Dominick Gadaleta

"Dr. Gadaleta saved my life! Yeah I read stuff about his bedside mannor, but I don't see what people are talking about. I think he is truly understanding about morbidly obease people, and cares enough to explain in detail the pros-and cons. I think If you are lucky enough to have Dr. Gadaleta perform your surgery you will be as grateful as I am. Yvonne is also wonderful she takeS care of everything that leads up to the actual date. This my friends is a winning team, you are sure to succeed with the help of Dr. Gadaleta, and Yvonne. "

Maria Musso

"An awsome Dr. I am so greatful to my PCP Dr. Musso, she referred me to Dr. Gadaleta the surgeon who saved my life."

North Shore University Hospital - Manhasset (COE)

"A good hospital, very clean and modern, all the rest is the same as any place else-nothing special."

Hope Klopchin

"At first I was not happy that she suggested I go for additional therapy, but now I am glad, I didn't realize how my obesity has been the cause of most of my emotional hang ups! She was very understanding and careing, I don't agree with the price $275.00 out of pocket, but it is a small price to paqy for a healthier life, so it is worth it!"

Emily Marcus

"I really liked Emily Marcus, she was very knowledgable and understanding. She gave me a pre-op meal plan to follow, and also a post-op meal plan, which included a shopping list os all nessasary food beverages you will need after surgery. I will follow up with her, she knows her stuff!"
About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2002
Member Since
