The path is as relevant as the destination

Feb 15, 2009

I started Bariatric WLS classes in January.  The ONLY prereq for my insurance company are these classes as well as 8 sessions with a personal trainer.  Initially I viewed these  meetings as just one more mindless hoop to jump through on the way to having surgery. 

By the second class I realized how wrong that perception was.  The classes are run by a dietitian Ms Darci Schimp, and/or a psychologist Dr Pat Murrey.  The program is insightful as well as informative.  Seemingly innocuous phrases such as "Give yourself permission to....(what ever the topic was)"  or advice to "Be Mindful of... the time it takes to chew a bite of food"  set a brand new outlook on my perception of these classes.  There are 13 people in this group.  Each person adds another layer of insight and support.  I am truly grateful that I was given the opportunity to participate in this experience and will miss the sessions after they're over.  

I have always gone into a new "diet" with high expectations in the front of my head, and defeatist knowledge in the back.  I got a call from Dr Verse mans assistant Gwen 2 weeks ago giving me my surgery date.  I know that I have a date for surgery and that I have completed the pre-req's....and yet It doesn't seem real.  I think I might be worried that if I get too excited and look forward to the surgery that something might happen to cancel it.  Not sensible I know but that's where my head is.  

I completed 8 sessions with the personal trainer at Bronson Athletic Club(BAC).  Wow!  The trainer is a truly fabulous exercise specialist.  I could have done without standing in front of the WALL of mirrors for half of the session working out, but the exercises that John chose and the close attention he paid to my comfort level made for a rewarding experience.  

So, now I have one visit to my PCP for the final surgical authorization letter, then pre-surg testing on February 27th.  My surgeon prescribes a two week pre-surg Full Liquid diet, that will start on March 5th.  And RNY on March 19th.  

Well, until the next sign in...Good luck to everyone on their chosen path...take time to embrace the journey...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...Right?


Where I am in the process of getting approved for surgery

Dec 12, 2008

I have chosen a surgeon  Dr Verseman in Kalamazoo.  We met and I look forward to working with him along the way.  I have met with the dietitian Darci Schimp at Bronson Methodist Hospital.  We talked and mapped out some goals (she wrote them down And kept a copy) I need to choose higher protein meals, and embrace walking and exercising.  I instantly sabotage myself when thinking of going to a gym or fitness center.  I run to that place in my head where every 12-15 year old "fat girl" has been on dodge ball day in gym.  When I think of working out that is what slides around in my memory.  So I'm working on that.  I see the psychologist Dec 23, and then I have to complete 10 sessions with a personal trainer and 6 weeks of group meetings including the dietitian and/or the psychologist.  I already have tentative surgical clearance from my pcp, so I just need to complete the above steps to satisfy my insurance requirements and I will be able to schedule a HOT date with Dr Verseman.  I would love to hear from anyone who has had the RNY surgery or who is working the process.  Please message me or add me to your friends list. 

About Me
Portage, MI
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2008
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Friends 12

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Where I am in the process of getting approved for surgery
