(PreOp) One month in -- it's a long one

Oct 04, 2017

I apologize for not keeping up on here better, but I haven't really had anything eventful going on. I figured it is best to update when there is actually something happening, rather than to just have a bunch of filler.

Let's start with non-weight loss updates...

Life has been going well. School is going great! I found out (yesterday) that I have a 102.29% in my English class. That made my day! I've been studying nonstop and working very hard. I've made it my goal to get invited to join Phi Theta Kappa... a very prestigious 2-year college honor society. This week has been full of mid-terms, so stress has been through the roof. Tomorrow is the final midterm for me, thank goodness! Then it's just the waiting game to find out my grades in the other classes.

In my American and Wyoming Government class I had a project of writing a personal mission statement, and writing a letter to myself. My professor had us turn them in in a self addressed and stamped envelope, and he will be mailing them to us in 5 years. I was so dead set on ensuring I get my letter back that I went and got a PO Box haha. 
Why am I rambling about this personal mission statement? Well...
I found this to be my most difficult assignment to date. Silly, right? I've never written any sort of mission statement. He gave us ideas (ie. write about your accomplishments, write about your goals), but I found myself coming up with some very generic topics. I sat down one night after everyone else was asleep... I googled how to write a personal mission statement. Then it made sense. The first part of personal mission statement is PERSONAL... it's not a professional mission statement, which is where I was heading with mine. When I googled how to write it, I came across this link https://liveboldandbloom.com/10/writing/personal-mission-statement. This is what helped, a ton!
After completing the steps... this is what I came to...
"My mission is to regain control of my life, health, and future; and always be the best version of myself. As well, it is my mission to be a positive influence in those around me. Also, to understand that I am worthy of success; and that success is not to be feared, but it must be earned."

This assignment may be the most meaningful thing I have done in years. This assignment taught me that who I am, and who I want to be, are worlds apart. I have begun to made strides to do as I said "be the best version of myself". 

I was always on facebook, only getting off of it when I had to. Frequently getting wrapped up in stuff that didn't matter, and ignoring the things that did matter. Facebook was one of the first things to go once I realized this. I actually disabled my account for 8 days. At first I realized just how dependent on Facebook I am. As the days went on I found myself reading more, and keeping up on news better. I also found that the true friendships mattered more, while the fillers didn't. 
I went back to Facebook on day 9.
Moaning, groaning, complaning, negativity, ugliness (not physical). That's all I saw. I instantly deleted the app. I left my account going so that I can use messenger and utilize facebook when I need it; but overall, I have stayed away.... and it feels great!

Now... for the health....

Had my follow-up appointment with my new doctor today. We went over my blood work, took my weight, etc. 
Blood work: 
My TSH is only slightly off now (currently at almost an 8). My levothyroxin is being upped from 100MCG to 112MCG. 
My fasting blood sugars were slightly elevated (thanks PCOS), but my A1C was perfect.
My blood pressure was perfect, a "text book case", in the words of my doctor. Of course, I was put on blood pressure medication when I went in last time. Unfortunately, that particular medication has been causing me to cough--a lot. I'm sucking on 10 (or more) cough drops a day. I didn't check the calorie content of them until today. 210 calories PER COUGH DROP!! I almost fell out of my chair! That nearly my daily calorie content in cough drops!! So, new medication coming for that...
My cholesterol.. this is what shocked us all. My cholesterol was not only good, but it is LOW! He said he almost never sees that, even in people who aren't obese! I was pretty proud of that one!
Finally... my weight...
Highest weight: 365 lbs. 
Weight a month ago: 358.8 lbs.
Weight today: 350.8 lbs!!!
I know it doesn't seem like much, but this is pre-op. I also haven't worked out, at all. This is simply adding in either a banana or a greek yogurt for breakfast. I have incoporated more protein. I have not cut out carbs, I don't count carbs, but I have made changes... I have been avoiding sweets, I don't have potatoes on the side, I have veggie pasta (not a fan of Zoodles), I have whole wheat/multigrain bread, etc. I also followed my physicians instructions on the 5 minute timer! Drink at least one half liter of water before eating, then set a 5 minute timer, eat for 5 minutes, then stop when the timer goes off. I have found this to be extremely helpful in teaching me to listen to my stomach and not my food addiction. I don't always do the 5 minute timer, and I told my doctor this. I am a very slow eater, and in the 5 minute time I realized I was gorging myself and it seemed counterproductive at times. We determined that I am making progress in recognizing and changing my food addiction, so he said to only use the timer when I feel it is necessary.

I have to lose at least 10% of my beginning body weight, that's 36.5lbs, before my insurance will agree to surgery. So far I am15 lbs down, 21.5 lbs.

On the 9th my boyfriend goes in for his appointment.
On the 27th I go for my initial appointment with my surgeon. 

Hope you're all doing well
Thank you for reading 

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Aug 24, 2017
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