Second consult

Nov 26, 2008

So I had my second consult with Dr. Mecenas on Monday...I really like him...I feel so comfortable talking to him and he's just so sweet and's great! My former PCP was such an ass and had HORRIBLE bedside manner and Family Medicine wouldn't let me change doctors within the practice so I threatened to go somewhere else and they suggested seeing one of the NPs and I did and am very happy with her too. The support person said she wrote me a very good letter of support so I'm really glad about that.

The caveat? I didn't "make weight." And that's entirely my fault because for the weeks--ok months--I've been waiting for this appointment I could have gotten my ass in gear and sucked it up and done it. I was 254 and need to lose 7 more pounds...Now 7 pounds really isn't a big deal and I know if I applied myself I could do that in a couple weeks, so now I need a dose of motivation to get myself there...Being able to HAVE the surgery SHOULD be enough, but for some reason it's not. I better find some soon though, lol...

I go for blood work on the 11th as well as an upper GI series and then all that's left before we submit to insurance is me losing these blasted 7 pounds. I just have to DO IT!!!! As for a timetable? He told me end of at least  I have a time frame...OH and it looks like it's definitely going to be lap band, which is a HUGE weight lifted off me because I was so unsure...He basically told me to have the band without coming right out and saying it...and I trust his judgment.

So that's it for to bed to rest up for turkey day!


Nov 18, 2008

So my second consult is this coming monday (yay!!) but as I mentioned my insurance requires a 5% reduction in body weight before they will approve the lap band...When I first weighed in at doc Mecenas' office I was 260 (that was when I saw the NP). The first time I actually met with him I was 256...MY scale at home says 252...the problem is I think his scale adds like, 2 if I'm 252 @ home I'm probably 255 there...I need to be at 247 or lower. GGGRRR...But what has me REALLY flustered tonight is that I used to watch FIT TV a lot and there's this show called Namaste Yoga that I used to do...Just a half-hr of yoga...It's been literally a year since I've last done yoga and I am absolutely horrified at how difficult the poses are for me now. I can barely do some of them!!!! And as I was doing it I thought to myself "OMG last year you could do this with ease...Now you're so fat you can't even reach around your leg!!!" Needless to say it was a bit of a wake-up call. I have been VERY lax with exercise over the past 6 months or so...And I admit once I decided I wanted to pursue WLS I kind of gave myself permission to slack off because it was like, well, it's ok because soon you'll have surgery and THEN you can exercise...So tonight was both very frustrating, eye-opening, but also motivating...I HAVE to start exercising again!!!


Nov 14, 2008

So I just happened to have my cell phone on me @ work today and Dr. Mecenas' office called me to schedule my 2nd consult!!!!!

It will be on the 24th...Sooooo I have a little over a week to lose about 7lbs...stupid insurance requires me to lose 5% of my weight as one of the conditions necessary for approval of the surgery.  I was literally bouncing off the walls @ work today once I found out. MAYBE I will be able to have surgery before the end of the year this point, though, I told my dad and friends that the best Christmas present EVER would be a scheduled surgery date...Just so I KNOW that's the day my life changes forever. Because right now it's so unsettling not knowing...

The verdict is also in about which surgery I am going to have....DEFINITELY lap-band. After listening to all the people who have gone through it I feel like it's the best choice for me. So that has taken a huge load off now that I have made a definite decision. Of course I still want Dr. Mecenas' input, but I feel like he will agree with me that the band would be suitable...

I have also made another realization, ironically enough thanks to the nutrition class I took recently. I realize that a lot, and i mean A LOT of my food intake is due to a delayed response to stress in my life, most commonly work stress...It all stems from the unrealistic expectations I set for myself and from worrying about things and people I can't control. I have been bending over backwards forever trying to make EVERYONE happy....all my employees, my friends, family, you name it....all at the expense of myself. So if there's a situation @ work, I try to cater to whomever has the issue as opposed to telling them "this is how it is and if you don't like it you have every right to leave." So from here on out I am going to try to let go of the things I can't control and come to grips with the fact that I will never make everyone happy and people in general like to complain...and if I fix one thing, they will just find something else to bitch I am letting go of all that and will not be a pushover anymore...

But I am sooooooo excited about my consult! I will call my PCP to make sure she has the letter she told me she would write; I will make sure I lose the weight I need to lose to submit it to the insurance; and I have already completed my letter of understanding. So hopefully I'm on top of things...

Till next time! Tonight I go to bed emotionally "lighter."

Patience is a virtue!!

Nov 05, 2008

I made the serious decision to have WLS in May of this year, and it wasn't until the end of August that I was able to see the surgeon for the first time. Now we're inching closer and closer to 2009, only a couple weeks away from Thanksgiving, and I'm finding it hard to remain patient. I wanted surgery YESTERDAY!! lol I have been on youtube looking at before and after videos and find them SO inspiring. I want my after!!!!!!!!!!

At this point I am anticipating surgery at the beginning of 2009...I guess it's appropriate--new year, new me--but it is SO hard to wait! I am so excited!

I have been on the fence lately about which procedure I should have. I see pros and cons to both the lap-band and RNY...After my second consult I should have a better idea. I hope my insurance gives the ok...I want this SO bad...what a huge disappointment it would be if they denied me.

It's a waiting game....

And it begins...

Sep 16, 2008

My WLS journey is just in its infancy and I never anticipated that it would be such a process...Psychologists, nutritionists, support groups, meeting with my PCP to get a letter drafted etc...Don't get me wrong, I think it's very important, but it's just that now that I've made the decision to have WLS I want it NOW!!!!

I am already really enjoying the lap band support group though...I have been to every meeting since I decided I wanted to do this...What a great group of people; we laugh share stories, share's AWESOME!

I have been overweight for my entire life, and for the last decade I have done the yo-yo thing and I finally said to myself..."is this working?" and my answer was "NO!!" So it was time to seek out other options. That's when I began looking into weight loss surgery. My biggest motivation? Having re-gained 60 of the 80 pounds I had lost between '06 and ''s like, enough already you obviously can't do it alone...that's where the lap band comes in. I am ready to change my lifestyle...I just want the reassurance that if I start to veer off track something's going to be there to say "nope, not this time."

I have already met with Dr. Mecenas...what a cutie...I have a thing for cops but doctors are a close second hahaha.... He was VERY professional though, and I felt very comfortabe and really appreciated the time he took to explain the different procedures to me. Everyone in the support group LOVES him too, so I feel like I'm in good hands...

OK well, that's all for now...I've already met with the psychologist (weirdo) and will meet with the nutritionist on Friday, so things are moving right along...I will give myself credit for being persistent in making all the necessary appointments to try to expedite this process as much as I can. Of course the weirdo psychologist wants to see me back in 6 weeks and he won't give his OK till he does... (rolling my eyes) and who knows what the nutritionist will say...I was hoping to have surgery before the end of the year, but if it doesn't it's OK. I am committed to the process and will hold out as long as I have to...Till next time!

About Me
Ithaca, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2008
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