D-Day or Doctor Visit Day has arrived!

May 23, 2010

So April 27th came and I travelled to Huntington to have my inital exam and consult with Dr. Nease. I was a little nervous, but not too much.  Nothing to be nervouse about.  Dr. Nease is such a nice man.  He talked to me about the different surgeries that were available.  Explaining the Pros and Cons of each.  Examined me and told me that all my tests were good and that I was a candidate for any of the surgeries I wanted to pursue.

I took copies of all my tests to him in case there was a problem and the hospital hadn't sent them over beforehand.  He saw how ready I was for the surgery and how long I had been researching and trying to get approved.  He said he wished all his patients were that prepared.

When I left his office, I was given an appointment for the next step, the 3 hour nutrition class.  I got the next available appointment which was next week.

Things are moving right along.

