Day 2 Of 5 Day Pouch Test!!

Sep 19, 2011

Well today is day 2 and let me tell you, this is rough.  I don't know why but it seems harder on this one day liquid protein day then the 2 weeks I had to do before surgery.  I know its all in my head cuz I am not hungry but I just keep telling myself what I am trying to do and I struggle through it. 
The bad part of the day was my grumpiness.  WOW can I be moody but I didn't yell at anyone or fight with anyone, I just felt agitated.  Today may be a little harder due to the time-line of my day.  I am trying to lay out my liquids for the day and when I drink them.  My other issue was the fact I had to go to the bathroom 867 times a day.  That protein shake just goes right through me and it seems I spent more time in the bathroom yesterday then I have in total since I had my surgery.
The good part of the day is that I have lost some weight.  I'm sure it was all water weight but it was weight and I will take it.  I started off yesterday at 211 and this morning I weigh 208.  All those trips to the bathroom really helped.  LOL
So on day two I am preparing all my shakes and stuff while dreaming of day three when I can move on to my next stage.  I am determined to do this so off to work I go.  Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!

Almost A Year

Sep 18, 2011

Well I am about one month from my surgerversery (probably just butchered the spelling of that) and I am happy to be smaller and more healthy then a year ago but I also kinda wish I had gotten a little smaller.  I got off track awhile back and haven't gotten back on, so I believe if I had paid more attention to what I was doing, things would be different.
I have read a lot on the 5 day pouch test and have decided to give it a shot.  I am gonna try to get all the sugar, soda ect... out of my system and make better choices on what I eat.  Also I am going to pay more attention to my water intake and get my vitamins going again as well.  
Sooooo, today is day one and I just finished off my first protein drink.  I weigh 211 this morning and I am so hoping that I can finally get below that 200 lbs mark.  Here's to a fun and exciting 5 days.  Hope my family doesn't boot me out =D


218 Trying to get back on track.

Jun 01, 2011

Hello everyone,
I know I have not been on here in a very long time.  I started feeling better and since we were soooo broke all the time, I decided to get a second job to help get them paid off quicker.  Before surgery I would never have been able to do two full time jobs without collapsing when I get home. 
I guess the second job is one of the biggest reasons I am not doing that great in my weight loss.  Don't get me wrong,  I have lost a lot of weight and am off all meds and feel awesome but I would like to get down a little more just because and I know I only have a short period of time when this tool works the best.  I have pretty much hit a stall for quite awhile and I know it is cuz I don't eat and drink right, with working all the time I feel like I don't have time for anything.  Sooooo, knowing this, I have made up my mind to plan better for my meals and to always have something on hand so I don't get in this rut again.  I started this morning with my protein shake again and planning time for my walks in between jobs.
I am not trying to get anyone to feel sorry for me or make up excuses for everything I do wrong but more look back to this wonderful site for the helpful tips and hints and all the encouraging people to help get me back on track again.
Thanks again for all your help!!

250 Week 9

Jan 04, 2011

Things are really going good for me. I am hitting a few stalls but I am loosing inches instead which is just as good for me.  I had my first blockage which caused me to throw up.  Problem is my blockage is air.  Dr tells me that everyone inhales before they take a bite of food or a drink so the air goes down first then the food/drink.  At first I was able to wait it out, the pain can be pretty rough.  Then things got worse so I started taking some tums which helped for awhile.  Now the tums don't even seem to work and the pain is horrible.  So the other day I get sick and after that, all was good.  It was a weird feeling cuz it didn't come from my stomach but as soon as I was done, the pain was relieved.  If anyone has any advice on what to do for this, please let me know.  I have started eating even slower than what I was and I am really trying to not inhale before I drink but it just doesn't seem to help.
I am not getting enough protein in my diet so I noticed someone posted on here that they started eating beef jerky to help.  So I started two days ago eating small amounts of jerky through out the day and I am now getting it all in.  The scale even started moving down again!!
I just started working a second job so now I know I wont get enough exercise because I know I wasn't getting it before but maybe the extra job will help since I will be unloading a truck sometimes.  
I know I am only putting down the things that I am doing wrong but a lot is going right too.  I feel so much better, have lots more energy.  I am getting stronger each day with the things I have to lift at work, its not as hard for me.  My self esteem is getting higher, I can take a compliment and say thank you now instead of making excuses.  My stress level is still pretty high but I am getting better about letting the bull roll off my back.
So this is defiantly the best decision I have made for myself, sometimes I just wonder what my ending result will be since I am a OH junkie and love to look at the success pictures everyday.
I hope everyone has a healthy and great new year.  Good luck to everyone with their surgeries!!

