I just turned 29 on April 21, 2008. I also just passed 300 pounds. It seemed to happen overnight, although I know it didn't. I had always been chubby, and my weight has always fluctuated but never as bad as this. I lost 80 pounds when I first got out of highschool just to eventually gain it all back and then some. I had felt that I was doing a decent job maintaining my weight but life got to me and took control. From bad relationships to violent attacks things weren't going my way. Then suddenly I met someone, and after three months I made the commitment that I would move with him to Connecticut a month later. 

So after knowing Michael for four months I packed up everything I own and moved from Kansas City to Bristol, CT. It was a huge move. I had moved from Keokuk, Iowa myself to go to college but it didn't compare to moving halfway across the country. Being overweight already, and having to meet all these people and go to all these new places was so scary! I hated it, and I got depressed. I missed what little I had in KC so much that it felt like I left the greatest life in the world. I got depressed. I ate.

After a few months, Michael had bought me a car and I was starting to figure out my way around at least a little bit! Two weeks after I got my new car I was in a car accident. It was Nov. 15, 2007. It was horrible. It was embarassing! They cut all my cloths off in the ambulance which has always been a fear of mine but I figured at my age an unrational one at least. Then I spent the entire day at the hospital still freaking naked! Getting picked up and moved from beds to tables was mortifying. I said to myself when this is all over, never again. I can't go through this embarassment again. The car was totaled, we only had liability on it in the first place so I couldn't get another one. But that didn't matter much at the time because I couldn't drive, I had a broken hip.

28 years old with a broken hip, that alone is depressing. But I was already angry and resentful for moving out here...I had to take a step down in my job to get out here, I don't know anybody, I can't do anything, blah blah blah. Now it was all worse. I had to be home, mostly alone cause Michael had to go to work, for three months. I couldn't move. I was in pain. And my job sent me a gift basket filled with so much chocolate that they needed two gift baskets. To top it all off, the writers were on strike so there wasn't even TV!

Thank god I had my puppy, still to this day she can make every last bit of sadness and anger go away.

So here I am, my hips are so wide I can't fit into chairs without something pressing against my hip. Which makes my hip hurt so bad I can barely walk. And the cycle continues. I need help. I'm sure that once some of the weight starts coming off my hip will feel so much better. Not only will it have less strain from my weight but the pressure from chairs and seatbelts will be no more. I honestly can't wait for that day.

And my poor knee, it is so exhausted from carrying around my entire body weight for so many months that it feels like it is about to give out!

Well thats a little about me...

About Me
Bristol, CT
Surgery Date
May 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 16
I missed an entire month!!!
Haven't updated in awhile....
June 23, 2008
June 11, 2008
June 5, 2008
June 3, 2008
Week 4 - June 2, 2008
Bad News - May 30, 2008
