The best advice I can give: Exercise, exercise, matter how much you hate it....Cardio and weight lifting are equally important....and many say they don't know much about it or it's not their thing - MAKE IT YOUR THING and EDUCATE YOURSELF.... the continued results are priceless and make a world of difference.

But of course, work the food rules and let it work FOR you. I was a personal trainer in college and like to go to the gym for the most part, and was always athletic (softball, cheerleading, horseback riding, any outdoor activity), but I just ate too much...partly because I live in Louisiana and the food is to die for and partly because I just have a big appetite and was ALWAYS hungry which was so aggravating. It wasn't always what I was eating, it was just how much. I find that to be the case with many people as well....and when you work out and am always hungry, it's a losing battle and discouraging with results that weren't permanent. I went up and down on the scale, losing 50 lbs several times and overweight most of my life . So, I decided to fix the root of the problem: food intake! It was a great choice for me, and I wish I would've done this sooner. I'm grateful I did something about it while I'm at the age I am and before the health problems began to I have a family history of diabetes, heart problems, etc.

I was considered a lightweight, but I'm short for  one thing and am susceptible to health issues just like any other overweight person...and regardless of what my start weight was, I was unhealthy and I would've been battling it for the rest of my life.

There will always be a need for motivation and encouragement, but at least I know what WORKS and know I'm not wasting my time with another silly diet.


About Me
Baton Rouge, LA
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 26
