00- 05/14/03 - 282 --night before surgery            BMI= 51.6
01- 06/15/03 - 253 --(-29)
02- 07/15/03 - 242 --(-11) -40 total gone for good
03- 08/15/03 - 222 --(-20) -60
04- 09/15/03 - 211 --(-11) -71
05- 10/15/03 - 201 --(-10) -81
06- 11/15/03 - 188 --(-13) -94
07- 12/15/03 - 181 --(-07) -101
08- 01/15/04 - 175 --(-06) -107
09- 02/15/04 - 169 --(-06) -113
10- 03/15/04 - 167 --(-02) -115
11- 04/15/04 - 161 --(-06) -121                      BMI= 29.4
12- 05/15/04 - 161 --(-00) -121  ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!
13- 06/15/04 - 159 --(-02) -123
14- 07/15/04 - 159 --(-00) -123
15- 08/15/04 - 156 --(-03) -126
16- 09/15/04 - 156 --(-00) -126
17- 10/15/04 - 156 --(-00) -126
18- 11/15/04 - 156 --(-00) -126
19- 12/15/04 - 156 --(-00) -126

   WOW! It's been a while since I've update. I'm doing great. Still hovering at the 156 mark, which is ok with me.  I'd love to lose more but it just doesn't seem to be happening. As long as I'm not gaining I'm happy.  I guess more excersize would probably help.  My life is busy and hectic and wonderful.  Some days I still wake up and look in the mirror and can't believe it's me, I still expect to see that 300lb person, and she's not there.  I don't know what happened to the earlier post on my profile, seems like I'm missing about 4 months worth of profile posts.  OH Well. 

   Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I thank God for my life, and helping me get to this point where I actually enjoy my life.  I'm not just existing.  My life means something to me now.  I haven't lost anything in about 4 months, but it's ok.  I'm maintaining, not gaining, which is something I've never been able to do.  I have had my occasional slip ups, but then I get myself back on track.  Enjoy this wonderful time of the year!

   Nothing new to write about.  My life is full.  Still unpacking from the move.  Enjoying my new home.  Enjoying shopping.  Just enjoying life in general.

  It's been a long time since I've updated.  That's because there really hasn't been anything new to write about.  But, now there is.  We just finished moving in to our new home.  Without this surgery and losing 126 lbs I never would have been able to help with this move.  But, there I was going up and down stairs, carrying heavy boxes, and making it a lot easier for everyone.  I'm at a standstill with my weightloss for the last couple of months, but I'm okay with that.  I'm sure if I excersized more things would move along.  I'm not at all unhappy with my progress.  I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm loving life to the fullest now.  My energy level is great, except when I forget to take my iron, then I do feel a little tired.

  Last weekend we went to Fla to celebrate my parents 50th anniversary (It's really in Nov,but we had the party for them now because we all couldn't get the time off from work for thanksgiving week.)  We had a marvelous time.  It was the first time any one in Fla, besides my parents, had seen me since I had WLS.  I recieved so many compliments it was overwhelming.  Not bad, but overwhelming.  "You look like a little kid." "You're so tiny."  "You are so beautiful."  I even got up in front of everyone and read a poem that I had written for my parents.  I never would have done that before WLS.  I even took center stage and danced with my father.  We had a wonderful time.  I wore my size 10 dress.  I really felt so proud.  We all went to church together the next morning.  My parents were so proud to have all of their children and grandchildren in church with them at the same time.  It was the first time we were all together in my parents house in Fla since they moved there 13 yrs ago.  I feel so good about myself.  I'm enjoying who I am now and not hiding behind my obesity.  I voice my opinion, maybe not such a good thing all the time.  LOL.  The real me has emerged, and I like the real me a lot.  Thank you for listening.

  My new home is almost finished.  My parents 50th anniversary party in Fla is a week from Friday.  I'm down 126 lbs.  Bought a size 10 dress for the party.  New job position.  Happy as I've ever been with my husband.  My daughter is the light of my life. This is the first time in my life I feel I can say I am truly happy.  I am so Blessed to have such supportive people in my life. :-)

    Lost 3 of the 10 lbs I want to lose before I go to Fla on 8/20.  7 more to go.  I won't be upset if I don't lose it.  I've lost a total of 126 lbs, and my life is going so good right now.  Please, if this is a dream, DO NOT WAKE ME UP!!!!  :-)I never thought I'd ever be under 160 lbs.

