It's been that long, huh?

Jun 26, 2010

My goodness, I feel terrible.  It's been quite sometime since I've dropped a note.  It's been super busy around here. School (myself and the kids), hubby injured himself at work, helping care for my grandmother, just life in general.  I've made it to the 100 pound down mark!! Actually I'm at 112 pounds lost!!! Yayyyyy!!! But, there hasn't been very much action since.  I saw Dr. Kole for my one year visit, we discussed a possible second surgery.  He wants to see me again in November to see if I am at a stall, he said this could happen with VSG patients, especially those of us that have large amounts of weight to lose.  We discussed my options, RNY, DS or Lapband.  I've discussed it with Hubby and I told him, if  Dr. Kole deems it necessary, I only want to go for the Lapband.  It'll be a overnight proceedure and it could be just the re-kickstart I may need.  i'm still exercising regularly, sticking to my eating plan, have a treat every blue moon (honestly- no craving for anything really bad).  I'm going to do a liquid diet for about one week (you know the one we did just before the surgery), Dr. Kole said it could get things moving again and I may be able to avoid the second surgery.  We'll see, and I'm praying he's right.  If I do have the second surgery, only those that live in my house, my best friend and my God son will know.  I don't want to go through the drama- for what I am dubbing, "Maintenance Surgery!"  I'm not ready to argue that my surgery failed, because in all honesty, it didn't fail- I've lost 112 pounds and without the Sleeve, I wouldn't have been able to do it.  I wouldn't be living the life that I am living right now.  I've developed a confidence in myself, I love myself, to be honest- I'm having a blast!! I'm going places, baseball, hockey, basketball and I will be going to my first football game in about 33 years!!! I've been to plays and concerts, I've walked around the mall without having to stop to catch my breath.  I'm working out and I love it, even when I get an awful cramp in my calf from pushing myself a bit too hard!!!  I can walk my dog for a mile and I enjoy it.  My neighbors have noticed not only the weight loss, but my attitude, I actually stay outside and chat with them.  My family has to get me to squeeze them into my "social calendar!"  I was trying to decide the gift I was going to give myself for losing my first 100 pounds.  After talking with my best friends- they reminded me of something that I've always wanted and this would be the perfect time to get it:  A TATTOO!!!!  So I then had to decide what that tattoo would be.  I've decided on a butterfly.  Because I  have shattered the cocoon that once held me captive and separate from the world. I talked it over with the Hubby, he's all for it, he's told me he's in this with me and anything I do that keeps me or helps me get healthy and whatever I do that makes me happy that isn't illegal or hurt anyone (we both laughed)- he's all for it! He's told me he loves the fact that he sees me smile all the time, he said he missed my smile- I love him soooo much.  My kids love helping me pick out new clothes.  I've actually been able to shop in stores, I haven't done that in over 10 years!!!  I also have sent a thank you to my GYN (sorry fellas- but it is what it is)!!  She's been the other half of me getting my life back.  I've purchased my first pair of white capris, wore a pair of off white pants, and I'm buying pale pink capris!!!  i've not been able to wear light color pants, skirts, dresses, capris- nothing below the waist could be light colored- just in case I had an "accident!"  This year has been wonderful.  I LOVE MY LIFE!!! And I'm thanking God everyday for every single moment.  I'll keep you all posted on what happens.  You all are always in my prayers, please keep me in yours!

Have a great summer & be blessed


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2006
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