Nov 29, 2009

Hello everyone

This month has been a good one... I just got back from Hawaii and it was wonderful.. I even went hiking... something I always wanted to do but never have been able prior to being sleeved.  Just one more thing to scratch off my list... next up horseback riding... I was supposed to do it when I went camping..oh did I mention I went camping at Santa Margarita Lake in San Luis Obispo, CA and it was so great... I hiked up the mountain, played volleyball, and swung on the swings...WOW I would never image I would ever be able to do these things again...and enjoy it... I will post pictures soon.. I need help changing my aviator but don't know how to shrink by picture so that it will fit... I'll ask one of my friends for help..cause I definitely want to show off my 135 LBS lost since NOV 08 when I started my weight loss journey.... My advice to everyone... get out and do things you used to do and hadn't been able to...
Till next time....

Funny how things change....

Oct 07, 2009

It's funny how things have changed.  Where do I began, as I notice my body shrinking I didn't think my friends would shrink too.  But I realize not everyone can deal with the changes.  Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with the changes. since I had surgery one of my good friends has slowly faded just like these extra pounds. No calls, emails, text messages nothing. Maybe because our friendship was centered around food before that she things we no longer have anything in common.   I first noticed that  while my other friends are always postive and would walk with me, work out with me and eat with me in mind she's never available which is fine, this is my journey.  She recently told someone that I had lost like 50lbs and she knows I lost over 100 lbs.  I have come to realize that weight may not be the only thing you lose with this sleeve.  I'm ok with that.  I will continue to reach out to her and hope in time she will adjust to the new me. 

On a good note, I took a flight to visit family in San Jose, CA and flew Jetblue I was a little nervous because I was flying by myself and usually I'm with someone so I don't worry about where I'm going to sit and always need to ask for  a seatbelt extension.  But now I would be sitting by a total stranger.  Well it felt so good to fit in my seat and not need a seabelt extension.  Sometimes it's hard to realize how much I have lost until things like this happen.   

I have a camping trip planned later this month and may just go horseback riding...I'm feeling adventerous..

Until next month...




Aug 27, 2009

Im so excited to have lost my first 100 lbs!.  When I started this journey Nov 2008 I weighed 416lbs.  I felt too ashamed to tell anyone, how did I let myself get to this point.. When my surgeon gave me a 40lb goal to lose pre-op I was like yeah right no other surgerical center requires that,  I can't do that....that's why I'm coming to you..but then after the second visit and she re-interated that she would not do the surgery if I wasn't serious and that I had to start making adjustments now if I wanted success with my bigger goal of reaching under 200 lbs.  Well that was a wake up call for me because never in my adult life do I remember weighing less than 200 lbs really seems like I totally missed the 200'  So I re-joined WW which I knew helped me in the past and began my journey to a whole new me..Turns out I lost a total of 47lbs prior to surgery  .  Since my surgery on June 3 09 I have lost another 56 lbs which brings my grand total to 100 LBS...I realize I still have a ways to go but I'm determined to succeed.



Jul 06, 2009

Well it's been a month since my surgery.  I saw my NP last week and everything seems to be great with my stomach, my scars are looking good and my weight is on track....  HOWEVER my first venture into public I seemed to have caught something and was feeling aweful when I went to see the NP.  I had a slight fever and a bad cough, well happy to say the fever is gone but the cough, well I'm still working on that.  I'm on a liquid antibodic and children's tylenol yuck that stuff is just too sweet...this has been a set back cause now I'm tired again and don't want to get out of bed and it's hard to get in all my liquids...again...I had just started almost meeting my goal until this happened...anyway I can't let this distract me from my goal..oh did I mention I can't do my exercises like I want due to being sick.... THIS TOO SHALL PASS....I just hope soon.

My plan is to take photos monthly to see my progress, I haven't taken any this month yet because I just don't feel good.  But hopefully this weekend I'll feel better.  I am planning to return to work this month and I really really really want to be feeling better before I go back.  

Other than getting sick I would not have changed this for nothing.  It's hard to explain I had no control over my eating before I had surgery.  I could lose weight but then I would gain it back and more..for the first time I feel like I'm in control.  I look at food now and not crave it.  I can sit while others enjoy their food and enjoy their company, it's a funny thing.  I know this was the best decision I could have ever made and soon I'll look back and say it would have been perferct if not for that dang flu.

Clear liquid diet

Jun 13, 2009

I can't take no more really everything is going well i'm taking my isopure protein drink but the broth I just can't do, so I'm making sure I get my protein and water for the day otherways..looking forward to phase two..

About Me
los angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2005
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