another trip to SAN DIEGO

Sep 13, 2008

so I had still been having trouble with keeping liquids down not so much water but the protein would not stay down for as much as I tried. On September 4Th I had a check up with Dr. Rumsey and he checked me out and immediately sent me to the ER. at Mercy Scripts. He would have sent me closer to home bought thought it would be better if he kept an eye on me. I was waiting with my mom at the ER. had blood test taken as well as a urine sample. Come to find out I was dehydrated, low on potassium and magnesium. they sent me to the back and set me up with the IV's. My ER Dr. was a cutie he took great care of me had me go through a Cat Scan and Ultrasound. Everything came out positive no abnormalities. I was admitted that night and had an endoscopy scheduled. What had happened was that my ulcers were healing but there was one stuck in the passageway of my new stomach. Dr. Rumsey was there immediately and scheduled a PICC where I would be receiving the nutrients I was lacking. While at the hospital I was doing very well. I felt better and was walking frequently. I had friends call and check up on me. Even my new OH friend Lynn was a sweetheart and assured me I would get better. "Thanks Lynn it worked I feel great". After a few days Dr. Rumsey figured I could start on yogurts I did very well. He was ready to release me after he knew I was able to tolerate yogurt, protein drinks, and cottage cheese. We had some difficulties with setting up Home Care for my PICC line through Kaizer. So Rumsey said I might not even need the PICC after all He kept me an extra two days for observation and Removed the PICC line. I was released on Thursday Sept 11Th. I felt so good that I went to a Football game with my friends the following day. They picked me off and dropped me off we had a blast. Today I have been working on my water and protein intake. My sweet loving Grandmother made me a shrimp soup I had four shrimp in a yummy broth. I was able to keep it down and it tasted amazing. I am sooooooo looking forward to getting back into the gym next week with my trainer. so far I've lost a total of 40lbs the only thing that sucked was that during the hospital stay I gained 9lbs due to the liquids lol ohh well so I'm at 31 lost lol. I'll be working on that soon enough no worries. which reminds me I need to schedule a follow up with DR. Rumsey ooooooooops


Aug 24, 2008

Well wouldn't you know sick yet again and went back to the hospital Wed.August 2Oth just got back today August 24th turns out the opening to my stomach pouch was very narrow and wouldn't allow anything to go down...So with a tube and camera going down my throught they mannaged to make the opening wider with a balloon that expanded at the end of the tube. I hope this is finally the end of the sickness. I'm sooooooooo worried that because of my ilness these past 2 weeks the lack of protein and vitamins in my diet are going to affect my progress.  I'm just gonna have to tough it out.

A special thanks to my friend Lynn D. for her encouraging words and support. 

weigh in August 13th

Aug 18, 2008

I guess the upside to the Drama is that I lost 25 lbs lol

Got sick

Aug 18, 2008

So last wed.Aug.13th I got really sick was throwing up all night and figured I'd wait to see Dr. Rumsey being that I had a follow up with him the next morning. My brother drove me to my appointment in Anaheim and I threw up about 5 times on the way there. I was not able to keep any liquids down what so ever. Dr. Rumsey saw me and immediatley sent me to San Diego where they had a room ready for me. The drive there was tough because it was 2 hrs long and I was throwing up all the way there. Fortunatley I didn't have to wait I went to Scripts Mercy and Dr. Rumsey directed me to the fith floor where my room was waiting for me and I was set up with IV fluids and Anti nausea medicine. The first medication didn't work so they gave me a stronger one. and I was restricted of anything by mouth to clear out my system.The staff was great as always and took great care of me. my blood work and labs turned out good so there was never any determination on what had happend though the Drs. said it wasn't un common for this type of thing to happen. I began on yogurt and a protein shake today August 18th and was released so far so good no nausea.Though I have to admit I feel weird. My body feels numb almost in a depressed state. I know i'm stronger than this but I could use all the help I could get.

The Struggle

Aug 07, 2008

So it's been three weeks to the day already I haven't checked the scale yet because i'm waiting for my appointment with Dr. Rumsey Next Thursday August 14th. Today was rough I've been struggling with watching my family eat around me when I'm only allowed to eat certain foods as directed by my surgeon. Today I ate one of those costco cookies and became sick almost instantly. I threw up and felt gross and worst of all felt upset with myself. I knew this was going to be a struggle from the begining, but I didn't realize I would be weak enough to give into temptation so quickly. I need to work on "Mind over Matter" but it's tough. other than that I feel great. I'm walking every night for half an hour yesterday I was even jogging a little bit, but something tells me maybe I should do more exercising. because other than my walks i'm stuck at home doing nothing. I've been working on dumb bell weights because I can feel the jiggles in my arms. Is it me or am I reading to much into this??


About Me
Aug 02, 2008
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another trip to SAN DIEGO
weigh in August 13th
Got sick
The Struggle
