swangirl 18 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your success and best wishes for the future!

kylakae 20 years, 9 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="http://www.dwarfworks.com/kyla/pictures/birthday/pty-garfield.gif" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Lisa! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Sharon Neva 21 years, 5 months ago

LISA~~ CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS!! I had a significant hair loss from about the 3rd month until the 6th month. It is starting to grow back in now (thank goodness) DON'T WORRY, IT WILL GROW BACK... ~~May the light always find you on a dreary day.....When you need to be home, may you find your way....... May you always have courage to take a chance, and never find frogs in your underpants

luckyflowers 21 years, 5 months ago

Congrats on the weight loss!!

Lisa B. 21 years, 5 months ago

I went to my pcp she has my weight loss at 90lbs,4 months post op.I see my wls doctor on January 14, I will update from there.To say I feel totally different is an understatement.I get the best sleep at night with out any need for cpap machine.Life is good,although my hair is falling out in clumps.I had incredibly thick hair before,tell me it will grow back.Best of luck to all those currently on the journey and any preops thinking about it.

Marty W. 21 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations Lisa-girl!!!!! Keep up the wonderful work! You made a MAJOR milestone!!! Hugs,

Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS!! WOW~~ 63 pounds in 8 weeks. That is an awesome accomplishment. Please keep us posted on your success. You are an inspiration to us all

Lisa B. 21 years, 7 months ago

8 Week...63 pounds gone and I feel great.I am having some problems keeping food down. I have avoided most meats even chicken and turkey give me trouble.I am starting to get my energy back after the damage from the peroxide. I must admit I haven't been working out or walking.Now that my energy level is coming back that will be my new focus.Until next time keep up all good work.

Betsy Yellon 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Lisa, I am sitting here in tears after reading your latest post. I'm so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. It's just horrible. To think that it's hard enough to go through and recover from surgery and then to have this happen. How in the world did peroxide get into your drinking cup????? I'm just curious so I can make sure that it doesn't happen to me. Please know that you are in my prayers. It sounds like you are on the road to recovery from this mishap and on to a happy and healthy life. Tell your daughter not to worry about updating, it is understandable. She did a great job as your angel, I'm sure that you are so proud of her. Keep us informed on how you are doing, ok!!!

Lisa B. 21 years, 8 months ago

September 11,2002 I am home today after spending three weeks in the hospital.After my surgery I was brought back to the hospital with as light infection from the drainage tube. My surgery and Doctor were excellant. The night before my release on the August 29, I accidently drank a large amount of peroxide that was left in my drinking cup in my room.It created incredible problems. My gastric track from my mouth to my bottom were burnt and my gastric tracked hemmoraged.I was immediatly taken to ICU. I left the hospital yesterday and wish I could say their isn't any permanent damage.The stoma appears to have narrowed from the inflammation and scarring of the burn.I was put on tpn (fats and Nutition),I have actually gained around 11lbs since surgery. When released from the hospital my weight now has to start fresh and I am on Stage 1 Bypass Diet (broth and Jello).Once on the puree stage of diet,we will be able to determine if the stoma has to be dialated. So,wish me luck and understand my angel wasn't able to update, she is my 13 year daughter and has been slightly traumitized byher mothers hospital stay. Giant steps back,Baby steps forward,here I go!!! Morale of the story..Do not allow anyone to put peroxide in a drinking cup.If you do ingests peroxide, regardless of what the nurses staff says THROW IT UP..and call POISON HOTLINE yourself .
About Me
Mt. Juliet, TN
May 13, 2002
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