   I JUST BOUGHT A SIZE 10 DRESS!!!!!!!!!  I got it at Annie Sez. First time I've ever set foot in that store.  I had to buy a dress for my parents 50th anniversary party in August.  I have never in my life wore a size 10.  I am THRILLED!!! and it is a gorgeous dress.  Black with purple flowers embroidered on the bottom left part of it. 

  Haven't lost anything this month.  Didn't get to make it to the thursday support group.  I started a new position at work this week so my life has been a little hectic.  I bought the zone pilates system that I'm going to start using this weekend so maybe I can get rid of some of my batwings and saddlebags, and the spare tire around my waste.  I know it won't get rid of the whole thing but, I've been very lazy with excersize so maybe this will help.  And I need to get out on my bicycle too.  :-). 

    Life is wonderful isn't it?  My nephew graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago.  My sister had a party for him, just family.  I had such a good time.  My sister's sister in law saw me for the first time since I had WLS.  She got out of her car and says, "Who's that?  OH MY GOD!!! It's Kelly.!! Kelly, you look marvelous."  Then she kept commenting on how tiny I am.  LOL  I don't think I've ever been called tiny in my life.  I was down on  the ground with my 4 year old twin nephews looking for pine cones, and building a "fort".  I felt so good.  I am on a little bit of a plateu again.  It's ok, I'll break it.  I want to lose 10 more pounds before I go to Fla on Aug 20.  So, I am going back to strictly basics.  I'm sure I'll be able to, but, if I can't lose 10, I'll still be happy with where I am now.  :-)

    Losing slow.  I've tried everything. Excersize, returning to basics.  But, I know I can do more excersize.  I'm happy though.  I feel good about me.  I love my new job, and am well liked.  I'm getting a promotion of sorts.  Moving to a different dept.  I love shopping now.  I do buy myself something new every week or 2.  I'm always needing new clothes.  I figure I have a lot of catching up to do.  And there are so many "looks" out there that I LOVE!!!  And now I can where some of them, not all, but, some.  I love jeans, capris, even wearing skirts.  I'm wearing heals now too.  Never thought that would happen.  I know I'm not at my goal weight yet but, Ya know, I'm happy. I'm healthy.  My husband and I are more romantic than ever.  If I never lost another pound ( or gained either.  lol)  I'd still be happy with my progress.  I wanted to be normal.  Dress normal.  Live normal. Eat normal.  And that's just what I'm doing.  I'm living my life for the first time, not just sitting and watching it go by.  So, if I stay at this weight, I feel that I have succeeded in my personal goal if not my weight goal. And that's more important to me at this time. I still have a lifetime of work ahead of me but, I've come this far, there's nothing in this world that would get me back to 300lbs.  The hard work is well worth it!!!!!!

   I can't believe it's been a year already.  Time flies when you are having fun. LOL.  I am having fun.  I'm having fun shopping and feeling sooo good.  I can do anything I set my mind to.  I'm down 121lbs.  I can wear size 10- 12.  I don't think I was ever able to wear clothes that small.  My shoe size is smaller.  I can walk up the stairs or around the block without getting winded.  I can tie my shoes.  I can see my feet.  LOL.  I can wear whatever I want to wear.  I can cross my legs and feel comfortable.  I can sit in any seat I want without fear of getting stuck in it or it collapsing underneath me.  My stairs at home don't squeak anymore when I step on them.  People talk to me, instead of avoiding me.  I never ever want to go back to being the obese person I was 1 year ago.  This is a new me, and I love the new me very much.  :-)

  11 months post-op, down 121lbs.  I've been losing pretty good this week.  This months 6 lbs were lost in the last 8 days.  I am sticking to basics.  The hardest part was making up the Easter Baskets.  The jellybeans almost got me.  But, I maintained my wilpower and didn't have any.  I'm proud of me.  In many ways I'm proud of myself.  I am very happy with who I am, and where I am at the moment.

