~ Doing Good ~

Mar 24, 2008

Hello to the OH fam!  I apologize for not keeping this blog up but so much has been going on.  Well as of today,  I am down 41.5 lbs and feeling great.  My clothes are just falling off me but I still wear them anyway....with a belt

I feel good physically but not so good mentally.  I have my days for when I am so dang hungry I just want to eat me some fried chicken and waffles (my favorite) but then I look how long I have been waiting for the surgery. I also came to realization that, I HAVE EATEN EVERYTHING AND THAT NOW I NEED TO CHANGE WHAT I EAT. 

Well, I have not taken any pics yet but, I will by the summer.  I will be relocating to GA with the fam and I will try to upddate as much as I can.

Love you all and as my Father says, "KEEP ON KEEPIN ON.  THE BEST IS YET TO COME"



Oct 25, 2007

Just thought that I would check in for an update:

As of 10/23/07, I am down   18lbs and so far my weight is doing well. However, I have been experiencing some nausea due to my meds not  agreeing with some new ones.  So I had to see the Doc and he discarded only one of my meds.  So instead of getting my first Fill on the 30th next week, I pushed it back for 3 weeks.  I have to make sure the nausea and vomiting has stopped first.  

Otherwise, a sista is feeling good and throwing out my FAT clothes...lol  I already can get back into my 22Ws now which feels good.  Wearing 26Ws for the past 3 yrs has paid off.  So i gave my clothes to my best friend who has been dying to rob my closet...lol

Anywhooooo, I am feeling good because not onlyy have I thrown out some clothes but kicked a few peeps to the curb (if u might say).  I just felt as though they only wanted to be around me to their own convenience.  So why keep on entertaining that?  

I have become more closeron focusing on my health, children and praying for alot of things.  So my plate is full and I am not allowing nothing else to interefere.   AMEN

Aight ya'll, s sista got get her protein in and finish up some house chores.  Cya

   June 7th  306lbs
   July 7th    298lbs
   Sept. 12   293lbs  Surgery Day
   Oct. 23      281lbs

Just checkin in

Sep 24, 2007

Hey everyone and I hope that all has been well with you all.  Well, I am going on my 3 weeks out and let me tell you, this Band aint no joke.  I have some days where I can hold down 6-8 oz of liquids but then I have some days when I can't.  I dont push it or my tummy will hurt. However, I must confess that I AM HUMAN.   I did sneak some food but not so much.  Like I only had some 1/4 cup of ground beef with a tiny spec red beans and rice.  Did I learn my lesson?   Lets just say I KNOW I did this surgery for a reason and I am sticking to it.  Once again, I AM HUMAN.  This is such a learning tool and I will never have any regrets about it EVER. Well since my surgery, I am down 8 pounds as of today.  I try not to weigh myself but I did.  My next step is to start my walking this week and I am determined to do this (at the Mall...lol).  So that I can look at all those beautiful new clothes that I am going to be wearing in a few months

Well, I am out of here and on my way to the Mall for walking and chat to you soon

Last night grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sep 16, 2007

I dont know what in the world happened to me last night but, I was so so miserable   I was constipated and nothing I dranked helped in the matter.  So my Mom brought me by some Colace gel tabs and I can not crush that.  Ok I drank my last of the 48 hours of liqud and began to take in strained soups, dranked 20 gm of Slim Fast and Crystal lite.....all day as required.  I aint had a BM since Friday and I am feeling like a crazed woman   Sumtin aint right up in here

Needless to say after feeling this way half the night, I continued to push warm water down and BINGO!  LOL   I was mad cuz I had to get out of my bed from 12mid - 330a (I will spare u). My whole body turned ice cold, but my vitals were all regular.   Then I thought I was going to have a panic attack and I was like, "bump this!"  I took half of a sleeping pill and said my prayers.  I was tired and exausted.

I got up this morning feeling so so much better and then the phone rung.  My mom called to see how I made out last night and I told her that I slept restless.  When I told her what had happened, do you know she busted out laughing on the phone?    Cuz I drove her completely nuts yesterday that I was constipated and now she feels we all can feel a relief.  LOL!  I luvs my mama.........Anyhoo,  holla back later   CIOA!  

3rd day post-op

Sep 14, 2007

Wow!   I can't believe I went thru this and I am so so sore but, it's going to be all worth it in the end.  Now, I only used my pain med pump twice after surgery and then at midnight, they took if off the IV pole.  Hey, it only made me sleep away the pain and I felt I might as well do Tylenol 3 instead.  That way I can be awake and not miss nuttin...lol   

Now in a scale from 1-10 (10 being good), I say that the aftermath of the Lapband is a 7 for pain.  It not that bad like I thought it would be.  I am just glad that my doctors chose the right surgery for me and my health.  They said that with the Gastric-bypass, my recovery would of taken much longer along with being sick alot. 

