Who do I look like?

Feb 02, 2009

About 2 months post op and 35 pounds down, my husband looked at me and said, "I miss my Emmie".  I looked at him very confused and asked him what he meant.  He told me I didn't look like myself anymore and he missed my round face.  I was hurt because I thought I was beginning to look a little less bloated and I was very pleased with the way my face was looking these days.  Fast forward to this weekend.  We found a picture taken about a year ago and 70+ pounds heavier, he looked at me again and said "WOW! that doesn't even look like you!  I looked at it --and it DIDN"T!  I was so excited that HE nows thinks I look like me!  I didn't like not looking like me but I wanted "me" to look better.  Anyway, you just gotta love it and enjoy the ride, don't cha! 
1 comment

January 2009

The last 6 weeks have been a bummer!  But--things are picking up again I think.  Probably because I found I was able to eat a few sweets over the holidays and because I felt responsible for doing a lot of family cooking this year.  My step-mother passed away in June and I felt a call to make sure the whole family enjoyed the togetherness we shared over the holidays through food.  Faye was a great cook and we always looked forward to enjoying all the treats she made.  My sister (who is a lap-bander) and I made all the familiar recipes the family looked forward to every year.  Most of us are overweight and my dad is diebetic so some of the treats were sugar free but most were not.  We cooked for 3 days straight.  Considering, I felt I did pretty well but I did get hooked on a piece of fudge every day and it didnt' make me sick.  That led a a couple of cookies every day for a week(low in sugar cookies).  I am finally back on track and this week I lost 3 lbs!!!!  So the excitement is back and I am now thinking that I REALLY HAVE to start exercising!!!! I've been saying that but still haven't made myself do anything to work into a routine.  A few movements every now and then but nothing every day.  Really would like to make my Valentine's Day Goal of 205 (secretly it was 199).

Yesterday with Nutritionist

Sep 25, 2008

Well it appears I'm doing most things right.  Definately NOT getting enough liquid and I've been drinking caffinated coffee so guess I'll have to cut that out.  Besides being dehydrated, I feel pretty good.  I am at a stall and haven't lot anything in the last 2 weeks but after looking at my food journal, my nut said things should start moving along pretty soon. I read on the main forum here that Centrum vitamins were actually better than the recommended Flintstones but my nut said the reason they like the Flintstones better were because they have much needed iron in them.  Just an FYI


Sep 19, 2008

I cleaned the carpet last night with a shampooer.  Does that count as exercise?

5.5 weeks post op

Sep 17, 2008

My surgery went great!  I lost 17 pounds before my surgery date and have since lost another 23.  Learning to eat has been interesting.  It seems sometimes one food is ok only to find that a week later, it isn't.  Perhaps I am eating faster once I think the food is alright.  I don't notice that but maybe.....I seem to be stalled as I haven't really lost anything in the last week or two, only 1-2 pounds.  That is alright because I am active but not actively excercizing for 30 minutes or even 15 minutes.  I am trying to park further, take the stairs instead of the elevator since my knees are not hurting as much, small changes.  Every evening this week I intended to start walking at the park but so many things need to be done at home.  I don't get home until 6:30 or 7, wash a load of clothes, dry and put away, decide on something for hubby and myself for dinner, vacuum or sweep, make bed, take bath and the evening is over.  I know you just HAVE to do it and let something else go but we have 2 homes and I am only one person!  No matter which one I go to, there is catch up.  Hubby retires in January, we will then try to sell our main home (I'm having second thoughts on selling my home of 20+ years) to live on the 6.5 acres we bought in the country.  Our dream, but mine includes building a house there to replace the one we are selling and I'm not sure that will be possible with the bottom out of the housing market when we sell.  Stressfull situation.  Last daughter is now in college.......lives are slowing down.  Concentrating on ME now.

July 17, 2008

Jul 17, 2008

Each day I'm getting more used to the idea of having WLS.  Started yesterday trying to eat more protein and get used to how I'll have to eat later.  If I can lose a bit now, surgery will be easier. Have to start Liver Shrink Diet in about 2 weeks anyway.

About Me
Bartlett, TN
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 6
Yesterday with Nutritionist
5.5 weeks post op
July 17, 2008
