It's been 5 1/2 months and 73 lbs less!

Jan 05, 2008

I can't believe I've lost so my weight. I feel so good! I've being working out for almost 2 months now and lost 12.5 inches the first month. I also started walking/jogging on the treadmill and today I reached the 2 mile mark! It may not be much, but it is for me considering I would be out of breath after walking from the parking lot to my office when I was 250 lbs. I love the fact that I'm able to move, I feel alive, I breath, I am enjoying life!
A friend from highschool told me today that I am looking more like the girl she knew years ago, and I told her that I also feel like the person I used to be, it's like I'm ME again not just in appearance but inside. I had lost my self steem, my personality had completely changed for the worst. Now I smile, I laugh! I want to see pictures of me (which I absolutely hated a few months ago) I feel proud of myself and I am learning to love myself again. Even when I look at myself naked in the mirror... I am learning to love those areas that are not very pretty to look at! hahaha... and that is because I'm a mother... My body was able to create two beautiful little girls that I love with all my heart. How could I not love this body that did something so amazing?
My body is not perfect, I'm not perfect. But I'm real, I am a real woman, I'm not some skinny model on the cover of a magazine. I am healthy. I am alive!!!

It's been 4 months...

Nov 17, 2007

... and I have lost 65 lbs! People has started noticing, some ask me what I'm doing, some tell me how amazing I look! I tell everyone that I had gastric bypass and everyone says that I did the right thing. I know I did, but it's nice to hear others agree with me. 
I joined Curves this week, I had stopped walking and I knew I had to get back on track or I would keep slacking and go back to my old ways. I don't want that to happen. I am doing so well, I want to keep it up. Wednesday was my first workout... I had not had a real workout since forever! At least 10 years if not more. It feels great being able to move my body like I used to, to be more flexible, to not have to stop because I'm out of breath or about to faint if I continue. I feel like my old self again, I feel great, I look better, my asthma is gone, my side doesn't hurt anymore, no more back pain, no more complaining about something being wrong with me. I have so much energy I feel like going to the mall, cleaning my house, playing with the girls.. simple things that believe it or not were getting to be so hard for me because I fell so awful most of the time I just wanted to sleep or watch TV.
My family is very supportive, I couldn't do without them. 
I can actually eat pretty much anything, of course always watching what I eat and being careful to stay away from fats, empty calories, all that stuff that's bad for you. I'm expecting to drop maybe 20 more lbs in the next couple of months. But to be honest, the numbers don't matter any more, as long as I continue to feel good about myself. I'm so proud of myself! I have to say it because I really am. I'm so proud of how far I've come!

I'm 7 weeks out

Sep 11, 2007

And I have lost 45 lbs... not bad, uh? I started eating solid food, real food not just the soft kind. Everything is going well... can't really eat that much anyway.
My husband laughs when he sees the small portion on my plate. The other day he made dinner and gave me a little tiny plate while laughing at me... with me I should say! 
I posted a new picture today... I can't really see the difference between my first and my last picture, but I can see it in person and I think other people are starting to notice too.
Ok... got to go... until next time with a better picture

I'm 4 weeks out

Aug 25, 2007

And I have lost 35 lbs! I reached plateau, but people keep telling me that this is temporary and is normal. So I'm going to get over it and look forward to seeing less of me soon :)
My parents did not agree with me having surgery, but now that they see how happy I am they are very supportive. Not that they were not before, they were just very concerned. My mom even says that the look in my face is like I was born again.. I think she's exagerating a little.. but truth is, I do feel great and happier
My husband continues to be supportive, he always has and I'm so blessed.
And my girls... well, they say they liked me better when I was 250, lol... but I won't take it seriously. I think  that they see some changes in me, good changes I should say and they were not expecting that. They will come along.
Healtwise, I'm not coughing anymore, sounds like my asthma is improving! My back doesn't hurt anymore.. that's a relief!
I dont' know what my sugar levels are, we moved not long ago and I still can't find my meter (I know, I'm not a very organized person). But I'm sure I'm doing better too. Can't wait till my next check up and suprise my doctor!

My first week

Jul 26, 2007

This is actually 4 days after surgery... Of course like everyone else I started my liquid diet 2 weeks before my surgery. I am 20 lbs lighter than when I started and I'm proud of myself. I can tell my daughters are proud of me too and that makes me feel even better!

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Jul 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 5
It's been 5 1/2 months and 73 lbs less!
It's been 4 months...
I'm 7 weeks out
I'm 4 weeks out
My first week
