I started my story on Facebook, so I will share those posts here:


I have really been undecided on whether I wanted to share my new journey with people but decided a lot already know. While it is embarrassing that I have let things go this far, I have to do what I feel is best for my health and future. I have decided to have Gastric Bypass surgery. I have many conditions, first being PCOS, diabetes, sleep apnea, severe insulin resistance and obesity first and foremost. At this age it is too young for these issues. With my mother dying at 40 ...from a heart attack and my grandmother in her 50's from a heart attack, I really had to make some changes. I have surgery on Wednesday. I'm excited for this new journey. I have done 6 months of strict diets, exercise, doing what the different things I have been asked and am ready to be the new Krystal! I know there are risks but every day that I spend morbidly obese the risk is far greater. I am glad to have Phillip Slate as a husband he has loved me every shape and size I have been. He's never had any issues with my size and loved me for me. He deserves me forever at my best. Jacob Slate and Logan Slate have never mentioned my weight and logan always says I am not fat, but I want to be the example they deserve and if it is God's will I want to be there to see my grandkids and enjoy them. This is my life and I am taking it back. I am embarrassed I could not do it with out this tool, but sometimes you need the right tool to get the job done right! Prayers for this process to be a blessing and support any time I am slipping. Cindy E Colegrove-Whitfield no drinks or forcing me to eat at holidays... lol Carl Colegrove and Anita Colegrove thanks for letting me take this time from work to make myself better!


09/23/2015 SURGERY DAY

Ready for surgery! love to everyone! Mom loves you Jacob Slate and Logan Slate Forever and Always! Love ya Phillip Slate!



ok so if i would have understood the pain ahead of time i would have been way to scared to have the surgery. .. my thinking has changed though in just a few days. i am moving forward and doing what i got to do. I took pain meds 1 whole day and stopped do to fear of them but i pressed on. i hope in 6 months to 20 years from now i can say it was a great decision. i love food and someday i can enjoy a bite here and there but for now I'm drinking liquids, walking and pushing through. Each day is different but better somethings feel worse but i did just have a major operation... it seriously was like i was hit by a semi, not sure how that feels but was horrible.

the day before surgery i was 271 lbs. im not suppose to weigh myself cuz all the iv fluids but i want to blog my journey, 271 is rediculous. .. people in other countries are starving and i was eating enough to feed them. .. i want to be thinner but healthier, i can not wait to reach 220, then 199 then hopfully 155... im heavy chested so i give myself sind exits pounds to be at but my goal is 155!



Surgery was Wed. starting weight was 271, today 5 days later my weight is 257... obviously this dust free weeks will be faster with liquids only but petty nice loss so far. Today i get hungry, not humger like before just a growl. i do have a minor headache, small cough. i slept through the entire night for the 2nd night in a row. foods still look desirable but are not safe. i still cook dinner each night too many leftovers but the dogs are sure to love it... i happier today more than yesterday but hopefully not as good as tomorrow. .. ps. started the grey's anatomy series... perfect timing for my walking schedule



Today is Day 6 ... technically a week since surgery.. today i have had different pains. my muscle stitch doesn't hurt as much instead more central pains and bladder pain (maybe ovaries.. i wouldn't know) today hunger is back, cravings are back. i finally ate well drank cream of chicken soup, watered down. 6 oz filled me up for hours... now i'm hungry again, even strong growls... but down 4 more lbs. woooohoooo



Down to 251 lbs. I knew it would make getting under 250 a job but that is fine, I am down 20 lbs in exactly a week! I know that is crazy weight loss, and seems extreme. Prior to the surgery I lost 14 lbs on my own which was such a struggle (6 months of working hard) Now that I am looking back at the pain it is starting to seem like it was worth it. My life does seem like it is getting better. The laproscopic wounds are itching like crazy!! I am getting hungry now, I have fou...nd 4 oz. is satisfying so I am not doing 6 oz any longer. I get in 50 grams of protein via 1 ISOPURE and 6 oz. of Fairlife Milk. Everything I eat is additional protein at this point. I am meeting my goals of walking every hour (I actually walk a lot more than required) I get more than the 50 oz. of liquid required as well. So I am walking, staying hydrated and filled with protein. I am actually doing ok with artificial sweeteners which I could not stand prior to surgery. I would have to say at this point things seem up! Right now it is a lot to make sure I am doing everything the right way. They were correct when they told me I had jobs but it is great to see the weight loss! Pain is still there sitting low to ground is too much! Last night I laid almost flat and slept first time not propped all the way up!



well down just 1 pound again, so the weight loss has slowed. i am sooooooo thirsty, i just want plain water but it's hard to tolerate. I itch EVERYWHERE from the shoulders to the waist. my rings fit loosely today. Ready for puree foods... Thursday cannot get here fast enough... lol



Hunger is my new stumbling block! Liquids don't fulfill it. I'm trying hard to keep my eyes on the prize but food is all i can think about... this is harder than i imagined, but I'm doing it. Figuring out what to do outside the him he is hard since plain water sends sharp pains through me and i live water. ... i can do this, just harder today than yesterday.



s the 11th day after surgery, that's how i look at my days now. Weight-loss had slowed. i consume around 400 calories a day and 60 g of protein. i still have minor pain. the swelling had gone down. i have lost 22 lbs in 11 days. i get hungry and tempted... no cheating yet! mt incisions and drain hole are all scabs. i have my first follow up tomorrow to get me ready for puree



It has been a while since I updated. Things are starting to make sense and go smoother. I am on puree which is not near as bad as I thought. Before I was sure I would just do yogurt and smooth stuff, they idea of eating puree replused me. However, I have pureed lots. Its not that bad. I have found I can eat about 6 oz. of food. Think goodness for ziplock steamer bags! All my incisions are scabbed. I do struggle with the drain sore as it is located in the bra area. I have not weighed myself in days due to the week 2 stall. I have decided to wait until my next dr. appt. Monday 10/19. I have over ate 1 time, I waited too long to eat and ate to fast. It was painful, caused me to salavate which inturn caused me to vomit. It really wasn't like vomiting more like a hiccup with lots of spit and some food coming up. It did not hurt but was very weird and uncomfortable and will not happen again. I am still sore... I stretched reaching for something and it restarted the orginal pain on the left side. Getting up and down hurts and getting in to the drivers side of my van hurts. I find sitting out the couch with my feet up helps eliviate the abdonmen pain.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2015
Member Since

Friends 1
