
Apr 24, 2009

Hi all,

I'm back home - with my new baby stomach! Surgery went well, and though the first day I was pretty out of it (something my sister has been poking fun at since - gotta love the fam, eh?) by the second day I was feeling much better and had significantly reduced pain and nausea. So on the morning of day 3, they decided to send me home - yay!
I have to say the nurses and staff at St. Joseph's were all so wonderful, really top notch, and cool folks. Having my 5 year old niece stick around and go on my walks with me probably help charm folks as well and break the ice with most people... :)
At one point, this woman started chasing me down the hall, and asked me what kind of surgery I had had, I told her it was a Gastric Bypass, she asked about my doctor, and then told me she had had the same surgery by the same doctor 7 years ago. She was there visiting her sister and saw me walk down the hall and decided she had to talk to me and give me some encouragement. She looked AMAZING! Thin, fit, she was wearing a sleeveless top, so I could see her skin was tight, and the best part was - she was the same age I am now when she had her surgery, she had to lose more than I do, and she never had to have any plastic surgery, she said she just worked out a lot and kept doing strength training. That meeting was so inspiring for me! Really cheered me up. Thanks Melanie - wherever you are!
I weighed myself this morning, and it looks like I've lost almost 30 lbs since I started this whole process (I was 255, which was so cool because the 70's and 60's went by so fast, I barely got to see them on the scale!!). My "can't really close anymore" pants are now loose, and perfect for wearing even over my staples which come out in about 10 days. I am feeling very encouraged. I'm still very tired all the time, and can't really do too much running around before I have to rest, but I expected that, and I know it will get better as long as I make sure to eat and drink properly and get enough exercise.
I know I've been "thank you" crazed lately, but I just can't help it, I am just so truly grateful to everyone who has been cheering me on and supporting my efforts. I never expected this, and it's lifting my spirits more than I can say. So thank you again for being a part of this, I can not do this without you, look how far we've come already, and this is just the beginning!!


About Me
Glendale, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2009
Member Since

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