2 Years went so fast!

Feb 28, 2010

Hello everyone.  I pray that you are all in good health and doing well.  I have not forgotten any of you.  Life just seemed to have slipped away!  On Feb. 25,  it was my 2 year mark!  Crazy how time flies!  I am doing ok.  One day at a time. 
God Bless!  Thinking of all of you!

Hello Everyone!

Mar 18, 2009

I'm still here,  going for more bloodwork again!   Can't quit smoking.. still.....help!  I know ,  I have to do it myself. Gained 4 lbs. lost 4 lbs.  I still can't seem to navigate this site correctly!!!  But I have more good days then bad now.  My friend,  inspired by hope has some updated pics of us on her site. We met again in Feb. and had a great time. I tried to steal the pics for everyone to see but could not for the life of me seem to figure out how lol.  I can't wait to meet her again in April.  She is my Best Friend!!  So many good things came into my life from her and I would never have met her if I did not join this site.  I don't want to keep bogging everyone down with bad news from me so I pray that all of my friends are doing well!  I love sugar and tolerate it very well.  My favorite is Baklava.  Does anyone know what is in it?  All I know is it tastes wonderful!!!  I am going to TRY to count my protien intake just to see how much I am really getting a day.  Miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!

1 year out!

Feb 26, 2009

Yesterday,  2/25/09 was my 12 month aniversary!  I made it.  I have looked back at everything I have been through in the past 12 months and what a long road with many bumps I have had. I am thankful to still be here,  I am thankful to have met some very special people that I call friends here.  Had I not had WLS,  I would have never met you!  How quickly time flies and it makes you realize how short life really is.  I know I will be better soon and then I will be able to enjoy the things I never have been able to.  I am looking forward to that.  For now,  I think about the small accomplishments like being able to tie my shoes,  getting in and out of my car,  not be embarassed to go to my Daughters school.  Being able to walk the long Football fields to her Cheerleading games without being full of sweat and have to sit down halfway to the field.  I can't wait for the day I can excersize and wake up feeling wonderful and full of energy.  Soon I pray.  Thank you to all of my friends that have been with me through these past 12 months.  You have been a blessing.  Here is where I am at now,  sorry I never actually measured myself.  I wished I would have done allot more tracking and pic. taking:

Pants size then 18-22,  Now 0-kids size 12
Bra size 40-d-Now 34 sometimes 36 b
Shirt size 2 or 3 x now Extra Small to small
Believe it or not Foot Size 8 to 7 or 7/12
Oh yeah weight lol 205 1/2 to 111 (as of 2 days ago)


Dec 31, 2008

How quickly time goes by.  I have many hopes,  prayers and goals for the New Year.  May God bless all of you with Health,  Happiness and Joy for 2009!

I am still here!

Dec 07, 2008

Wow,  it has really been a long time since I have checked in here!  I hope I didn't loose any of you!  Life just seems to go by so fast and now the Holidays are right around the corner.  I pray that everyone is doing well and you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  If you get a chance please update me as to how you are doing. 
Me,  well I am weighing in at 111.  Size 0 pants or a kids size 14.  I had another endo and found that I have an ulcer.  Dr. really didn't give me any other info about it.  Just told my Fiancee that I had one and I have to gain weight and stop smoking so I am going to try to find some answers on here today.  I seem to recall an ulcer to be life threatning when it is near the pouch.  Dr. was talking about placing an N.G. tube in (feeding tube)  but he has'nt yet thank God.  I have good days and bad days.  Some,  really bad.  I am not really sure what my next steps are.  I guess I should have went back for a follow up last week but this is really getting old and frustrating.  I bought my Daughter another digital camera for Christmas so hopefully I will be able to put some pics on here if we can figure out how again lol. Needless to say,  soon I will be 1 year out and people say that things start to change after that.  I'm hoping that will happen for me. I tell you what,  I can't take the cold!!!  I am FREEZING all the time!  I know,  being cold is par for the course but I feel like sometimes I am freezing to death!   My family laughs at me and says I'm crazy. 
Well,  thats all for now.  I have to go and check all of your blogs to see what's been going on in your lives!  Be good to yourself!


