Went to my third group meeting with the dietician/nutritionist and got weighed. I had lost 7 pounds. Of course the happiness only lasted about a minute, when the dietician said that this was a different scale and that is probably is off. Of course I was elated to find that I was not the only one that was digusted with that scale. The meeting went very well though, I met a lot of nice people who are also struggling to lose weight. Oh, well, I'll update later...

11/18/03-I had my Psychologist appt. today. I really like this doctor. He made me feel really comfortable talking to him about my weight problems. He seemed to understand what I am going through. My next appt with him is 12/08/03,I'll update then.

11/25/03-I had an appt with my PCP for pain in my joints. The doctor told me that it is probably due to my weight, but would like to have some blood drawn to test for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Oh well, I'll update later.

12/02/03-Well, I gotta go to my next dietician appt tomorrow. I don't think that I have lost any, but I may have gained a pount or two. I look forward to these meetings if for nothing other than to interact with the other people in the goup. I will try to update you on tomorrow...

12/03/03-Hello again, just wanted to post an update for today. I went to my group session and got weighed in. I am holding at 280, so I did not gain nor did I lose. I feel pretty good about that. Some of the ladies in the group were upset about the scale and that it is off. I was just glad that is did not say I had gained. Oh well, gotta go for now, but I'll update later.

12/04/03-Well hello again, I got my results from the blood test for Rheumatoid arthritis. The results were negative. So my PCP said I should just take some Aleve for the pain. But she says that the primary reason for the joint pain is my weight. Well yeah, I guess that 280# is a lot for my poor joints to hold up, especially and I'm only 5'2. So for now,I'm just doing the best I can to take some of the weight off, but it is not an easy task. Well, this is all for now, later.....

12/11/03-Well it's again, I just came back to work after three glorious days off. I went to my second appt with Dr. Senesac and it went well. Only one more to go and I be finished with that phase this year long process. I also went to the group session on yesterday and got weighed in and I had lost one pound. How about that! Well, we didn't talk about anything other than calories count...If I hear that one more time, I am going to scream!!! So now I just have to make it through the Christmas holidays without gaining more weight. Oh, well that's all for now, later....

12/16/03-Hello again AMOS, I would like to vent...one of my co-workers sent me an e-mail about a young man who died from weight loss surgery last month. I don't understand why someone would do this. They don't understand what I go through have gone through,and why I have decided that this is the best thing for me. I surely will be having a nice talk with her about this and I promise that it will never happen again. I was so mad when I checked my email that I immediately came to here and posted a question on the message board and received a wonderful, supportive response from another member and I really appreciated it. Oh well, I guess that I have vented and I will go for now.

12/30/03-Hello again AMOS, I just wanted to update. I had a nice Christmas and it looks like I'm going to be working when the new year comes in...Oh well, I been having some problems with my right knee and ankle hurting really bad. I have not been able to walk or to exercise due to the pain. I have been taking Aleve but it only works for awhile. My last appointment with the Psychologist is January 5 and I got another group meeting with the dietician/nutritionist to weigh in. I know that I have not lost any weight over the holidays and I probably did not gain any either. Either way I will update.

 1/02/04-Hello AMOS, I am so happy today. The wonderful staff at AMOS has made my page so beautiful.I don't have anything to update other than I am feeling tired these days after a cold and my knees keep aching. Gotta make an appt with PCP to find out what is up. I'll update later...
01/06/04 Hello again AMOS. I just wanted to update a little. I had my last session with the psychologist and it went great. He said that I should have no problem being approved for the surgery and that he was faxing the confirmation to CHP to that I have completed the sessions with him. He also is starting to have sessions with people who are post op and said that he is going to have CHP notify him of people who have had the WLS and he was going to follow up with them about 10 days out. He is so sweet to do that because is shows me that he is really concerned for people who are going through this. Oh, well I got another group session with the dietician on tomorrow, and I will update on how it goes..see ya...

