March 10, 2007 - 2 days pre-op

Mar 11, 2007

I have come to realize that I have been dehydrated for most of my life. In the midwest that wasn't obvious due to the humidity. But now after living in CA and AZ it had become apparent. I also think that I wasn't able to read my body's signals for thirst and just ate food.

My biggest accomplishment pre-op is water intake. I am regularly at 48oz  or more and working on increasing that to the required 64ox. steadily.

I have begun to change food type and increased vegetables. Protien shouldn't be an issue, but taking vitamins regularly FOREVER may be. I'm always good for about a month, then it is off the wagon with me. Now it is a necessity. I did manage to lose a few pounds pre-op, but think I have gained them back with the last supper syndrome of this past few days. Portion size, ah to not have a problem with portion size. I don't really snack often, but portion size kills me. So hurrah for the tool of the pouch to keep my portion size in check along with my new nutrition stratagy. I think the smaller dish sizes and journaling will help keep me aware of intake.

Exercise and my bowels... Ah, the things you never think you will talk publicly about!! Since I have always been a rare pooper, the dr. says I will likely have issues in this department. So onward with exercise and upward with water. The big struggle is changing all of my excuses for not getting the exercise. Yes, I lead a busy life. Yes, I have many obligations. But I won't be around to accomplish them if I don't lose this weight. Plus I should have TONS more energy when it comes off. And that will help me be able to do the things I am trying to get done, right!?!?! So it is time to quit journaling and go back to lurking the boards to see what ways you other folks have found to get the exercise in....

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Feb 26, 2007
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March 10, 2007 - 2 days pre-op
