My Story

Jul 17, 2011

I have been on a trillion and one diets....have lost a ton of weight but unfortunately I am an excellent hunter because I found each pound plus others and took them all back.  It is open season for hunting pounds year around.

Obesity runs in my mother is about 290...I have no idea how much my sister and brother weigh but they are not too far behind.  Please do not misunderstand me...I am not claiming genetics because I like to eat....I am a GRITS and there is nothing I love more than the typical southern Sunday dinner....roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, home made macaroni and cheese, a green vegetable cooked w/a ham hock, potato salad, homemade biscuits....I call it a "Southern Tribute to Starch."

I see my mother and I a terrified...I see I am walking down the same road she has walked for years.  I see that she has so many medical problems, she is so limited in activities and I desperately want to to get off that road and get onto the road of a healthy me...the me who can walk the dog without knee and hip pain...the me who can get my blood pressure under control...and to be honest...the me who does not have to buy clothes at the "Fat Girl Store."

I do not believe I am an emotional eater....but my body does not know I have just eaten a huge "Tribute to Starch" dinner because in about 2 hours my stomach is saying we are so hungry.

I have met with my surgeon and he did not roll around on the floor laughing when I told him about the hunger thingie...he said , "it is not unusual and it may because your stomach is producing too much Ghrelin" and he agreed that VSG would work best for me.  I have had my physical (waiting on a letter), My psych (waiting on a letter), I saw the nutritionist, and I see the cardiologist on the 7/19/11.  My surgeon's office staff report my insurance company is easy to work with but I may have to work with a nutritionist for three months before they will approve we will see...I know time will pass quickly but just like everyone else....I want the surgery yesterday.

I know surgery is not an easy fix (my surgeon will not be sprinkling fairy dust around in the operating room)...I know surgery is a forever life changing event.  I know the surgery is a tool to help me take the road less traveled in my family. 

1 comment

A little help from my friend

Jul 16, 2011

I received a "not so subtle push" from a new friend I met on OH to start utilizing the many tools and wonderful support system offered on OH.
Okay, my new said you checked...let me know when you see this.

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Jul 08, 2011
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