01/12/04- Hello AMOS, Well nothing to really udpate, I just had a mammogram appt today and wow was that a real joy!!! It wasn't uncomfortable, but it's just the way that they handle you, like a piece of meat slapped on a plate. I guess I will update after my next dietitican appt on Wednesday.

01/23/04- Hey AMOS, I just wanted to update my profile. Nothing much to report other than I have been trying with this diet and exercise and so far this week, have lost two pounds. That sounds good to me. I have another appt with the group session on Wednesday and so I'll update then...

01/30/04-Hey AMOS, Just wanted to update a little. I went to my group session on Wednesday and as usual it was uneventful. The dietician gave us a sheet with all the progress that we have had since starting the process. Well that was encouraging. But I have decided to just do the best that I can and when I fall off just get back on and try again. Oh well, I guess I update later.

02/12/04- Hey AMOS! Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated. Well, I had another group session with the dietician and lost one pound! I was really proud of myself. And then she gave us the great news that they would be having sessions for only the people who were considering having WLS and those who have already had it. That is so great, cause you get to see both sides. I can't wait, but until then I'll update later.

02/21/04- Hello AMOS! Well I am back and needed to do an update. As I told you last CHP had an WLS only meeting with those who want the surgery and those who have had it. It was great and very informative. Only one person there had had the surgery and she looked great and had lost 42 pounds at 8 weeks out!! She answered all our questions about the pain, the sickness, and how she eats. I enjoyed myself and look forward to next week. I'll update then.....

02/27/04- Well, once again I am here to update. I attended the third session with only WLS people and really enjoyed it as much as the first one. The only thing that made me angry was that there were people there who just don't want to hear about the risks of the surgery or read anything or see pictures of what occurs during surgery. One lady actually said that it was too much information. I don't think that you could ever have enough information when it is about a surgery that is life altering. Oh well, I've vented, so I'll move on. I did lost three pounds this time. But this week I have been having some major pain in the knees and joints so I gotta go see my primary on Monday and then have blood drawn for my thyroid again. I guess I will let you know what's up then...

04/08/04- Hey AMOS I am so sorry that it took me so long to update. I have changed jobs so I been doing some on the job training. I went to the meetings with the dietician in March and they were ok. I haven't attended one this month yet, but I am really looking forward to them. I only have 6 months to go before my anniversary date so I can start the paper work and approval process. I am so excited. Whenever I can, I try to catch the Discovery channel when they do stories about the WLS and the poeple who have it. It really encourages me and also lets me know that there are a lot of people who are going through the same thing as myself. Oh well enough for now, I will update later.

04/21/04- Hello again AMOS. I am sorry that it took me so long to update. I changed jobs so I have been training and have not had much time to do anything. I watched the WLS story of Al Roker on Discovery Health and it was very inspirational. Although he had a rough journey to making the decision, he did the right thing. He really looks good. I am so excited about having WLS, but I still am a little concerned about the risks. But still I know that whatever I go through that Jesus will protect me and allow me to make it and get healthier. I went to my weight loss class on the 04/06 and it was boring. Some guy was speaking and he was not very upbeat. Anyway it was good just being there and meeting some people that I have met on this website. I have also read Carnie Wilson's book, and it too is very inspirational. Thanks Linda. Will update later.

04/26/04 Hey all, just wanted to touch base. I don't have an update, but just wanted to say how this website has given me so much courage and determination to do the WLS for myself. I have read so many profiles that are so wonderfully full of information and it has really been a help. I love reading and replying to those on the message boards. They really lift me up when I start to have doubts. Well, I have another appt with the dietician on tomorrow and I hope that I have lost a least a pound or two. But if not, at least I didn't gain. Well that's all for now, I'll update later.