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262 Going Into Week 7

Dec 08, 2010

I had some extra time today and wanted to post a couple of things.  I am really starting to get compliments about my weight loss now at work.  I didn't know if people could really see a difference or not.  I even had one of the maintenance men say "So is this thing really working for you?"  I said you mean the surgery and he was like yeah that how is it working for you, you can really see a difference.  Its funny how people want to know how its going but they seem to scared to actually say "surgery".  I also had one of my co-workers comment how good I was looking.  I wore my first pair of jean to work in a loonnngg time and she noticed how much I have lost.  Yippee!! 
I go to my second Dr's appointment today, I need to ask him about my food and drink not wanting to stay down.  I don't mean getting sick but sometimes it seems like it just floats up my esophagus to my throat and I have to continuously swallow.  Its a very weird feeling and I just wonder about it.  
Other than that it seems like I am getting around better and have lots more energy in what I am doing.  My knees still bother me a lot but I still have a lot of weight to take off of them and to strengthen them up.  One other thing I am noticing is I don't sleep as well at night.  I get cranky cuz I can't fall asleep very easy and when I do fall asleep, I don't sleep very sound or for very long.  Any ideas about that, please let me know.
Well that's all I have for now.  I will check back in another week or so to see how I am doing.
Have a great day!!

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265 Week 6

Dec 03, 2010

I have missed a couple of weeks but I don't have a whole lot to report.  I have finally hit the point where people are really starting to notice my weight loss but I am hardly noticing a difference.  I have heard that it is hard for someone to notice the weight loss on themselves because they have been big so long.  Maybe that is what is going on with me.  I will post my current picture, maybe you can see more than I can.

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269.2 Week 3

Nov 19, 2010

Things are going good.  I just wonder if my weight loss is gonna be slow through this whole journey due to the amount of stress I go through at work.  Sometimes I think do I need to find another job so I can rid myself of some of this stress.  I guess it will all work out in the end.
I am getting into my smaller clothes so my inches are going down, I have been trying to exercise everyday but sometimes it's hard with all I have to do.  Maybe one day my Scentsy business will just take off and fly then I can quit my job.  Its a nice dream doncha think.
Well anyways, not much to post just doing things one day at a time.
Have a Great Day All!!!

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270 Not quite 3 whole weeks

Nov 16, 2010

Yesterday I went back to work.  Wow did I get tired. I made it through the day but my butt was dragging.  I am not sure if it was because of stress from a big family blow up that also included my boss/sister-in-law, but I felt like pooh yesterday.  I woke up in the morning and drank me a whey protein shake and didn't eat anything else the rest of my day at work cuz my stomach was so upset.  I know it wasn't right to not eat anything but I couldn't help it.  I did drink a crystal light water with a protein bullet added to it but no food.  I came home and knew I needed something so I went back to baby food.  I guess I just thought it would be more gentle on my stomach.  I didn't eat anything the rest of the night either and so far this morning I drake a protein shake and about an ounce of baby food again.  I am not hungry at all and having an upset stomach, I really didn't want to force it.  Problem is I went to my seminar in the beginning and there was a girl there that my Dr had saved because she was literally starving to death.  She noticed she wasn't feeling hungry so she just didn't eat anything.  Dr had to start her out on a clear liquid again just to get her going because her stomach had shrunk down to nothing and she was starving herself, but didn't know it.  Not something I want to get into.
On a positive note, I have started loosing weight!  I am so happy and clothes are starting to fit sooo much better.  So all my worries have gone out the window.  I will just continue to use this surgery to help me succeed in what I am trying to accomplish.

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I Think I Will Just Stick With My Blog.

Nov 12, 2010

I tried to ask a question today, maybe I shouldn't have but I thought that's what the boards were for.  I asked if I am doing something wrong or if anyone has any advice for me because I haven't lost ANYTHING.  I wasn't hoping for a miracle, maybe just a pound or two.  I had some tell me in a kind helpful way about my lack of weight loss and I had one ask me what kind of miracle was I looking for.  She told me to chill out and maybe its the way it comes across in a message but it sure sounded like a slap in the face to me. 
As I sit here trying not to cry about something so lame, I wondered why I even posted a question in the discussion board to begin with.  I should have just stuck with reading and not asking questions.  
I am sorry if I sound so retarded about this but I feel when a new person comes to this site and asks questions, maybe the responses need to be a little kinder and not so harsh, especially from someone who had their surgery so long ago.  They probably come on here thinking not nice things about us new one but sometimes I think they need to remember that they were here once too.

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276 Week Two

Nov 10, 2010

I think I am getting cranky.  I thought the weight would come off a little easier, but at the same time at least it's coming off rather than going on.  I have hit my stage two diet and I went in for my check up and Dr says everything looks great.  He even said my weight loss is good.  Just wondering if he can do math very well.  I got all my clothes out of the closet that I haven't fit into in 5 years and they are starting to fit nicely but wow that scale won't move. 
I have been really trying to get my protein in, drinking a couple of whey protein drinks a day.    I guess I need to quit being so impatient and let things happen as they happen but man is it frustrating.  It will get better though, I go back to work on Monday so my mind won't be on it all the time anymore.

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Apr 13, 2010
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