containers that are flavor'd with other fruits, little variety. Water has been hard to keep down also, and I loved my water! I miss being able to just chug some down. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing, you are doing great! Remember, our pouches won't let us over eat! (hugs) Kathleen

Julie K. 22 years, 5 months ago

Well, It is hard for me to understand why I lost 22 pounds in 2 weeks and now just 2 weeks after that, I have only lost 3 pounds. I think that I may be eating too much. I am trying to drink as much water as possible, but it is hard getting water down. I have not exercised very much because my incision still feels a little sore. I do need to be better about taking my vitamins more consistently. Anyway, 25 pounds in the first month is great. My goal was to lose 40 pounds in 6 weeks. I wonder if it is possible to lose 15 pounds in the next two weeks to meet my goal? I am going to start going to the monthly support meetings suggested by my doctor's office. If there is anyone who has had a VBG and is about 4-5 weeks post-op, please let me know what your typical meals consist of. More later....

Julie K. 22 years, 6 months ago

My first appointment with Dr. Jett after my surgery was yesterday. As of 12-03-01, I am 12 days Post-Op and I have lost 22 pounds. Dr. Jett was very pleased with my progress. I am glad to be off liquids and back on solid foods. I am supposed to eat no more than 2 ounces at each meal. I am supposed to eat meats and breads first. I am not supposed to drink anything 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after I eat. It is hard to get used to eating just a few bites over a 30 minute period. I am drinking lots of water and tea with sweet'n low. No more soda, not even diet!! Even though I am not hungry, I struggle with wanting to snack between meals. I have started exercising. My incision is healing great!! I stay a little nauseated and light-headed. Dr. Jett said that this is normal because my body is burning off fat. Things are good....More later!

Julie K. 22 years, 6 months ago

Well, I did have surgery on Wednesday, 11-21-01. I remember waking up in A LOT of pain!!! I spent all day Wednesday and Thursday asking myself why I did this to myself when I am basically healthy except for being overweight. Friday was a lot better. Saturday morning I was supposd to have gone home, but I got very sick (with lots of nausea) and had to stay until late Saturday night until all of my blood tests and x-rays came back. Not sure why I was getting sick, I had to have a ton of tests run. The X-Rays were the hardest part because I had to drink this BITTER black stuff and they watched it go through my stomach to make sure I did not have any leaks. It is very hard to lay down on a flat table when you have just had surgery. Luckily, the x-ray tech let my husband come in to help me up and down and over and over on the x-ray table. I did have an allergic reaction to something at the hospital and my whole face broke out as if I had a massive sunburn. I was on the 9th floor and I had the best nuring care ever!! R.N. Tara and R.N. Melinda and N.A. Anna and P.A.L. Gwin were just great! Baptist hospital is lucky to have these girls working for their hospital. Dr. Jett usually only visits the hospital once a day. Since I did not get to go home Saturday morning, Dr. Jett made his way back to the hospital after getting out of the OU-OSU football game in Norman. I was finally released about 8:00pm. Last night was the best rest that I have had in 4 days!!! Today (11-25-01)I am 4 days POST OP and I have lost 13 pounds!!! My tummy is VERY sore. I am so thankful to have the most amazing husband in the world! He never left the hospital and he has helped to bathe me, help me up and down, fix my meals, and everything!!!! I could not have gone through all of this without his help and support!!! One thing that I was not aware of was the gurgling noise your stomach makes after surgery. It sounds like a bath tub drain in my stomach. I hope this goes away before I have to go back to work. It is very loud and embarrasing. I will keep you posted on my progress!!!!

Maryellen W. 22 years, 6 months ago

Julie: Hope all went well with your surgery and you are soon on your way to a happier, healthier life!

AngelNTx65 22 years, 6 months ago

Julie~I wish you the best with your surgery this week.It's so exciting to be on this journey to better health! Keep us posted. God Bless~Kim

Alicia V. 22 years, 6 months ago

Julie- I am sending you wishes for a great surgery and a speedy recovery. We are surgery buddies!

Mary H. 22 years, 6 months ago

julie prayers to you on your surgery hoping for a speedy recovery mary hughes

Julie K. 22 years, 6 months ago

11-17-01 My surgery date is scheduled for Wednesday 11-21-01 at Baptist Hospital in Oklahoma City. I am very excited!!! (and nervous)!!!
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