05/03/04 Hello again. I'm sorry that it has taken me a few days to update. I have been off for the last 5 days. I really enjoyed myself and my children. I went to another meeting last Thursday and had lost 2 pounds. I was glad to see that. But I think that I may have gained them back because we kinda celebrated this weekend. I called and talked with Cathy Reynolds at CHP and inquired about how many meetings that I have attended. She said that so far I have 14 sessions and I only need 16 to submit my paperwork. I still have about 5 months to go. I also found out that I am Anemic and so Dr. Bates wants me on some iron pills. I think I am going to try and find some liquid iron. I hate swallowing pills. I was so glad to hear that Debbie Houston had been approved and I just wanted to shout for joy on her behalf. I have prayed that she comes through with no complications and begins her journey on the other side. I just can't wait until it is my turn. Oh well, I will update later.

05/12/04- Hello again, I just couldn't wait to update. I went to my regular sessions with the dietician. There was a lady that was sitting by me and she and I began to talk. She told me that she will be having her surgery in 2 weeks. She was so excited and I was and am equally if not more excited for her. She was really upbeat and happy. Then there was another woman in the meeting who is about 8 months out. She has lost 80 lbs. and she looks good. She was answering all of our questions about her surgery before and afterwards and now. She was really informative. All in all the session was really a good one. I guess that I will go for now, but will update later.

05/14/04- Hello again, I just needed to post. I am here at work and am feeling so digusted. It's not about my weight, I just hate my job. I am thinking about going back to my old job and if I get the opportunity I will. I have never felt this way about a job before. I am not even comfortable here with the people that work here. I pray that things will get better soon. I also am proud of myself for losing 4 pounds when I was weighed on 05/11. The dietician said that I looked like I had lost weight. Well, I also am happy for Amy Hall who has been approved for WLS. You go girl!!! Well, I will write again soon...

05/22/04- Well, just wanted to stop by and update. It's really not an update, but just wanted to say that I am so excited and still looking forward to my WLS. I have done so much research and have read so many things about it. But I know that I can never have enough information about it. I went to my last meeting for this month on 05/18 and had gained back those 4 pounds. I didn't really care, because I had a celebration with my girls and we went out and ate pizza and desserts. We decided to live a little. So now I only have to go to meetings with the dietician once a month until October. I can then start the approval process. I know that these next 5 months will fly by. Well, I guess that I will update after my next meeting. Until then....

05/26/04- Hello again, I just wanted to update a little. Nothing new, just still happy for Amy and Debbie and all the others who are having their surgery. I talked with Amy Hall on yesterday and I asked a lot of questions and was given a whole lot of answers. She was really informed about everything. I still have about 5 months to go, but they will fly by. I have had to start taking iron pills for my anemia. I was told that if you have anemia that you could not have the surgery. So you know that I will be really taking those iron pills with a vengence. So I go to have my blood drawn and have it checked again this week. Please pray that everything goes well and that my anemia goes away. Until the next time, I write soon.
05/28/04- Hey again!! I just wanted to update. I had an interview at my old job this morning and all went well!!! I have prayed and I know that GOD has heard my cry. I miss the old job and would love to be there again. The job that I have now really sucks in that it takes away time from my kids. That I cannot have. Now, enough of that. I went to have blood drawn today to see if my iron levels are up. PCP advised that I was anemic, and that I would not be able to have WLS if it continues. You can bet that I have been sucking down some irons pills!!:D I am really looking foward to my WLS and hope to be approved in October and have my surgery somewhere around the first or second weeks in November. So all of you guys please pray for me, and I will pray for you whether you are pre-op of post -op. We all need the love and support. Well, I have another dietician appt on June 8.

Here are a few things that I would like to be able to do after I have my WLS:

Get dressed without struggle
Cross my legs
Being able to bend over and tie my shoes
Wear shorts and like my legs
Wear figure flattering clothes
Do more with my kids
Go out more and maybe even start dating, and possible get married again!!

Well I'll update later....