  This is a few things to add to my "Never happened before" list.
First, a friend from work and I were talking about weight, I mentioned the bypass ( nothing I've ever hidden, I'm proud of my weight loss)  and I mentioned I wanted to lose about 30lbs more, if it happens.  She looked at me in shock, and told me, " NO, that's too much, you don't need to lose that much."  THAT made me feel so good.  No one has ever told me that I didn't need to lose that much.  I've also gotten into a size 12, and bought a size M(edium) pants that fit so well.  I'm feeling really good about myself.  I am down to 163lbs now. A total lose of 119lbs.  My BMI is under 30.  LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

Hi, tomorrow (3/15/04) will be 10 months since I had  my LapRNY.  I'm down 115lbs.  I use to wear a size 30, & 3x at my heaviest. Which was just before surgery.  Today I can wear   anything from 12-16 or m-lg, depending on the make and style.  Today, when I got up for church I put on an outfit that I had been planning on wearing all week.  I thought it would look okay.  Brown pants and an orange sherbet colored short sleeve sweater.  I looked in the mirror and saw someone I'd never seen before, ME!!!  The real me, emerging from my shell.  This set of a kind of chain reaction.  I asked my husband to take my monthly pictures (as I do every month.) I looked at the pictures on the computer, and there again I saw that same person looking back at me that I saw in the mirror.  I looked at the one of me from the back, I said to Bill "Is that how I really look from behind?"  He said, "Yep, that's you."  I grinned from ear to ear.  At church many people commented on how wonderful I looked.  When I got home from church, I decided it was time to go through my drawers and closet and get rid of all my "fat" clothes.  I never really wanted to before, because I think I hadn't accepted the fact that I am no longer an obese person.  I filled one large box, and 2 large green garbage bags with clothes.  I will bring them down to church tomorrow.  I know someone needs them.  I kept one sweater and one pair of pants to remind me of where I was.  Well, I put it on, and my daughter got herself into it too, with me, lol, we were both wearing this sweater, together. (she's 15, 5'7"  about 150lbs) We were laughing so hard, I was crying.   I went from  282lbs to 167lbs. I'd love to lose another 30lbs, but if I didn't lose another pound I'd still be very happy.  I think today I reached the point where I can actually see how much thinner I am.  This was the best day I've had since surgery.  I've said goodbye to the fat me, and hello to the healther, thinner me.  And I think I've fallen in love with her.  LOL.  Thank you for listening,  I'm sorry it's so long.  Has anyone else gone through this kind of metamorphasis?

    WOW!! Nine months out now.  Time sure flies when you are having fun.  LOL.  I'm now down 113lbs. Weighing in at 169.  I never thought I'd see that number.  Still losing about 6lbs a month, which I can handle.  I certainly wish it were more but, I'm not going to stress about it.  I've lost a total of 78" all over.  Many people still don't recognize me.  I love how I feel.  I have a ton of energy, and I love shopping.  It's so nice to pick something up and know it's going to fit.  I love buying clothes that I love wearing, instead of buying clothes just because they fit.  I fit comfortably behind the wheel of the car.  We went out to dinner for Valentine's Day, and we sat in a quiet secluded booth, and I fit, not only fit, but had room to spare.  AND  I've actually gone into Frederick"s and bought a cute nightie.  LOL.  44 yrs old, and finally feeling like the teenager / young adult that I never got to be when I was morbidly obese.  :-)  This is the best time of my life.

    This is probably going to sound like a strange situation to mention, and it is. A wonderfully strange situation. LOL. I recently started a new job. I was at my last job (bank) when I had the surgery in May 2003. EVERYONE knew about it, and were 100% supportive. Every day I was talking about the surgery, or someone was asking me how I felt, customers and employees made it a big part of my everyday life at work. Which I'm not complaining about. I appreciate that everyone was on my side, and  I was enjoying the compliments. I've since left the bank and am working in an insurance office. No one there knew me before, didn't know I weighed almost 300lbs. During my first few days there, getting to know people, I mentioned the surgery to a few of the women while we were sitting for lunch, showed pics of me before and answered questions. (I've never hidden the surgery, I don't feel I need to hide or be ashamed of it.) It was a pretty good ice breaker actually. Now, I go and sit and eat lunch with these ladies every day, and it's RARELY mentioned. It feels so good to sit with a group of co-workers and talk like a normal person (Pre-surg I would have sat by myself and not made any conversations,) and not have my weight be the center issue of every conversation. Is this what "normal" feels like? To be able to sit with people and have an enjoyable, normal conversation, AND BE INCLUDED, and not have my weight be an issue (either for them or myself?) Okay, done babbling. LOL. Down 112 lbs.

