In the beginning...

Wait, wrong story.

Actually, to tell my story I should go back to the beginning.  I weighed 9 lbs 11oz at birth and showed no signs of slimming down.  I was a fat baby who loved to eat.  Eventually, I became a fat child, then a fat adolescent, then a fat teen, and now I'm a fat woman fast approaching middle age. 

Despite my weight, I am relatively healthy.  Oh, sure, I have GERD, sleep apnea and my knees sound like Rice Krispies as I go up stairs, and I can't stand for more than a few minutes without excruciating pain.  But my bp is normal, I don't have diabetes, and as of last year when I had my last full physical I didn't show any signs of heart problems.  I can be active when I want and am relatively light on my feet for someone who is 5'7" and 340+ lbs!

My problem is food.  I won't eat things that have strange textures; that sets off my gag reflex something fierce.  But I love to cook and bake, skills I inherited from my German ancestors and southern-born grandparents.  Every Sunday it was biscuits and gravy; every Christmas, the cookies and the potatoes and dumplings with the clarified butter...  Food was always such a special focus in my family, and I was always encouraged to eat, eat, eat.  That may have been okay when I was a kid and led a more active lifestyle -- riding my bike, climbing trees, running, swimming -- but as an adult I became more sedentary.  Not a good thing, to be sure.

Because food was always such a comfort and joy, naturally it was my first defense when things went wrong.  My father abused me and my parents divorced, and I was troubled so I started to pack on the pounds.  Then my stepmother came along and tried to starve me to death (literally).  It was the only time I was actually "thin," but I was also sick all the time.  Whenever I got access to food I gorged myself because I didn't know when I'd have it again.  I still have a hangup about wasting food for this reason.

And naturally, with being fat comes the cruel taunts from one's peers and total strangers.  I have always been a sensitive person so I took everything to heart.  I tried to lose weight, bouncing from one diet to the next.  I would take off a few pounds but too quickly hit a plateau and stopped cold.  Frustration and defeat followed, then I was back to eating uncontrollably.  This not only jeopardized my health, it cost me a lot of employment as I got turned down for positions because of my appearance.  After all, who wants to walk into a business and the first thing one sees is a huge, disgusting fat person?  Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it?  And yet, that is what was happening to me.  I even had a man tell me he thought of hiring me simply because a "pretty, thin" girl would be too distracting for his male employees.  I kid you not.  My experience didn't matter.  I was FAT.  And I was growing more and more depressed by the day.

It wasn't until recently that I sought help for all the anguish I've suffered through the years.  I've sought counseling and I'm on medications to help with my chronic depression, and I feel like I'm on an even keel for the first time in my life.  What's more, I now see a solution to my weight control problem: bariatric surgery.  I was first introduced to the concept in 2004 when I had my gallbladder removed.  At the time, I didn't have sufficient insurance or I could've had the gastric bypass done as well.  It took two years, a lawyer, and a lot of paperwork, but now I'm on Disability and covered by Medicare -- and so I'm making that next big step.

I foresee a day when I will be able to walk more than a few steps without being winded.  I foresee a day when I can buy clothes off the rack instead of mail ordering.  I foresee a day when I can ride a bike again, and take walks, and play with my nieces and nephews, and not break furniture when I sit on it.  I foresee a longer life ahead of me.  Finally, at long last, there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

About Me
Grand Rapids, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 5
Five more pounds to go!
I have lost the equivilent of an elphant's penis.
Two Weeks Out.
Three Days Out...
Final Countdown...
