Keto eating plan questions

May 29, 2018

Hi All,

I've been away for a while and have lost track of my eating again.  I have been doing a lot of research on the Keto plan and am very interested, if for no other fact than I am truly addicted to sugar in all its forms.  I have been on a modified keto plan for a week (the sugar withdrawal has been a killer) but I am feeling good otherwise.  It fascinates me the intense positive and negative reviews about this plan.  Anyone else on it?  How is it going? What are your macos and calories per day?  Hope everyone is well!





Need to convince doctor!

Dec 26, 2015

I'm 2 1/2 weeks post rny with a g-tube. My doctor put in the tube just in case there were problems with bypass due to previous band removal and subsequent infection and scar tissue. The general rule for Dr is to take it out at 3+ weeks unless issues happen and the g tube is needed for water or protein. I've been doing ok with it but have now "hit a wall" with it. It pulls all the time and I am getting referred shoulder pain that even the Vicodin won't stop. I need to convince my doctor on Monday to take this thing out before I scream!  I've tolerated the protein shakes, the constant water sipping, the amazing holiday smells eminating from the kitchen, and a holiday dinner with my little plate of cottage cheese and refried beans while everyone ate the most amazing looking food ever cooked (ok, slight exaggeration).  I know all of this is temporary and a part of the process for the adjustment to this new way of life. I think I just needed to vent a minute here - my poor family may be a little tired of me whimpering in the corner!  I so appreciate you all and your brave, amazing words that keep us all going :). Thanks for letting me vent!




Day 3 from post op

Dec 11, 2015

Hi All,

I had my RNY on Tuesday and can I tell you how thankful I am for this board!!  I am a giant gas bubble waiting to explode :)  The gurgling in my remnant stomach is loud!  I also have a g-tube so my remnant gets a little work out still.  I am really only using the G-tube as a back-up, since I am able to drink fluids.  The pain is crazy on my lower, left side and in my middle back.  Thank goodness for pain pills. I wil be excited to get the drain out and the g-tube out.  Does gas-x work for all these air bubbles?  Can you take more gas-x then suggested on the bottle?  I am also hungry! Does that dissapear after a while?  Thank you everyone!



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