8 Months!

Sep 29, 2010

I can't believe that is has been eight months! I down 116lbs way pass what I expected to be, with my weight at 144lbs. This month has been really rough emotionally for me. My mom passed away on September 15, unexpectedly. We still don't know what happen. So my diet was a mess for a while, eating chocolate, eating whatever people were bringing to my mom's house, etc.  It has been a hard month but I have my sisters and my family to help me through. I also loved my mom very much, and showed her every day so there are no regrets, and I never took my mom for granted she was a great woman.

I think for now that is all I have to say. I hope everyone else is doing great, and keep up the great work. Sounds like everyone is doing great!


Goal Weight

Aug 30, 2010

As of yesterday, I have hit my goal weight of 150lbs, so that is a total of 110lbs gone!!  I can't believe it! I am so excited, and proud that I made it this far. What a great way to start the fall, and school starts next week for my kids!


7 months!

Aug 19, 2010

Well tomorrow will 7 months for me! I can't believe it!  It is really going by too fast!  I have lost a total of 105lbs.  My doctor told me at the last appointment that I might start slowing down now that I am getting close to my BMI.  He was right I have only lost 5 lbs this month.  But that is ok.  As long as I am still losing right now, I will take it.

Everyone at work keeps telling me how skinny I am getting.  It is kind of weird but good.  I am just not use to people calling me skinny, yet. I have to feel myself around my belly to make sure this is me.  I stair at myself in the mirrors a lot too because I am still trying to get my head to catch up to the new self. I need to get new pictures up here. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow.

Well I hope everyone else is doing great!  Talk to everyone real soon.

1 comment

6 months & 100lbs Gone!

Jul 20, 2010

What a great surversary present!  I am down 100lbs as of this morning.  I am so excited!  I can't believe it!  I am so excited, and jumping up and down!  It has been such a great journey.  I still have a lot to learn about myself and my eating.  I still have head hunger that I am fighting almost every day but I don't give into it, as I use too.  My new thing to distract me is reading books. I love reading, I have always enjoyed it, but now I have more time for it since I am not stuffing my face all the time.

I did my first 5K on July 10th, in 56 minutes.  I was so happy that finished!  I was having some ankle problems so I could not run like I wanted too but I have another one planned for Labor Day so we will see maybe my time will be better.

I have another 10 lbs to lose to hit my goal weight, so another month, I should be there.  I am not going to push myself but that is about what I am losing a month.  I am so happy right now.  I am looking forward to more things I can do, we will see what the next six months will bring!  I can't even imagen it.

Talk to everyone soon!

5 Months

Jun 20, 2010

So it has been five months, and I am still doing great!  I have lost 91 lbs now, it is great!  I have adjusted to all the food changes. I think that is what took me the longest. I still get cravings for somethings but I handle it much better now a days. I know it is for a healthier me.  I will get pictures up too.  It is amazing what 91lbs does to a person.
So my next challenge is traveling to Orlando in three days.  I think I have everything planed out for my food to get down there.  Then I told my best friend we would need to go shopping the next day.  Disney will be interesting when we want to eat.  But I am sure I will find a salad or soup that I can have, if not hopefully some kind of protein.  I might take two protein shakes that day to make sure I get the protein I need.  I am so excited.
The next event I am looking forward to is seeing my family on the forth of July.  My extended family has not seen me since the surgery.  Except a couple pictures I have posted on Facebook but that was 25 lbs ago.  My dad has not seen me since February, so it will be a good weekend.  Well I will talk to everyone real soon.


4 months!

May 19, 2010

I can't believe that it has been four months since surgery (well tomorrow will be), I have lost 78 lbs.  So much has changed over this time. I have so much more energy.  I can do more at night after I come home from work.  It is great!  I have started running three to four times a week.  I have my 5K coming up on July 10th.

So I had my three month check up with the surgeon, but I saw the nurse.  I had my blood work checked too.  I was so worried that something was going to be wrong but it turned out pretty good.  Everything came back normal except my iron.  She said that we can just keep an eye on it for my next visit. So we will see how I do in July, I actually see the doc then.

The next thing that I am looking forward to is my trip to Florida.  My best friend lives in Orlando, so my husband and I are going down for a week and a half at the end of June (with no kids). My mom is coming to our house to stay with the kids. I am going to miss my kids but I know that Doug and I need some time together. I think he is having a hard time with the changes that have been happening with me (not that he would ever say anything).  Don't get me wrong we are doing great!  He has been my biggest encourager.  It is actually nice.

