My story is basically like alot of folks on this site. I can't say I have always been obese...but as a child I did wear "pretty plus" :-)

I decided to have the surgery after I came to grips that I could not do it on my own. That was a hard fact to accept. I felt like a failure for not being able to do this through traditional means. But I had been "trying" for over 12 years. I was and still am an emotional eater. That has been my downfall. Food has been my crack. I literally got "food highs".

I started this journey at an all time high of 296. I am 5'4 and that was way too much weight on my frame. I lost 14 pounds the two weeks before my surgery. Alot of that was just water weight. I basically starved myself two weeks before surgery so that the surgeon would not cancel my surgery.

Here is my story by the numbers: (info coming soon)
