I have been married 36 years this Dec 22. I have 2 Daughters. 4 grandchildren. I have been truly blessed.

I was healthy exercise freak 10 years ago. Then I was in a car accident. Lost 1 year of work and received  damaged #6 & #7 vertebra in my neck. I needed 3 years of pain therapy just to handle the pain. I went to a specialist at a pain therapy Institute. Now I manage my pain. But after the accident I could not exercise, was very depressed and just tried to survive everyday. I guess I just lost control and started gaining weight . It was very stressful working in so much pain and I used food to comfort myself.

Well I guess there is always a limit you allow yourself. I guess I reached mine. Last year I was looking into Lap-Band surgery. Right in the middle of the testing I received a letter the hospital were my Dr. worked did not take my insurance. I called and was told about the sum I would have to come up with. Well I could not make myself do it. So I just went on with daily life. Tried about 3 more Diets and gained more weight.
Know both my knees hurt everyday and I've already gone through 5 sets of shots under both knee caps and still in pain. My husband and I went to Las Vegas during my vacation. I realized the things I could not do because I was in so much pain.
Well the light went on and I looked up a surgeon my insurance would cover.
I was very lucky I found Dr. Marc Zare.  I have been on the fast track to get RYN since 11/3/10 . I am ready.

About Me
Nov 03, 2010
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