Apr 21, 2011

So i disappeared for a while because i was told i was denied....it made me so incredibly sad so i decided that being on here just wasn't gonna happen lol...while i was gone i signed up for esthetics's school and have been really loving it and doing really well...then today i got my call telling me my denial was an error on the insurances part and they worked out the problem and that i was accepted!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay meeeeeeeeee omg omg omg i am so happy but sooooooooooo verrrrrry scared at the same time...this day seemed so unreal and i honestly thought it wouldn't happen that i am in shock all at the same time..i go in tomorrow at 9am to get another EKG and after i return from my vacay in forks on the 3rd i am starting my 2 week low carb yet again lol...unfortunatly things with my friend jaana have gone sour but at the same time i have gotten really close to some other friends that have been around sense elm school and i couldn't be happier about life right now....everything is as it should be in my world
1 comment


Jan 22, 2011

So yesterday i had my endoscopy and all i can really say is omg!!! jeff was supportive until we had to spend near an hr waiting in the waiting room for my apt to begin, so i had to deal with him being a big angry baby and that really made the experience start off on the complete wrong foot. then when i woke up i was super nausious and dry heaving so much so that they had to bring me a puke bucket, then i had the worlds worst sore throat. I dont remember much as of when the procedure was happening but i do remember me gagging up a storm and nothing other then that. i asked jeff if i had makeup all over my face and he said no.....well when i got home and looked into the mirror i had mascara all over my face all n all it wasnt a good experience...although i give props to katie at the front desk foe doing her best to speed up the waiting process and the nurce who put my iv in was a total doll and the nurce who drugged me up was super sweet too and the guy who preformed my endoscopy he was awesome too i just wasnt cut out for this endoscopy nonsence

Endoscopy today!

Jan 21, 2011

I am getting ready right now for my endoscopy and not too sure how to feel about it i hope all goes well concidering i cant really breath out of my nose. i am on day 5 of my 40 carb a day diet and so far its been easy but as of last night i was really starting to miss my carbs and the headache started back up again lastnight and is still here this morning.i cant say much today cuz i gotta get up and get ready for my noon apt. jeffie poo is still being very lovey and helpful to me so maybe he is more supportive then i have given him credit for <3

Things are starting to move quickly.............finally

Jan 18, 2011

well i am on day 2 of my pre op diet and this no carb thing is giving me the headache from hell. i decided to start my 2 week pre diet a little early so as soon as insurance aproval comes back then i will be ready to go. i am hopeing for a jan 31st surgrey date so that i can still attend cosmetology school on march 14th but with my luck things will take longer then i would like.i am at this point still a little frightened but it seems to fade really quickly after i temind myself what i am doing this for. i said my good byes to food and spent sunday stuffing myself till i felt like puking and in turn it has made me nauseated to even look at most foods so i guess its working in my favor. hopefully my head ache dosnt get any worse but i havea feeling that it will. i have my endoscopy on friday and it isnt really bothering me because i have my mind all wrapped around my surgury comming up. also my boyfriend bought me a laptop so that i can enjoy myself some world of warcraft from the comfort of my own couch while i am couch bound after my surgury YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY i luv him he is so awesome to me

2011 is MY year!!!

Jan 01, 2011

 I returned home last night just in time to turn on the tv and watch the space needle light up for 2011! I left 2010 behind in the best way possible. Me and my other half spent 2 nights in ocean shores and it was incredible, then we drove to forks and la push for some twilight romance, then we stopped and checked out the half frozen and super beautiful marymere falls, then had the last meal of 2010 at Bella italiana it was kinda my good bye to noodles (my fav thing ever!!) then we picked up my pug gucci and headed home!! it was a great time and i loved every second of it !! Now that its 2011 I have decided that its my year and i am going to become the butterfly I have burried inside my fat suit!! I have my first apt with dr.billings in 7 days and hopefully my surgury soon after!! I am ready to start my life and with this weight on me I feel like it will never happen.I have been calling dr.billings office every day for the last few weeks seeing if there is a sooner apt but there never is and a few days seems like an eternity to me.......I am ready to live my life!!!

Getting back on track

Dec 28, 2010

So i think its time i get back on track. i have been over indulging in every delicious thing around me and saying my good buy's to sugar and things that will give me dumping later and in doing so i have gained 20 lbs in 2 months  I as of the first of the year will be more concious as to what i am doing. so until the first i better wrap on my good bye's


Its comming

Dec 26, 2010

I meet with my dr for the first time to talk about my sugury in 12 days and i am super excited but also am very scaared.... i dont do well with pain at all and have been known to be a big baby. i know deep down that this surgury is the way for me to go but i still have a voice in the back of my head telling me to just do it the old fasioned way, i have  had only minor surgury before and really dont know what to be expecting. i have a great support system from my sister who is living 3000+ miles away and plans on flying over to me 1-2 weeks before i have my surgury and plans on staying by my side for as long as possible (thank god for her)... i know everything will be alright in the end but I am scared of the begining (the pain, the worrying about splitting a staple, the feeling like nothing will go right for me, the newness and having to learn how to eat all over again)

The ball is slowly rolling

Dec 26, 2010

I am meeting with Dr.Billings on the 7th of jan and want time to quit being so slow for me lol I am soooooooooooooooo ready to go under the knife and begin this life changeing journey!!

About Me
marysville, WA
Surgery Date
Dec 11, 2010
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Friends 36

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