I have always felt like a thin person I don't know if my mom was just that good at telling me I wasn't fat or just a positive outlook on life  Well anyway I have been overweight all of my life, always just above the "normal" range, of course family tells you that your just big boned. I didn't become obese until after I had my son.  It was such a disapointment because I hadn't gained too much in my pregnancy and I had lost almost all of the weight when, boom, I just balooned.  The doctor told me at that time, after a thyroid test, that well your metabolism just slows down over time  Well 6 years later come to find out I have PCOS and that explains a lot of things over the years.  
So anyway I am now ready to face the fact that I am obese and need to do something about it so that I can enjoy camping, hiking and horseback riding again. I still do those things but wow it's so hard trying to tell my thinner friends (whom I dearly love and are very supportive) that I'm tired after just half a day.  I know that someone who is not carrying around 100 extra pounds can't really understand. I look forward to my weight loss journey and being at good healthy example for my son.

About Me
Flagstaff, AZ
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 15
Month 4
Month 3!!
Two months!!
Here's the ticker!!
Almost two months out and dropped a pants size!
One month out!
Whooo Hoooo!
Two week check up!
Light at the end of the tunnel
