I had my appointment with the nutritionist yesterday and she was very nice. I am going to work on my bad habit of grazing instead of having an actual meal. I can't wait to see my surgeon Dr Ameri on June 1st to talk about a revision. That will either be a new beginning to my life or a very bad struggle for the rest of my life. Only time will tell.
OK so I had my appointment with Dr Ameri last Friday and it went really well. He was very understanding of my struggle and said he would help me. The next step is to have an upper endoscopy to see whats going on... After the results of this test he will be able to give me my options for a revision. I got a phone call today and my test is scheduled this Friday at 8:30 am. Wow that was quick thank god! I am very nervous for some reason??? Also, the past few days I have been searching for a Dr to do the psych eval and that has been a challenge. But strange as it may sound right after Dr Ameri's office called me, I got a phone call back from a Dr's office saying they could see me for the eval on 7/2/12. Yea!!! Now, I just need to get an appointment with my PCP and talk to her about a medical necessity letter and I will be on my way towards an approval. Lets pray!!

Yesterday morning I got a phone call from the psychiatrists office. They had a cancellation and I was able to take the appointment yesterday afternoon. He was very nice and in the end said I was in good hands with my surgeon. He pulled out his recorder and dictated a letter right there in front of me. He said I was a good candidate for the revision. I am sooo happy!!! I have my second appointment with the nutritionist on thursday. I think I am going to call my dr tomorrow to see if my upper gi info came back yet.

I saw the nutritionist today for the second time and lost a whole pound. I also stopped by the dr's office to pick up the packet of information I didn't get when I went for my consultation. There has been some confusion in the office as to whether or not I needed to come back soon to see the dr. I had called a few times to find out if they got the results of my upper gi and finally last week they did, so I told them I need to come back and discuss my options with the dr and she had me wait until yesterday to ask him?? Why, I have no idea. Anyway, I have my 2nd appointment with Dr Ameri on July 27. It seems so far away but my plan is to have everything on my list checked off so they can submit my paperwork by that appointment. I already spoke with my primary care and asked for a letter of medical necessity and the psychiatrist already sent his report in. I just got done filling out all the paperwork in the packet and I have an appointment with a cardiac dr July 11. My biggest problem right now is finding a pulmonary specialist that takes my insurance. I must have called a million places in the past two days. I don't know what I am going to do??? I wonder if I can get clearance from the dr who is treating me for my sleep apnea??? I really want to lose weight before the surgery, but I have been feeling really down lately. I wish there were people in the chat rooms here like there used to be. Oh well.....

I got my cpap today and asked the dr if he could give me pulmonary clearance for my revision and he said no they don't do that. I was bummed out. Then I had an appointment with the cardiologist later on. He was very nice. I had an ekg and he asked me about my medical history. He gave me a quick physical and I was done. He said he didn't see any reason why I shouldn't have the surgery. That made me happy... He is going to send the letter to Dr Ameri. I also got a phone call from my primary care last week saying they faxed my letter of medical necessity to dr ameri and yesterday the nutritionist sent my notes to dr ameri. I just have a few more things to do before submitting my information to my insurance company. I can't wait to send it all in. But then time will really stand still waiting on an answer. I can't beleive today is my 9 year anniversary for my RNY. Who would have thought I would be doing this all over again.

I had my follow-up appointment with Dr Ameri today and he went over my upper-GI. My pouch is still small but my stoma is stretched out. I feel better now that I know what happened and why I am gaining like crazy. He said my only option was the band, I am excited but scared because of all the bad stuff that is being said about the band. I need help desperately and I think this is a good option for me. I just wish I had a crystal ball and could see the future. I don't want any problems especially like what I went through with the bypass. I gave all my paperwork to the office so they can send it to my insurance co. I just need to get my pulmonary clearance and I will be all set. I will post again when I hear more...


I got a phone call today from Dr Ameri's office. My insurance finally approved my surgery. OMG I can't believe it! I have been in shock all day. We have been talking back and forth trying to get all my paper work straight and to see when would be a good time to schedule the surgery. If every goes ok, my surgery will be on 2/25/13. I am so shocked. I waited so long for this and I pray that everything goes ok. I will leave it in God's hands.

About Me
Malden, MA
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2002
Member Since

Friends 4
