
Dec 27, 2014

I did manage to survive the Christmas holiday dinner.I was able to hold down one fried mozzarella stick, three teaspoons of wedding soup, less than a quarter of a stuffed mushroom, and about 2 spoon full of shrimp ratatouille. I really hate eating now. There really is no enjoyment in it al all. It  feels that I am just eating to survive..and I don't like that feeling at all. I am really having trouble with the psychological aspect of the post surgeryMy guess is that after the New Year I will be looking into seeing a psychologist. At a recent support group that I attended I met a psychologist whose practice specializes in the counseling of bariatric surgery patients, and I think it might be a good idea if I meet with her.

Friday night was also pretty difficult for me. One of my closest friends(who happens to be a food addict--but a real skinny one) recently turned 60, and his wife and kids decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. Of course., it had to be in a great Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village. All night long all I heard was "pass me that plate, Lance". A night of total torture!! I was only able to eat 2 small pieces of hard cheese, a small mozzarella ball, one piece of fries calamari, and about 1 ounce of chicken Marsala. So disappointing. But it was a great celebration night, and I was really glad to be a part of it despite the limitations. Speak to ya soon. 


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