    Got the snacking under control.  I'm down to 175Lbs now. I've lost 107 lbs.  I feel great, having nothing to complain about. Thank you for helping me on my journey.

    Getting close to 8 months out.  I'm down 106lbs now, down to 176 lbs.  I'm feeling great.  I've found myself "snacking" too much, healthy, low carb snacks, but still snacking.  I'm correcting the situation by getting back to basics.  Protein first, then veggies, no or low carbs last. and plenty of water.  I haven't gained anything back, but I'm losing slow.  I don't want to gain anything back.  I've come this far to change how I eat, I'm not going back.  There's no way I want to end up back where I started from.  I feel too good to let that happen.  There's an old phrase that someone had told me years ago, it's been around for a while; " Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."  And it's true, there is no food in this world that I would take all my weight back for.  I love looking in the mirror.  I like having my picture taken. I'm healthier than  I've ever been in my life.  I went shopping today because I was a little down :-(  , shopping always  Anyway, I decided to be a little daring and try on size 14 jeans, and THEY FIT!!!!!!  Comfortably too.  I was so thrilled, I bought them and another pair of 14s.  It helped lift my spirits.  Last year at this time I was wearing a size 26 pants and now I'm a 14.  I'm grinning from ear to ear. :-)

    7 months 2 days since surgery.  I'm now down to 180 lbs, 102lbs down from the night before surgery.  I feel great,  I think I look pretty good.  MY blood pressure is down, my energy is up.  My relationship with hubby ;-D is, well, wonderful.. lol
I can sit indian style on the floor now, walking the mall is NOT a problem. The only problem I have with shopping now is spending too  I can also fit in booths at restaurants and behind the wheel of my car without feeling squished in.

   A new picture of me posted on here, from 11/29/03.  I'm down to 181, 101 lbs gone forever.  I feel great.  The pic is a little blury, sorry.  I've been at a bit of a stand still for about 2 weeks, but it'll get moving again.  Upped my protein and water and exersize.  I walked the whole mall this morning and got 90% of my Christmas Shopping done.  My daughter and I can share clothes now.. lol.. not that I really want to wear much of her stuff, nor does she want to really wear mine, but we can if we want to. :-)

   100 LBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!  I've lost 100 lbs!!!!!!  RNY Gastric Bypass 5/15/03 YIPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :-)

   Six months!!!!!!!  I can't believe it's 6 months already.  Time sure flies when you are having fun. LOL.  I'm now 188lbs, down 94lbs from where I started.  I have 6 more lbs to reach the century mark, 53 lbs to my goal.  I feel great, and I would not turn back time.  I have no regrets.  I love shopping, I love feeling good. and yeah, I like the compliments too.  The weight loss is a little slower now, but, like I've said before, as long as it's coming off and not going on I'm happy.  :-)

   93 lbs gone!!!!  I'm at 189 now.  This surgery was the best thing that I've ever done for myself.  I can now cross my legs with comfort.  I use the stairs instead of the escalators and elevators.  Buying clothes is so much fun now.  My work out schedule has been erratic for the past week because work has been extremely busy, and my father-in-law had a heart attack and had open heart surgery, so I haven't been able to get to him to workout.

