Monday, June 22

Jun 22, 2009

WEIGHT:  278.  I'm down another 2 pounds!  YIPPEE!! 

DIET:  The past week-that I haven't blogged-has been pretty good.  I've kept my protein up--over 50 grams a day, my calories down--under 1100 and I've done relatively well.  Today; not so good.  I'll explain more in my MISC area.

EXERCISE:  not a lot of exercise going on.  I'm in a lot of pain and am afraid to do much walking until I talk with the doctor.  I'm hoping to know more tomorrow.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital  
                                Wednesday 7.8--RI Hospital Support Group from 7- 9pm at RI Hospital

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

INSURANCE:  Nothing new.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.  I forgot to call today.  I need to do that tomorrow afternoon.

EMOTIONS:  I've been on a roller coaster over the last week.  I've been in a lot of pain and my marriage is struggling with the back issues and the weight loss surgery and the children being here and underfoot and my not working and his worries about the Short term disability kicking in and....well.  It's been rough.  

I had an MRI this morning (w/contrast) to see if there was another herniated disc or if I re-herniated the repaired one.  I have the films and it looks as if there is a bulge/herniated area but when I emailed the doctor, he said that "it looks terrific and you should be turning the corner soon"  So after laying on a hard, flat table this morning for 55 minutes, I've been very slow moving.  The pain was pretty bad when I got home and I took some pain meds and went back to bed for an hour (after crying myself to sleep).  Still have pain.  I've had pain all day.  And of course, no phone call from the surgeon's office. So, if no phone call tomorrow, I think I'm going to get a second opinion.  I am also seeking an attorney to see what options I have since this injury happened on a property where my employer rented office space.
So with this going on, my diet hasn't been great.  I've been eating things that I shouldn't have.  I've stayed within my 1100 calories per day unless I've done walking or working on the house and then I've added some calories but not a lot. I was very happy with my 2 pound weight loss.  I hope when I add walking 3x a week and doing water walking at Bally's 2 x a week, I'll continue with the weight loss.

Mycah returns back to Indiana on Thursday and I know I am going to miss her terribly.  It's been wonderful to have her around.  She's been a huge help and I've loved our time together. I'm hoping she'll be back out at the end of July for my birthday.  She's been wonderful here and I truly am going to miss her.  I just hope I don't cry when she leaves.

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About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
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