My name is Meg and I am 36.  I have been overweight all my life...as long as I can remember.  I have obesity on both sides of my family so I suppose I was doomed from the get go!  I weighed around 185 when I graduated high school and was about 215 after I graduated college.  At that time I was prescribed Phentergen and the weight melted away...I got down to 160 which I maintained by smoking and drinking diet coke instead of eating a meal.  I was also exercising at this time and wore about a size 12.  I have never been "skinny", but I was happy at this size.  Then I met a wonderful man when I was 24 and married him a year later.  I started eating, quit the cigs, and my weight creeped up to 180. The following year I got pregnant with my first child and haven't seen180 since!  After my third child 4 years ago, I have been battling to keep my weight down.  I diet and exercise and lose 20 pounds but then put it back on.  I have done this three times in 4 years, and now I find it increasingly more difficult to lose weight. I am now about 238.  My husband has never been anything but supportive and I do not know what I would do without him!  I have a few friends that have had BS and have done wonderfully.  I started researching it about a year ago and went to an informative session with my husband.  At first he was against it because he said I wasn't an overeater/binge eater.  But after we discussed it a few times he has agreed.  I went to my first appt in april and met with the doctor.  I knew my insurance wouldn't pay for it so I had to come up with the money.  My parents have offered to pay half and after a home equity loan I will be able to swing it.  Tuesday, August 21st, is my first set of appts with a dietician and psychologist.  I also get to attend my first support meeting.  I am a bit nervous and know that I have a LOT of hard work ahead of me.  But I am SO READY.....wish me luck!

Highest weight   250 lb

Pre Optifast diet (08-21-07)  238.5

Pre Op appt       (09-11-07)  223.5

3 Week Post      (10-09-07) 212.5

11-4-07    202.0
11-26-07   194
12-07-07   188
02-26-08    167

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 18
10 months out!
Feeling Great!
Post Holidays
6 weeks post op
Back To Work!
3 Week Post Op Appt
