Pamela Foster

"She seemed like a very interested yet no nonsense kind of a doctor. Her staff was very courteous and helpful. They have a very structured before and aftercare program. She took lots of time with me and discussed all the different options available to me and also emphasized the hard work that has to go along with any of the surgeries. She is a very knowledgeable and experienced doctor in the bariatric field. I would definitely recommend her and her office. My only complaint was that she wanted me to lose 10 lbs. pre surgery. I guess that's not a bad thing."
About Me
Gilroy, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2008
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
256 lbs. the night before surgery
265 lbs.lbs
140 lbs.lbs

Friends 44

Latest Blog 15
Down 20 LBS!