05/30/04- Hi all!! Just wanted to update and say that I have been reading so many profiles today and all have inspired me. The message board is really a helpful and informational tool for those of us who are still in the process. I just LOVE this website. Take care all and I will update later.....

06/04/04- Hey again! I just wanted to update, not really an update. Just got off of my days off from work. I had a horrible sinus infection for the last 4 days..Well that was really fun!!! I haven't been able to eat much for those last 4 days. I guess that has been a blessing. I feel like my appetite is coming back.... I got another meeting with the dietician on June 8.. may have to reschedule due to having to work. I will be so glad when my last four months are up before I can submit for approval. I am so ready for my WLS. I want to send a shout out to Debbie Houston who had her surgery on yesterday. Much love to you and pray for speedy recovery and no more pain. You are on the losing side now!! Well, I'll update later... love you all!!

06/06/04- Just wanted to stop by and say hello to you all. I really don't have an update, just wanted to say that I know we all are praying for momma angel and for her speedy recovery. Well, my PCP called me on Thursday and told me that my blood work revealed that I am now borderline anemic and that I need to up my iron dosage to 325 mgs twice a day and that should bring my levels to normal. So now I am trying to find a store that has the type that I need. She said to buy ferrous sulfate or Slo Fe. The Slo Fe makes me constipated and is really disgusting. So maybe the ferrous sulfate will be what I need. Oh well, If anybody has any suggestions I would love to here from you. Thanks in advance. Well, until next time....

06/07/04- Hey again, Just wanted to update and vent a little. I was in the grocery store this morning to pick up a few things. Well, this guy comes out of the back of the store and was walking behind me. I heard him say, "look at all that a$$ shaking". Then he had the nerve to say hello. Now usually I would have gone off, but it was so funny to me because this guy was so big he made three of me!! Talk about a lot of a$$ shaking!!! I wanted to say to him so bad, "Can you say Gastric Bypass??" I guess he considered himself a player of that he was really all that. I got news for you buddy, NOT!!!! Okay enough of that. I had to cancel my June 8 group session 'cause I couldn't find anyone to work for me. I just rescheduled for June 22. I only need 4 more to go anyway. Tomorrow I wil contact my PCP and find out if she has written her letter and also if my surgeon has written his letter. I know that my psychologist has written his and has already faxed it over. Just want to make sure that all my ducks are in line, so that when time comes for the approval process, there won't be anything lacking. Well, love you guys and I'll update soon.

06/08/04- Well I called my PCP office to find out if I have gotten the letters from my Surgeon, Dr. Sieloff and if Dr. Bates has written hers. I was unable to get in touch with the lady that handles this as she is on vacation. So I left a message for her to call me back. I do know that she told me about a month ago that they had received the letter from my psychologists, which was really encouraging. He told me that he would do it and he did!! I really like him, he was a really good help. I know that I only have about 4 months to go but I want to make sure that I have everything that I need. I also have written my own letter to go along with everything else. I have read so many wonderful and uplifting profiles that really gives me encouragment to keep on going. I'll update later, love you guys.....

06/14/04- Well, I'm back. I have been off for the last 5 days and have done nothing but catch up on some much needed rest. I have been trying to keep my profile updated. I haven't much to report. I have another session with the dietician on June 22. I hope that this one is more interesting than the last one. I have been missing not seeing Linda Essary. Hey Linda, I hope all is okay, really miss talking with you. If you read this give me a holla. Just wanted to say to Amy Hall and all those who are having surgery this coming week, WOOOOHOOO!!!! I am praying for all you guys. I am really happy for you. Take care until the next time....

06-17-04 Hello again, I am just updating some. I have an appt to see my PCP on June 29 for this pain that I have in my right thigh. There seems to be varicose vein there that really has pains shooting thru it. Then on top of that, I have been having pain in ovaries, really bad and I need a sleep study because I think I have sleep apnea. I plan to make sure that I get that out of the way. Other than that I have been trying to take my iron everyday for my anemia. I heard from my friend Linda Essary and she is doing okay. Well, I guess I will holla at y'all later.....