   86lbs gone.. still losing very very slowly right now.  I'm trying to up all my water and protein and my walking.  I am losing some inches,, so maybe my body is just catching up.  I didn't get the promotion I put in for, but that's okay.  I can try again at a later date.  I just need more experience.  I'm down to a size 16 in pants,, larges in tops ( started out as 26 and 3XL)  I LOVE shopping now,,I never did before.  I actually cut up and cancelled my Avenue and Lane Bryant credit cards,, cause frankly their clothes are too big for me now  (aaww I'm sooooo upset,,, NOT.  LOL)

  I made it!!! I walked in the Making Strides against Breast cancer walk this morning... 5 miles. I'm proud of myself. I got a great morning of excersize and did something that will benefit millions of people :-)

   Yesterday was 5 months post op.  I've lost a total of 83 lbs as of this morning.  I am now UNDER 200lbs.  I haven't been under 200 in about 20 yrs.  I am THRILLED. I'm also waiting to hear about the promotion I put in for.  My supervisor says it looks good.  I should hear this week.  My weight loss has been slow the last month but, like I've said.. better coming off slow.. than going on fast.  :-)

   80 lbs gone.  It's been a slow loss the last couple of weeks.  But, better coming off than going on.  Got my hair cut, got contacts.  I feel great.  I have 3 more pounds to go and I will be under 200.  I can't remember the last time I was under 200.  I'm gonna celebrate with a new tattoo when I hit that goal.  I've read a lot of people saying that they get upset that people treat them differently after they've lost a lot of weight, and can't understand why, because they are still the same person as they were before.  Well, I'm going to disagree with that statement, at least for myself ( I would never speak for anyone else.)  I AM a different person.  I'm happier, healthier, more vocal than I've ever been.  I dress better, and take more pride in my appearance.  I was actually told I look svelte today.  I grinned from ear to ear.  I also put in for a promotion at work, which looks promising as of now.  I never would have done that before.  :-)  I love being a loser.

  75 lbs gone forever!!!!!!!!!  a little over 4 months out.  I'm happy, getting healthy, and enjoying life to the fullest.
   4 months post-op down 71lbs.  This is the best thing I've ever done for myself.  They other day I went to get fitted for contact lenses.. and I'm going to get a new hairstyle the end of this week.  I'm tired of hiding behind my glasses and my hair.  I feel great, getting tons of compliments, and for the first time I was able to shop in the misses section of the store and not the PLUS size section.  Happiness is being a Loser!!!!!!!! :-)

   Last night my brother had a big party.  I was nervous because I wasn't sure how I was going to eat.  I did FINE!!  Many things that I would normally have eaten, didn't appeal to me at all.  I had one cracker with some brie cheese, one appetizer that was made from a small round piece of toast and sliced steak, and I had a about 6 pieces of pasta with vodka sauce.  And I was satisfied.  I also looked good.. I bought a new outfit for the party, and was getting many compliments on how wonderful I look. ( RNY 5/15/03 = down 66lbs).  Here is a list of things that I've been able to accomplish so far;
 -- I can tie my own shoes without feeling like I'm going to pass out
 -- I can walk, and walk, and walk, without getting totally out of breath
 -- My blood pressure is down.
 -- I can buy some clothing in the regular misses dept, not totally dependent on "FULL Figure" specialty stores
 -- I can almost cross my legs comfortably
 -- I have a lot more self confidence in me.
Things I'm still looking to do;
  Go skiing - my brother is going to take me sometime this winter, I've been wanting to go for years, but couldn't.  I'm ready now.
  Share clothes with my daughter... lol.. She'll hate that.
  Buy a WHOLE new wardrobe of stylish clothes.

    Happy September!!!!!!!  3 1/2 months out down 64lbs, and lots of inches.  I've gone from a size 26w.. to an 18w.  My brother is having a party this weekend, and I splurged and bought a new outfit for it.  I haven't bought a lot of new clothes, just enough to get me through work, but this I decided to do.  I bought pallazzo pants and an Asian style blouse.  My hair will go up, which I never  I'm very excited about this.  I do my workouts 3 times a week with Dr. Dan.  I also walk every day on my lunch hour, even if it's for only 10 mins, I get myself up and moving because I sit all day.  The surgery was the best thing I've ever done for myself.  I feel good.. I'm starting to look good.  My BP is down.  And I'm HAPPY!!!!! Not to mention what it's done for hubby and me.. :-)

    I'm 3 months post op.  60 lbs down!!!!!!.  We just got back from vacation.  I was able to do Disney's Magic Kingdom from open to close and saw the whole park.  I felt great.  Yes I was tired after, but I DID IT!!!!!.. And I fit comfortably in the seats on the rides, and on the plane rides.  I'm happy with myself.  I did have a few extra carbs while I was away, but I still lost 6 lbs for the week.  Now I'm off all carbs for a while, so I can get back on track.

