Happy I made it through the holidays

Dec 30, 2007

I was so worried about making it through the holidays and gaining weight.  However, the band has made me much more conscious of what I put in my mouth and the quantity.  I really stop and think before tasting anything and have managed to even lose a bit of weight during my time off work.  This tool has been a life-saver for me, and I am so happy with my progress.

I am also delighted that I was able to fit into a size 14/16 stretch jean with an elastic waist.  This has been a first...finally moving out of plus sizes.  I have lost most of my weight in my hips and butt but still have a large stomach...hence the elastic waist.  

I am taking this journey one day at a time and enjoying the confidence this weight loss is giving me.  What a great way to start the new year.

So pleased and happy

Nov 09, 2007

I'm not one to post very often but I am just so happy and pleased with my lap band.  I finally reached ONEDERLAND this week and feel I'm really on my way to becoming a slimmer, happier me.  My second fill is working so well and I finally understand what restriction is all about.  This is like an early Christmas gift for me!

People at work and my friends continually compliment me on how I look.  Compliments on my appearance are new to me and make me feel so GOOD!

Second Fill

Oct 28, 2007

I had my second fill three days ago and am finally feeling some good restriction.  It was a struggle to get this second fill since my doctor felt I was losing at a fast enough pace.  However, he finally saw a dramatic slow down and consented to adding 1 cc, giving me with 5 cc's in my 10 cc band.

I am so much happier since it takes a much smaller amount of food to fill me up, and I have been staying quite full between meals.  Not sure how long this restriction will last but I will take advantge of it while it does.

Finally an update

Oct 11, 2007

I haven't written anything in quite some time.  I LOVE my band and am so very happy that I had this done.  I recently returned from a brief vacation in Central New York with my Italian family who equates food with love.  I was so worried that I would "fall off the wagon" and forget everything I've learned so far as a lap bander.  However, my family was so pleased and delighted to see me slimmer that they never pushed food on me.  I stayed with my sister who prepared several wonderful meals with plenty of protein and vegetables.  The band prevented me from overeating, and I am so pleased with this wonderful little tool inside me.

6 Days Post-Op

Jun 19, 2007

It's hard to belive it's been almost a week since my lap band surgery.  Incredibly, it appers that I've lost around 15 pounds...or at least that's what my scale says at home. I won't know for sure until I go for my first check-up on Thursday. 

I've been doing a little walking around my condo building but the weather here in Northern Virgina hsas been so hot and humid, that it drains the life out of me.  I prefer the cool and calm of air conditioning.

Only one of my incisions is sore, but I've experienced no real pain lately.  My gas seems to have cleared up for the most part.  I am getting sick and tired of this full liquid diet.  So many sweet things and so few savory items.  I look forward sipping my chicken bullion each day.

I'm having a difficult time sleeping.  Laying down flat in bed is not working so I've been using a recliner.  However, I do feel a bit worn out and sluggish.

Overall, I'm pleased so far and am looking forward to the "mushy" food coming up soon.

I'll post again after my check-up.

Mary Ann

Only a few days to go!

Jun 09, 2007

I can't believe how quickly the time is flying by and my lap band surgery is almost here.

I went shopping today to buy the various approved items for my full liquid diet as well as some protein supplements.

I attended my first support group last Thursday and enjoyed hearing all the various stories.  Everyone is so generous in sharing their lessons learned and the good and bad in the various protein supplements.

I would love to hear from folks who have had their lap band surgery, especially anyone in the Northern Virginia area.

Mary Ann

13 June lap band surgery

Jun 03, 2007

Hello out there!

This is my first time posting.  

My lap band surgery with Dr. Halmi is cheduled for 13 June, and I am both excited and a bit nervous.

I have been overweight since I was a small child losing and gaining hundreds and hundreds of pounds over the years.  At age 57, I am sick of this roller coaster and decided to take charge of my life and go forward with the surgery.

I would appreciate any messages where you could share your experiences and any lessons learned that can help me as my surgery quickly approaches.

Mary Ann

About Me
Alexandria, VA
Surgery Date
May 23, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 7
Happy I made it through the holidays
So pleased and happy
Second Fill
Finally an update
6 Days Post-Op
Only a few days to go!
13 June lap band surgery