06/23/04- Hey again I know that it has been awhile since I posted. I want to say a big WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! for Amy Hall who had her surgery on yesterday 06/22. Her DH called me to let me know that she was out of surgery and had made it to her room. She was still resting and was in and out of sleep. I am going to try and go see her before I go to work tomorrow. Let's all pray for her speedy recovery. Well, I went to my dietician session yesterday and had lost 4 of the seven pounds I gained. I was very proud of myself. The session was really boring, but it just puts me closer to my anniversary date and my number of sessions required for approval. All in all, I am still so excited about making this journey toward making my life and my health better. Well, I will update later, love you guys....

06/25/04- Hey again all, just wanted to stop by and do a little update. I have been feeling really tired these days and just have no energy. I can't wait to ahve my surgery so that I can do some of the things that I need to do to be healthy again. I know that this surgery is not a "quick fix" and I will have to make a total life change for the rest of my life. I know and believe in my heart that GOD will be near me and will protect me. Well, on another positive note, I want to send a shout out to Amy Hall who is home from the hospital..Amy I pray for your speedy recovery. I hope she is not upset with me as I was not able to go and visit with her in the hospital. So, you guys take care until next time.

06/30/04- Well I am here again. I just have a little to update. I went to see my PCP on yesterday about the varicose vein on my right thigh. The first thing she says after she looks at it was, " Well, you know that your weight is the cause and probably cure for those!" I wanted to say, you think!!!! So we talked about the WLS sessions that I have been attending and some other things that I could do to lose some weight and that she wants me to lose at least 20 pounds before my surgery. I think that sounds ok and I will be more than willing to try. I also told her that since I have been going to those sessions I have lost approx 7 pounds, but they keep coming and going, you know the yo-yo thing. So I intend to try and start more walking and better foods to help with those pounds. You guys pray for me. Well, I have to go I'm at work, so I will update later on.

07/01/04- Just wanted to update some. As I stated on my last update I went to see my PCP. I forgot to ask her to send me for a sleep study. So I called today and got and appt on July 16th. I want to make sure that I do not have sleep apnea and if I do, I want to do all I can to help correct it before my surgery. Oh yeah, and by the way I am really proud of myself that I have begun to drink more water, at least 60 ozs. per day. I have decided to go and walk after work at least three times a week. I also tried Mountain Dews new energy drink. I t really tastes good and really gives me energy. I did not get sleepy one time today. I also heard that Red Bull is a good one too. Have to try it sometime. Well, I guess that I will end for now, but as always, love you guys.

07/07/04- Once again I'm here to update. I attended another session with the dietician and there was this psycologist there who was very boring and I had to leave early because I could not stand it another minute. He sounded like the teacher on Charlie Brown, you know, whomp, whomp, whomp!!!!! But I did weight and I lost 2 lbs. So I was proud of myself. I only have 3 months to go before my year required program is over and then I can submit all my paperwork for approval. I can't wait!!! I am so excited. Even though I think that I have read and researched everything out there about this surgery, I still find more and more interesting things. I hope that everyone of you guys had a wonderful 4th of July. I had to work, but it turned out okay. I did go to a friends house and her niece has a 2 month old baby that I held, and for just a few moments it brought back those feelings of wanting another child. Well, as soon as he started to cry, it was all over!!! Well, I will catch you guys later.....