Anyhoo, I do look like I am 6 months pregnant and you can tell my tummy is swole.  My kids came home yesterday evening and were very excited in seeing me.  STOP RIGHT THERE!!!  Now, they told me that they missed me and all, drew me some pics of us together, gave me careful hugs and sweet kisses but.................within 10 minutes I am fussin...lol  Back to norm up in here.  I sat them both down and expressed how I was physically feeling and just play nicely ( I'm tellin a 4yr & 9yr old boys to do WHAT?)  Well, they did and I was able to take my Tyleol-3 and relax in bed.

Last, yesterday I had this enourmous energy to like never before.  I could not sit down and then my body shut me down.  I tried really hard on not overdoing it so I found some stuff to do in my room..........boring stuff like tv, movie, internet........ so then i just slept on and off.

Well, I am getting down my clear liquids pretty good and this band aint no joke. It will let u know when u have reached that limit  and man, u got sit down and chill
  I love my band and so far I am down 2 more pounds since Wednesday.  I will only way myself once a week so that I dont drive myself nuts.  I cant wait to be cleared to go the gym and work out cuz a sista is ready to be on the LOSING side.  Have  a blessed Day and i'll holla back in a few days

I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 11, 2007

Well, this is it! 

Tomorrow at 6:30am, I have to check in and prepare for surgery.  Am I nervous?  Just a bit and know that I am doing the right thing for my health.  I am most worried about my kids.  They will be apart from each other for the rest of the week but hope that they will be fine (my mom cant handle both my kids alone).  It's ok and I thank GOD for having such a supportive family/friends in my life.

     I really dont have much to say and I will see you all on the LOSING side.  Wish me the best of luck and thanks for being my friend

The Countdown... 2 weeks and a few days

Aug 30, 2007

I saw my surgeon today and he cleared me.  Yahoooooo   Although I gained 3 pounds he was like 3 was better than 10.  Now, I have to deal with some other issues in which I feel that the devil is busy.  

   First my Mom was very supportive with the surgery and now when I mention the WLS and that I am ready, she is silent.  So, I just don't ask her why she is being this way because I feel she's worried in general and feels guilty.  My parents used to calm me down as a baby/toddler by giving me food to satisfy all that noice I was making.  So I can honestly say that turned into me be an Emotional Eater but, I blame no one but myself.  

Second, things have been coming at me that are trying to wear me down and it's kinda getting me in my depress mode here.  Thank goodness I see my Therapist weekly to talk these things out because she can relate to some of it.  I've learned that sometimes, you have to sacrifice some things in order to take care of the things that are the most important.  So now that have been doing that, I do feel a heavy burden has been lifted. I can now concentrate on being a better Parent, making my children happier and belive in myself more.  So that is why I say that the devil can be busy at times when you least expect him to and he can try to destroy your happiness when he see you trying to do good.  So now that I've said all that, I am hungry  lol  

Anywhoo, I am just going to relax my Mind, Body and Soul until the "Big Day" and spend this time with my bad azz kids  lol and I stressed that clearly.  lol  Nah, my boys are just typical boys who love their Mommy so much that drive me nuts.  I wouldn't trade them for no one and would sacrifice everything to see a smile on their faces.  Well, keep me in prayer and I will holla back in a few weeks.  I thank everyone who has been supportive and being my friend on here.  Love you all and have a blessed one


Aug 19, 2007

Ok, I had a pretty good weekend and the kids didnt drive me nuts lol.  I cleaned out my car, slept good and didnt really watch too much tv.  I was feeling kinda like "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."  I think I am getting bored and lawd knows that I need to really focus here.  I wanted ice-cream, bbq ribs, mashed potatoes with gravy.  Instead, I drank Gatorade..........

Well, I'll check back in a few days when I can get it in gear  lol

I Have PASSED them ALL!!!

Aug 18, 2007

I am so thankful now then ever.  You know, sometimes when you feel like things are just not going the way they should, something comes up and surprise you everytime.

    Well, I am on my way to the "LOSERS" side in 3 1/2 weeks.  

Anywhoo, I weighed in yesterday and I must say that I have lost 10 lbs since since June.  Weighing 290 has been a struggle to get back down there but I know that in 6 months, I will be even more happier.  My goal is to get back down to 175lbs where I was the most comfortable.  I DONT PLAN ON HAVING ANY MORE CHILDREN within the next 2 yrs (got my fingers, eyes and legs crossed).  I do want to get down to at least 135lbs and stay there.  I have never weighed that before and If i look strange, i'll put on 10 lbs to see if that makes me look normal  lol.  I have been drinking Slim Fast Optima and Isopure Protein drinks 2x's daily.  I must say that it has contributed to my weightloss and hunger control.  

It's been crazy!!!!!!!

Aug 08, 2007

Well, I think my anxiety is under control now.  I have my medical clearance on 8/12 and I have my fingers crossed.  I have been eating very light and doing the Protein shakes and I  havent had a diet soda since June ( I miss my diet Pepsi )  So now, I'll just try and relax and look forward to my wls on Sept. 12.    I'll write back soon

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 73

Latest Blog 15
~ Doing Good ~
Just checkin in
Last night grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
3rd day post-op
I AM READY!!!!!!!!!!
The Countdown... 2 weeks and a few days
I Have PASSED them ALL!!!
It's been crazy!!!!!!!
