
Sep 10, 2007

Well I had my initial consult today. My surgeon will be Dr. Brenda Cacucci at St. Vincent Carmel Bariatric Center. I have decided to have gastric bypass rather than lap-band because the Dr. and I both feel lap-band wasn't appropriate for me with my history. I am looking forward to continuing my journey. My psych eval is scheduled for Monday Sept. 17. Onward we go!!
God Bless All

It figures

Aug 23, 2007

Just an update. I had bladder surgery last October and weighed in at 376 lbs. Well to make my week go oh so much better I decided to step on a scale. Big mistake!! I have gained 29 lbs and am now at 401. I swore I wanted to be dead rather than over 400. Well guess that has changed since I found out about wls. Still can't wait. I am so ready to get this done.


Aug 16, 2007

Well I have my initial consultation set up finally. It will be on September 10. I can't wait. I so excited to start the process and get healthy!!

About Me
Vincennes, IN
Jul 24, 2007
Member Since

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It figures
