Post Post-Op Update

Dec 23, 2008

Hi and Merry Christmas...

Had my first Post-Op yesterday and it is official, I have lost 28 pounds so far!! I figured I would lose maybe 20 before returning to work next week, looks like I was a little off in my estimate. 

Yesterday was my worst day so far! I got to find out what it feels like if you eat too much and it was very painful ALL DAY LONG!  I had a little over 1 hard boiled egg mashed up with a little butter and Mrs. Dash for breakfast and I found out that I can't eat a whole egg at the moment, it is too much food.  It seems that since an egg is so sticky it formed a ball in my little pouch and wouldn't move!  i couldn't even drink water without excruciating pain!  Needless to say that was all I ate yesterday. lol  Finally at about  6:30 PM I was able to drink water again and it seemed to finally leave my pouch and life was good again.

It is really amazing that it only takes 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup of food to fill me up to the point where I am stuffed!  I just have to learn to eat slower! It takes about 20 minutes for the message from your stomach that your full to reach your brain... Gotta eat slow enough for that message to reach your brain before you are stuffed.  I feel great again today though so I am happy!!

They started me on this med that I have to take for the next 6 months for my Gallbladder.  It is common for obese people who experience rapid weight loss to get really bad gallstones, to the point where they need to remove your gallbladder and this med is supposed to lower that chance to 2% or less.  I was blown away how expensive the stuff is, my insurance co-pay was $20 for 100 pills, the retail price was about $250!!!  And I need to be on it for 6 months...

Starting Saturday I get to move to my stage 2 food, I get to add hamburger, fish, deli meat, beans, fruit and a few other things that I am looking forward to  having again.  It is pretty wild though to eat so little of anything, basically I get one thing for food each meal, not a variety since my meal size is so small.  That will start in two weeks when I get to expand what I eat and the quantity a little.

I am looking forward to returning to work next week, and trying on my slacks.  Should be a little looser now than the last time I put them on.  I have almost another week of weight loss ahead of me so who knows what I will be at by the time I get back to work.

If I don't have another update before Christmas I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!


About Me
Clovis, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2008
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