12 Days Till Surgery!

Jan 05, 2008

OK guys I am getting very excited!  =)  I am so smiling all over right now.  I am doing my diet and doing it right!  I have been walking 2 miles a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.  I havnt even let all of the excuses in my head get in the way.  I am feeling like soooo pumped up.  This has to be like a fighter entering the ring... pumped, excited, nervous, happy, all of this stuff rolled into one.  My middle daughter gets more nervous the closer it gets.. she told me she asked God for a sign that everything was going to be ok with my surgery and she said she dream of my skinny   hahaha  I thought oh lord girl dont worry I will never be a rail!!  My oldest daughter is like whatever... she has never been one to show a ton of emotion over anything.... and my son well he is just my son he loves my fat rolls as he calls them.  He loves to pick on my every chance he gets... He did ask me yesterday if anyone has died from having surgery and I told him yes they have but people die from not doing surgery when they really really need it. I told him I am having this surgery to become healthy not to die.  He is my sweetie and my pain at the same time  lol.  My husband just supports me in everything I do, he is wonderful and again I love him very much.  I want everyone to continue praying for me.  I love all of my friends here and am so thankful for all of the support.  Keep it coming!

Thank you Lord the day is coming soon.  Thank you for seeing me through this time in my life.  Amen.

16 days

Jan 01, 2008

And the count down is on!  I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and a happy new year.  I had a great time....  Except when I tripped and fell down a friends steps!  Twisted my ankle and it looks like an egg on the side of my foot.  I have been having an icepack wrapped around it and trying to keep it up as much as possible.  I still had a great New YEAR.  This is going to be my year.  Great things are going to happen in 08!

20 Days to go

Dec 27, 2007

Well I have 20 days until my journey takes a major turn...   surgery day.  I start my atkins diet on the 3rd and will be visiting the surgeon on the 6th...  I think I may be starting to get nervous!  I am still very excited and cant wait to start this my new life of becomming a very healthy woman!

Lord you have surely blessed me!  I love you!


Dec 18, 2007

Well yesterday was the big day.....   I got my date!!  =)   My surgery will be January 17th 2008...   That is my husbands 43rd birthday and my re-birth birthday.   We will be celebrating together.  I love him so much.  He is my best friend, my hero, my lover and the man I pray to spend the rest of my life with.  Thank you so much God for sending me a special angel named Doug.   Thank you God for helping me make it through this journey.  I know you have my way planned lord, I trust you.  Amen

Surgeons Visit

Dec 09, 2007

I had my first surgeons appointment on Friday and I really liked Dr. Prickett.  He has a very good bed side manner thank goodness.  Looks like my surgery will be sometime in January.  He is going to get everything ready to submit to insurance.  I will update as soon as I hear more.  

Thank you Lord for everything you have given me....   Amen

I Gotta Date!!

Nov 29, 2007

Finally..........   I gotta date with my surgeon!  YEAHHHHHHH   

Feels like I have been waiting for a long time.  Actually it hasnt been that long at all.  I go Dec 7th at 2pm to meet Dr. Prickett.  I am so excited about this!  I know once that step has been taken it isnt to long before the real journey begins....  I am so excited!  Pray for me please.

waiting for my call

Nov 14, 2007

Well I have totally finished everything.  Had my stress test last week.   That was the final thing I had to complete before seeing my surgeon.  I am now just waiting on that call with my date to see him.  I hope I hear something soon.  I am so ready.  I have done my test and I have done my homework so lets get this party started~!   I am praying that I can get my journey going by the 1st of the year.  That is my dream to start the year off to a healthier start.  Everyone please keep praying for me. 

appointments last week

Nov 04, 2007

I had my phyc appointment last week and everything went great.  I liked him and he said I had a good head on my shoulders.  lol   I also took my nut and excer exams and ummmm  well i hated the nut exam.  I am not a exam taker in the first place.  The excer. test was ok.  Alot easier than the nut one.  I was hoping these was not like pass fail test but now I hear that they are and you can fail them twice.  I have not heard that I failed but I was so not comfortable taking that nut test.  I got my last appointment (i hope) tomorrow.  It is for my nuclear stress test and then I hope I can see the actual surgeon himself!  I am ready people!  If you can make it through all you make it through to get to the surgeon you are definatly going to be ready for surgery!....   Pray for me everyone.    I will write more later.


Oct 24, 2007

prayerI love this and just wanted to put it on my sight since I have spent alot of time doing just this over this surgery.  I know God has lead me here and If God leads you to it he will help you through it!

Upcomming Appointments

Oct 24, 2007

Tomorrow I have my first nutri and excer class in columbia at the weight center.  I am hoping I can learn something from it!  My Cardio clearance appointment is on Friday at like 8am ( so early!) I will let everyone know how this goes after I have completed the appointments.  Looking forward to all of these appointments to be over and me to be on my way to the loosers bench!

About Me
Ehrhardt, SC
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 39
what a wonderful day
100 pounds today!
1/2 year down
Its Official
3 month anniversary
Had a visit with my Doctor today.