Hello agai, it's been a few days since I updated. Well, I went to see my PCP today because of my insomnia. Well, first of all I lost three pounds, Yay me!!!! Then my blood pressure was a little elevated at 134/80. So then she tells me that my insomnia is being caused by my weight. Well, you know that is why I am going thru all this so that I can have my surgery and get better. So I have to go and pick up a pulse oximetry machine next week and use it for overnight monitoring. If it shows that I have problems breathing and a lot of snoring at night then I will be sent for a sleep study. Oh I can feel the joy already!!! At least that is one thing that I can get out of the way, right? On another note, my sister has come down from Bessemer, Alabama and is going to take my three girls to Six Flags and then to Whitewater for three whole days. I don;t know what I will do with myself all alone. Well, I can think of some things. Catch up on sleep, clean the house and maybe go to a movie and dinner by myself. So, that is all for now, I will update after my next dietician session on 07/20/04.

07/21/04 Well here I am again. I went to my last session in July until the next ones in August. I did gain a pound but wasn't worried about it. You know, these sessions are for us to learn about the surgery, the before and the after care. Well, there was this lady who had had the surgery and she just talked to another lady during the whole hour session and the dietician had to ask them twice to please take their conversations outside. I mean we are there to learn about this surgery and it really made me mad that they would be so disrespectful... Now onto another subject. I was to call and get and appt to pick up a pulse oximetry machine to test overnight in regards to my possibly having sleep apnea. Well, I called and got the referrel number and then attempted to call American Home Health to pick up the machine. I was told to leave a message for the lady who is responsible for this and she would call me back. Well, this is a new day and she has not called me back at all. So needless to say, I wil be calling all day today and if I don't get an answer from her I will be calling her supervisor. Other than venting I am having a wonderful and blessed day. I write again soon...

07/23/04 Well hello again guys!! Just wanted to do a quick update. Well, after two days of waiting on the lady to call me back about the pulse ox machine, she calls me before I leave work on my cell. She says that she won't have an appt until August 12th for the class and to pick up the maching. OF course I was like why so long? She said that they had a back log of people needing the same thing. She also apologized for not calling me back right away. So that made things much better. Other than that, I have started to make myself drink more water and it is helping. I tried to drink a Snapple Mango juice last night and only had about two sips. It was not good. I guess the water has taken the taste for sweet drinks. That may be a plus for me. My supervisor gave me some good news yesterday too. There is this one lady in the office who is a Dennis the Menace look a like and is a big busy body and she tells everything. Well, my supervisor informed me that she is leaving and is being transferred. I really didin't like this lady when I got the job, but I had to pray for her because she is still one of GOD's children and I had to remember that he is still in charge of everything and everybody. So thank GOD he moved her out of the office, now maybe we could have some peace. Oh well, I guess I will close for now and update later....love you guys.

07/31/04- Well here I am again. Nothing much to update. I have just come back to work after two wonderful days off. I did get a new Kingsize bed and have yet to put up!!! I have 5 days off coming starting on Wednesday so I will do it then. I have really been doing good with my water so I am trying to get adjusted before I have my surgery.

08/03/04 - Hey again guys. I just wanted to update my profile a little. Nothing new with me, except I only have 2 more months to go before my year requirement is up and I can then submit for approval. I am soooo excited. I still am attending the group sessions with the dietician and will update after the next on August 17. I took my youngest girls to the PCP for physicals, and middle school shots. It took three hours and I was late for work today, but I got that over with. My youngest who is turning 12 in 7 days got on the scale and weighs 164 lbs. The eats like there is no tomorrow. I have been trying to make some changes in the way we eat. It really is hard sometime with kids. My middle girl is as skinny as a rail, she only weighs 128 lbs. I tell her all the time to try and stay that way. She is not a big eater. She can eat breakfast and won’t be hungry until well after lunch. She finds other things to do to occupy her mind. Wish I could do that!!! Well, I guess that is it for now….take care until later.

08/09/04 Hey Family!! I just wanted to update a little. I only have about 2 more months until I can submit for my approval!!!! It is really getting close and I am so excited. I have not been feeling to well this week, I have had a raging toothace on one of my front eye teeth. Can you so owwwwwwwwwwww??????!!!!! This thing really hurts and to top it off, my dentist has stopped excepting Cigna dental so I have got to find another dentist to get this thing fixed. Other than that, I have been off for the last five days and kinda enjoyed it. I missed being on this site and reading all the wonderfulr profiles and the message board. My baby daughter's birthday is tomorrow and she is so excited. She will be 12. So, I will go for now, and I will update after my next dietician session. Love you guys.

