Everything is going Great!

Apr 19, 2009

I am so sorry I have not been updating. I wish I had more time even right now to update more than I am about to. Everything has been going great! Saw Dr. Quinlin on Friday Aprill 10th for my 6 month post op appt even though it had been about  71/2 months, but doc's office had to reschedule the original appt. Anyways it went great, no probs at all. Taking all of my vitamins everday...B-12, Zinc, biotin, a new really good multi-vitamin(which my chiropractor suggested to cause his mom all had the surgery) and of course calcium! Life is really good! I don't feel like I embarass my family when I go out with them anymore! I am between a size 8 and 10 in pants and medium tops! I haven't been this small since high school!
I guss I better sign off now since it is waaaaay past my bedtime! I will definitely try to update again soon.

lovin it so far!

Sep 23, 2008

Well, today is my 1 month anniversary and I really gotta say I am not having any buyer's remorse! Actually kinda lovin my RNY right now! Tonight I weighed myself and I am down to 231 which from my highest weight would be a total loss of 31 lbs! Finding new mushies I can eat that are actually making me feel like I am not missing out on too much! Eggface really has some great recipes by the way! Gettin all my vitamins and focusing on eating proteins first (really only eating protein), love my salmon and tilapia! I eat no meat, but I am really not having any problems finding something.
Will update again soon.

1 week post-op!

Sep 04, 2008

So, I know, I should have posted sooner but here goes a quick update!  I had my surgery on the 26h. I have had some different feelings as far  as what how I have felt. The pain in the beginning had me really regretting this  decision, but as time is moving on and the pain is subsiding (and watching the # on the scale go down) I am starting to be more positive about my decision. I love the fact that at my last appt I weighed 239!!! Down 17 lbs from my last appt which was 1 day into my liquid diet! I will try to update more often but at this time it hurts to sit at the computer for too long!


Aug 20, 2008

Ok, so I actually found out on Monday that I was approved! I started my liquid pre-op diet yesterday and goodness, is this tough!!!! I want some real food! But I know in the end this will all be worth it. At least that is what I am telling myself right now. As my stomach is growling!
I had my follow up appt with Dr Quinlin today and it went great. He is so nice and was ready for any ? I had. Of course, I think I have asked almost all of my ?'s on here, so there wasn't much left. Can't wait til Tuesday!

gettin ready!

Aug 03, 2008

Well, let me tell you the time really seems to be flying until my surgery date! It is just around the corner! Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited. I don't know if I am more excited or scared. Probably equal amounts of both really! I guess I should have updated before about my thyroid problem, turns out I have hypothyroidism. The Dr. put me on Synthroid-which I am taking the generic form at 50 mg. It gave me headaches and for some reason I was also getting pain in my jaw(I know strange, huh?) So I called my Dr.'s office and they told me to break my pill in half and just take half a dose for 6 days, well that is working a lot better and now I don't want to increase it back up but I know have to, so tomorrow I will start again taking the whole pill. I have an appt. with my Dr. tomorrow night so I will see what he has to say then. On Saturday I completed all of the blood work and urine tests that my hospital requires of me. All I have left to do now is have my Dr. fax over my physical info to my surgeon's office and I am all set! August 26th cannot get here soon enough!

I got my date!

Jul 19, 2008

I had my last pre-op appointment on Thursday, July 17th and they scheduled me for my surgery. We are looking at August 26th! The Phys. Asst. said I was done with all of the requirements for my  insurance company but I still have a lot of lab work to do for the hospital. On Friday I had a message on my machine from the P.A. saying she wants to go over my lab work with me and of course now I am all worried that they are going to tell me I don't qualify, I have to call them on Monday to find out what this is about(hopefully it's good news). I will update as soon as I have any  more info.

a little update

Jun 24, 2008

Alright not too much new has happened recently but I figured I should put something new on here. I am now in my 5th month of pre-op dieting. Not doing too well with any kind of weight loss success, though. Good news is that I still am not smoking! I have been working out. I have my next appointment tomorrow...hopefully I won't have gained anything. We are going on vacation next week. I can't wait! I really need a break from work for a week! Alright, better hit my bed before I can't even make it in to work tomorrow!

in my 3rd month...

Apr 19, 2008

O.k. so it has been a while since I have been able to update. Sorry! I have my 3rd appointment coming up on April 24th. I went to the psychologist on April 14th for that part of the pre-op testing. It went pretty well, he was really nice and told me he was going to give the recommendation for the surgery. I am so happy, it is really starting to feel like this may happen! All I have left to do is get the testing done that is due about 2 months before the surgery, so I will probably get those things done in about another 2 months and finish my 6 month pre-op dietician meetings. I have been so busy with work and my family that I really don't have all that much time to think about the surgery right now, which is good cause all I would do is worry. I guess I am still scared about complications. I know, I really shouldn't be, but it is a major surgery after all! I thank God my friends and family are being supportive because I don't know how I would be able to handle it all on my own! I have been trying to do well with my pre-op dieting but my weight just keeps staying at like 248-250! What if I have the surgery and still can't get below this weight? O.k. maybe that is an unrealistic fear, lol! Well, I guess I better get off of here and get my family some dinner before they start whining about me being on this computer : ) I will try to keep updating a lot more! Peace, Alicia

On my way...

Mar 22, 2008

Well, I am really on my way here! I had my 1st appt. with Dr. Quinlin on Feb. 22 (which is pretty cool cause that is also my mom's b-day). That went pretty well, got to meet my doc and the nut. She gave me some great tips on how to eat healthy. Sometimes I tend to find excuses as to why I have to eat unhealthy things and I know I need to stop that! Rather than make excuses I need to take ownership and change bad habits! Yesterday (March 21st) I went and had some of my pre-op testing done. I had my upper g.i., ultrasound of the abdome, and pulmonary function test. I was able to schedule them all on my day off (Good Friday) and got it all done in the morning! I am already feeling so productive. I keep playing phone tag with the psychologist's office but I still have a few months. I guess I am just really proud of myself right know cause I really tend to be a procrastinator and the fact that I am already getting stuff done when I know I have a total of 6 months to get it all done is pretty good for me. Well, gotta get off of here so I can get all of my Easter shopping done. Yep, that's right, tomorrow is Easter and I don't have the boys' candy or even dinner stuff bought yet! I guess that is just another example of my procrastinating self!

About Me
Mckees Rocks, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 9
lovin it so far!
1 week post-op!
gettin ready!
I got my date!
a little update
in my 3rd month...
On my way...