Sep 08, 2008

Hello everyone.  I know,  it's been a long time.  Sorry  I have been pretty ill.  I don't know where to begin without writing a book here.  I have been in the hospital twice.  Most recent was last Wed-Fri.  I had a hernia and lots of scar tissue that come to find out was NOT the cause of all of the pain I have been in so, we are back to square one and thinking it is something to do with my Kidney's.  I got a fever of unknown orgin in the hospital and could not keep my B.P. above 89 for a few days.  Really scary stuff.  I really can't eat very much now.  Seems to be worse than ever.  I have to go back every week because imagine this...if I loose anymore weight I will be malnutrition! I guess my organs can shut down also. He is watching my W.L. and said I cannot loose another single pound. I'm at 121 and really wanted to get to 117. The Dr. gave me 2 Isopure drinks before I even left the office.  He wants me to drink 2-3 protein drinks a day plus eat 3 meals. I am honestly trying but I really can't do it. He talked to me about some things I really didn't want to hear because I don't think they pertain to me and I was quite upset. I just want someone to understand that this is not in my head.  I just want to feel better.  I don't want to be in anymore pain. I want to be able to eat. I am not starving myself! I am also supposed to go to another Specialist this Friday for another problem I am having but to be honest,  I am not going to go. All of these Co.Pays, missing time from work to find not much of anything is very frustrating. I just keep saying one day I will feel better. People say the first year is the hardest so maybe in 6 months I will be a new me and be able to enjoy life.
I pray that everyone is doing well.  I miss you all and I will update you as soon as I can.  Thank you for sticking by me and listening.

I think I need a new computer!

Aug 03, 2008

Ok,  so I thought my computer was fixed,  WRONG!  At my Neighbors house again! I was able to get on and everytime I tried to get into here or even my email, a box popped up and said that a problem occured with my internet explorer and it needed to close.  Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?  HELP!
I have my G.I. appt. on Wed. The one I have really been waiting for. Hopefully I will get some answers. I have to go for exploratory surgery on 8/26.  Bypass Dr. thinks I have a Hernia.  Who knows!  I just want to get to the bottom of all this so I can be normal again!!
I'm at least trying to eat once a day even if it is only fruit. It kills my back everytime I do eat. I guess the Dr. is not going to refer me to the Uroligist until after the exploratory surgery.
Does anyone know how I can look up my BMI now and see what my ideal weight should be? I hope everyone is doing well. I miss being on here and talking with all of you. 
Weight today 131.6.  Mood,  depressed.

Update and Computer is STILL Down :-(

Jul 27, 2008

I will try to make this as short as I can but fit it all in lol.  So,  after many appointments,  2 CAT scans,  a visit to a GI specialist who cancelled my appt. twice (now I go back Aug. 6)  I am not much better off than I was.  I have a couple of possible answers so I guess that's a plus.  I have a Kidney Stone a possible Hernia and Bowel issues.  Those are pretty graphic so I won't go into detail lol.  I have no problem telling you if you want to know just send me a message.  I guess I am the one in 99 million who has gotten these things!  Dr. wants me to have a couple of procedures but from missing all this work in the process of trying to find out the problem,  they will have to be put on hold for a little while.  It only took 5 months to find out!  I am loosing my hair terrible!!  When will it stop? 
I will try and stay as positive as I can because now I have really wonderful days that I have never had before. Last week I almost dumped!  Oh my was it awful.  I ate 2 small bites of garlic pizza.  No sooner than 10 minutes later I had this stuck feeling in my chest,  I was in a sweat and thought I was going to have a heart attack!  My stomach hurt so bad,  it was worse than the back pain!  I did'nt actually dump but my mouth was watering and I was gagging for about 15 minutes.  The whole thing lasted for about 3 hours.  Needless to say,  I will NEVER eat ANY kind of pizza again!!  As for my W.L.  I am 134.6 today.  To be honest,  at this point I just want to get better.  I really need to excersize but can't.  I eat whatever tastes good.  Protein or not.  I know,  that's not good but I have to right now.
My computer is still down.  I miss all of you.  I hope everyone is doing well. 
Prayers and Hugs to everyone!!

Computer is down :-(

Jul 11, 2008

I'm at a friends house,  my computer is down!!!  Still having testing.  Long story...I will update when my computer is back.  Weight is now 138.  I hope everyone is doing and feeling well.
God bless!

How Fast Time Flys!

Jun 22, 2008

My how fast time flys!  I looked at the date of my last post and it was the end of May!!  I guess I have'nt really wrote anything because nothing has really changed as far as my health and how I am feeling.  I forgot to go to the most important appt. last week with the GI Dr.  I was very lucky to get in this Wed. though so hopefully I will have news either way good or bad.
My weight is now 145.  I am fitting in a size 8.  28 more lbs. to go.  I think it's going slower because I am only taking in about 400 calories a day.  This includes any juice I may drink.  Dr. said I am losing muscle now because I am not eating the prot. Can't help it!  
One day I will be able to come on here and say I feel wonderful!!  I hope everyone is doing well and having a great Summer!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 21
I am still here!
I think I need a new computer!
Update and Computer is STILL Down :-(
Computer is down :-(
How Fast Time Flys!