    50 lbs GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAHOOOOO!!!!.  Sorry.. but I am excited.  LOL.  I feel good.  I've started with a personal trainer. I go to him 3 days a week.  Plus I walk on days I don't see him.  2 1/2 months out.  I think I deserve to celebrate.  I just don't know what to do.  I'll think of something.  lol.

    9 weeks 2 days post op.  Down 43lbs.  I've been on a plateau for the past 13 days.  I think I finally broke it.  I upped my water and my protien.  And also upped my exersize.  I'm feeling really good.  My BP is down.  I can breath better.  And I can walk the mall better.  I finally went shopping for a few new clothes because my stuff was getting just way too big ( awwww... lol).  I've gone from a size 26 to a size 20 in pants.  Not too long before I can shop in a store that does not specialize in "women's sizes".  3 more weeks and we are off to Florida for a vacation and Disney, and my parents.  They haven't seen me since I was about 3 weeks out. Hope they see a difference.

   7 weeks post op.  Down 38 lbs. as of this morning.  I feel good.  My energy level is getting alot better.  I finally found a protein drink that I actually like and can tolerate.  Isopure, it's light, like fruit punch, not milk based (which I don't seem to be able to tolerate.)  It has 40gr of protein in a 20oz bottle.  I drink half in the morning, then the other half at night.  I bought and air walker excersize machine so I can keep up with my excersizing even when it's too hot or raining to go out walking.  I haven't shopped for clothes yet.  I'm kind of scared to.  Sounds silly I know, but, I'm afraid to try something on, and it not fit.  I'll get discouraged.  All in all I feel good. And in no way regret my decision to have WLS.  I wish I had done it years ago.

   5 weeks and 2 days post op.  Down 31 lbs.  Yesterday I had a little bit of a scare.  I was getting an ache in my pouch for about 2 days, then  yesterday morning I started getting a sharp pain anytime I took a sip of water.  I called the Drs office.  They had me come in right away.  He examined me, asked a bunch of Q's, and decided that all was okay as far as staple line and everything being attached okay. No hernias, and I no longer have my gall bladder, so we know that wasn't it.  He put me back on pepcid for 2 more weeks.  ( I had been off of it only 2 days when the pains started.) I'm feeling a lot better this morning, although I just woke up.. lol.

  one month and 2 days post op.  Down 29lbs.  Yesterday was my first day back to work.  I was so tired after.  But, it felt good to get back.  I'm feeling pretty good.  Some soreness still. 

   25 days post-op.  Down 26lbs.  I just got back from the Dr.  He's putting me on an anti nausea pill for a week.  I'm keeping food down, it's just hard to get it down first.  I go back to work a week from today.  I can't wait, I'm sooooo bored.  I feel good.  Still get tired some.  I can pretty much eat what ever I want and can tolarate now, just watch the labels.

    11 days post-op.  I'm feeling okay.  I've had some bouts with nauseua (I can never spell that word.. lol.)  I've lost 20lbs. so far.  I still get very tired.  But once I start taking my iron pills, my energy should go up.  I'm so glad I did this.  I keep wishing the weight would come off quicker, but I know it will come of... 20 in 11 days is not too shaby.  lol

   I'm now 5 days post-op.  I'm feeling pretty good.  I'm going to the Dr today to get the staples out.  I've already lost about 4lbs.  Actually, I had gained 4 coming out of the hospital, and have lost that plus another 4.  I hope that's normal. LOL.  I am surprised at how good I feel.  The only real pain I have is from the staples right now.  I think once they are removed I will feel a lot better.

   I made it.  surgery is done.  I feel okay..  Sore and tired, but okay.