Well I think I have wrote enough, I will talk with everyone soon!

1 comment

Ta Da!

May 07, 2010

So it has been a while since I have written on here so I thought that I would catch everyone up!  I am doing really good, I have lost 72 pounds so far, and only 38 more pounds to hit my goal weight.  I am feeling so much better.  I have a protein shake every morning now, and get most of my liquids in, when I am at home it is the hardest because get so busy (with three kids under the age 6 it is crazy!).  But no excuse, I am trying to work on that.

I have been have stalls already.  I just remind myself that 78lbs in three and half months is a lot, and my body needs to catch up to that.  I have really started to exercise.  I am getting a membership to the gym tonight or tomorrow morning (I have not been able to afford it until now).  I have been doing fast walks with my black lab.  She is loving it just as much as I do.

Let see what else.....my youngest just turned two yesterday.  We are having his birthday party tomorrow at my sisters but not until the afternoon.  I have go today and get his present, so that is why the gym might wait until tomorrow morning.  Then on Sunday my husband is taking me down to see a movie while my mom watches the kids.  Very excited about that!!!

We have a support group from our doctors office coming up on the 17th.  They are doing a Q&A with the doctors, before and after pictures, and a celebration walk.  I am very excited about that!  I am going with Brook, again, it should be fun.

Well I will talk to everyone real soon!  I hope every ones journey is going great, and hope to hear from you!


3 Month Sugerversary!

Apr 19, 2010

So today it has been 3 months since my surgery!  Time has flown by so fast!  I have lost a total of 68 pounds to date!  I am so excited.  I have not been this low for 10 years!  It is such a great feeling!  I am getting all my vitamins in now, my protein shake, and eating a lot more healthier.  I don't want the candy bars, pizza, or my cheese pretzels!  I want to be healthy and that is the most important thing.  I will substitute a candy bar for a chocolate protein shake, that way I still get my chocolate, and get the protein I need.  I have had my down falls (no body is perfect) but I have learned from that and have learned to love my body for the way it is now.

Yesterday I went to my first support group for WLS surgery it was on Physiology of WLS.  The doc doing the lecture was the doc I saw to get my surgery approved!  He was so awesome!  One of the things I learned was emotional eating, I use to do.  I would always eat after the kids go to bed, just a snack, but every night I did this.  Then I figured out I was eating because I was bored! Just sitting watching TV makes me bored.  So now I wait to take my vitamins (calcium, and multi) at night when the kids go to bed at 8pm.  That way it is my kind of snack, and it is something that I need to have. Maybe I could even add a protein shake in there, if I didn't get all the protein I needed for the day.  It was a big revelation for me.

So many changes for the last three months it is crazy, and some times hard to rap my head around.  Well I think I have wrote enough for now. I will talk to everyone real soon!  Thanks so much for all the support on here.
It has meant so much to me.

Excerise! Yes!

Apr 15, 2010

So I am excited tomorrow I am going to the local gym and getting a membership.  I have rearranged my work schedule so I will be able to go three days a week!  I can't wait to get over there!  I did a two mile bike ride today for the first time.  It was so nice to get out on my bike and just ride.  My legs were like jello when I got done but it felt good.
So my new thing is salads lately.  I just get a side salad (at work), and then bring feta cheese, shredded chicken, some hard boiled eggs, with a Italian dressing.  It is really good with good protein. 
So I was talking with my husband about what I should do for my goal weight.  I wanted to do something special for such an accomplishment.  So I have been really wanting The Nook (is is a book reader, kind of like an iPad).  He said that would be just fine.  So I am so excited!  I am hoping to get it before my trip to Orlando at the end of June but I am not going to push myself.
OH I would love to hear what everyone else is doing for exercise.  Give some me some variation.  I can't stand doing the same thing every day.  Talk to everyone soon, I hope! :)

New Me...

Apr 09, 2010

So I have added my before pictures, and my 11 week post op pictures to my site.  I can't believe how much I have change. 60 lbs really changes a persons face.  I got a new hair cut today also to celebrate my onederland!  I am so happy with the new look. Tomorrow my hubby and I are going shopping for new pants, and new underwear! Never thought I would be that excited about new underwear! Who knew?!

Shakes are going really well! I am getting them in every day now, and getting in most of my liquids. Plus, all my vitamins in every day.  Well I will go for now! Sorry it is so short but hopefully I will something later.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2009
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