I've not had a total lifelong problem with my weight. When I was very young I was involved in dance, softball, and was pretty thin...then 5th grade came around. I knew I was a tad bit bigger than the other girls, but it pretty much became an issue when I had my period YEARS before the other girls. 5th grade is TOO young to go through that, and SOOO embarrassing.  From that point to my college years, I was always heavier than the other kids. In college I had some sort of break down, and was so nervous and anxious that I didn't eat...and FINALLY was able to fit into a sized 8 jean. WOW! I thought it was amazing, and my life wouldn't ever be the same. Boy was I wrong! After college, I started gaining, dieting, gaining, dieting, gaining, dieting, and gaining again. It didn't matter how much I exercised, nothing helped...and my wallet kept shrinking from all of the diets I bought! Has anyone purchased the Windsor Pilates??? What a joke (and an expensive one at that)!

So, here I am, 32, obese (I HATTEEEE THAT WORD), and starting to realize that I need to make some changes. I went to the seminar over a year ago, but was too scared to follow up with the physicians or insurance to take the next step. I thought that I wouldn't be able to 1) afford the surgery and 2) was scared about the lifelong committment it would cause. No more family pigouts at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But, I found out that my insurance covers it all, and that in order to avoid some of my family health problems, it is a step I must take! So, off to the races I go!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2009
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