   Well,  here it is,  it's 5:30 am, waiting to leave for the hospital.  In a few hours, I will be on the losing side.  I'm scared, i'm nervous, i'm excited, i'm happy.  I just can't wait for it to be done.  :-)

  2 more days.  I just got back from the cardiologist for a final cardio clearance..(lost 13 lbs since I saw him in January) now I'm all ready to go.  Getting my last minute stuff together.  A lot of nervous energy.  I have all of my prescriptions filled.  I have my shakes in the house.  Just need the day to get here.

  5 more to go.  I went for my binder the other day, have that home with me, ready to take to the hospital.  I had my pre-surgical testing done on thursday.  On thursday I also started my full liquid diet.  Today and tomorrow I'm going to go shopping to make sure I have everything I need in the house for at least a week after surgery.  Hubby will be home with me for the first week.  But, I don't want to make him run all over the place.  I'd rather have him in the house with me as much as possible.

   8 more days to go.  I've had my pre-op visit with Dr. Adaniel and his PA.  Today I go for a fitting for my abdominal binder, tomorrow pre-surgical testing, Sat. medical clearance, next Tues. cardiac clearance... then I'll be almost on the other side.  I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!

  12 more days to go. Will it be here quick? Or will it drag?? lol .  Sometimes it seems like it's never gonna get here.  But, then I look at how long I've been working on this, and it all seems to have gone so fast.  I can wait... i can wait.. i have to. I have no choice.  lol

  15 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

   I have my appts set for my medical clearance, and pre-surgical testing, the head of bariatric, and and my presurgey surgeons appt.  16 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Three more weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!  I can't wait.  I feel calm, yet nervous and anxious at the same time.  I want time to hurry up.  I can wait 21 more days, just not patiently.. lol.

  One more month to go.  30 days.  It seems like it's so far away.  But I know it will be here soon.  I just pray nothing happens to have the surgery postponed again.  30 days.  4 weeks. ONE MONTH!!!!!!! :-)

  Today is my 6th anniversary of not smoking.  HOpefully next year I will be celebrating 1 yr ann. of WLS.  May 15th seems so far away, but I know it will be here before I know it.  I went to Trader Joe's today, and bought some shakes and bars.  I want to try to get as much as I can into the house before I go into the hospital.  So that I don't have to keep asking hubby to go out and get stuff.. LOL.  I got my fan, which seems to be on the top of almost everyones list of things to have at the hospital.  I got my slippers, and my chap stick.  I can't think of anything else right now, but I know in 5 weeks I will be able to think of some other things.

  OKAY... we are going to try again.  I have a "definate" date of may 15th. I'm disappointed that I had to be pushed back, but, I've waited this long.. 6 more weeks isn't all that bad.

  I"VE BEEN PUT ON HOLD... temporarily..

  Well.. don't know if surgery is a go yet.  Insurance is giving a run a round.  So April 1st might not happen.  I'm not happy at all.  I feel like my life is in limbo. Everything was going so smoothly too. Oh well.. i hate this.

  I'm waiting, and waiting. lol.  3 weeks and 2 days to go until my surgery.  I'm hoping I get the early surgery, I'd hate to sit around all day waiting for it, but, i've waited this long, I guess waiting a few hours on that day won't make a difference. April 1st will be the day of my rebirth. I can't wait.

  Well, I'm just waiting now. Waiting for April 1st to get here.  It will go fast, it will go slow,  LOL, but it will get here.  I've gone to one support group, it was very interesting.  I'll go to another on March 1.  I have another appt with Dr Adaniel on Feb 27.  I guess that's when they give me all the do's and don'ts for before surgery.  I want this done,  I mean now.. lol. I want to get started on my new way of life.

 I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!  A tentative one anyway, but it's still a date.  LOL.. Pending Insurance approval, I will be on the losing side on April 1, 2003.  I can't wait. I'm nervous, excited and scared.. lol.

 I had a little set back.  Small one.  I went for my first nutritional counseling at the hospital on January 21. The hospital requires two counseling sessions before they will schedule surgery for you. After the first one, I went to make an appt for the second one (I wasn't told when I made the first, that I'd need a second or I would have made th

About Me
massapequa park, NY
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
5/14/03 the night before surgery
6/27/04 -123lbs 8/21/04 daughter,me,hubby 126lbs gone for good
