51 Pounds Until Goal

Aug 05, 2010

I still cannot believe it.

I am 51 pounds from goal.....I am 201, per my scale this afternoon.
AMAZING!  My goal is 150.

I am amazed, because I am smaller than I have been in .... 15 years?! 

I can eat a little more...I have overdone it 2 times and vomited both times. GAH! 
I am even more careful now!

Since I work overnights, 12 hours, I try to portion out my eating times to make sure I am getting in all my 
protein.  Sometimes I fail miserably, but I am eating more.

I had to buy some size 16 jeans, too!! MY PROM DRESS in 1987 was a 16!! 
I am thrilled!

I have collar bones! My triple chins are gone! So are my boobs, but I don't care! Plastic Surgery Fund has been started!

I feel wonderful.