08/16/04- Hey AMOS,

I have been off for the last three days and I decided that I would need to do an update. I had to go to my children’s orientation for school on Friday and it was ok. I just hate it when people are talking while the principal was trying to give out important information for the first day of school. Well, all went well today for my kids. My middle child Alexis started to cry and said that she was scared, but I hugged her and told her that everything would be okay and she is going to make a lot of friends and first and foremost she has been covered by the blood of the lamb of GOD and that nothing would hurt her. She got alright after our talk and she called my work when she got home and said that she made several new friends and that she felt so much better about tomorrow. The other two are just free spirits. Oh, let me tell you guys about that pulse oximetry machine that I had to sleep with on Friday. Well, that thing drove me crazy because I couldn’t get comfortable with on my finger, so I hope that I did it right and won’t have to do it again. If I did it right, then I may have to go for a sleep study soon. Just want to make sure that all the bases are covered before my surgery. Don’t want any problems at all. I am so excited about my surgery cause I only have two months to go before I can submit for approval. So everybody who reads this, please pray for me that I get approval the first time and get a good date. I would love to have my surgery before Thanksgiving.

I have been thinking about going back to school full time. I just have to figure out a way to do this and still be able to pay my bills and take care of my children. If anybody has any idea how to do this please tell me. I would so appreciate it. I have been having this feeling for the last 6 months and would really like to do this. Not just to enhance my career and earning potential, but also for my children. They mean the world to me and anything that I could do to help make them successful in life, I will.

Well, that is all for now, but I will update after my dietician session on tomorrow.

08/18/04 - Hey again you guys!!! Just wanted to do a quick update. I went to another one of those dietician sessions and it was really informative. There was one lady who kept talking about the skinny women that she works with and that they seem to only eat broccoli and that she can’t stand it. One of the other ladies said that she should not worry about anyone but her self and that those women probably eat more the she does and then go and make themselves throw up. But other than that, I gained one pound. Well, I call that progress, because at least I didn’t gain 6 or 7 like I used to. I think that her scale it off though, because she even said that it weighs heavier than the others in the office. But still all in all a good day. I am so excited to only have 2 more months to go on my year. It has been such a long wait and I am ready for my surgery. I have prayed and asked GOD to protect me as I go through this and when my day comes for surgery to cover me and bless me so that I have no complications and get to a speedy recovery and have great success at this. And to also guide my surgeons hands, and give him the strength to do a wonderful job. I believe that I have received all of these things and I declare that this has been done NOW!!!!! Well, that is all for now, so I will update later. Love you guys!!!!

08/21/04- Hey once again. I'm here at work and it is storming and lightening really bad. I am in the building all by myself so it is really quiet. Why is is that when it is lightening people will call on the phone and ask the stupidest questions? Oh well, nothing much to update except me and my daughters went to see Alien vs. Predator last night and it was a really good movie!! I have however been doing really well with my water, so I am proud of myself. I hope that everyone had a good weekend and I will update soon.

08/25/04- Hello again family!! Well, I thought that I would do an update. Nothing really to update, but just needed to vent. Well, I have been off work for the last two days. Well, on Monday one of the Police officers I used to work with commited suicide and that really tore me up because he was a really nice guy. Then I come to work this morning and another person I work with called and said that he was not coming in to work because his son attempted to commit suicide last night. I thought to myself, "What is going on in this world?" So then I just sent up a prayer to the Lord for both of them and their families. Then on top of that I lost my cell phone, and had to call and have them turn off the service until they send a replacement. I have really had a time, this week. I hope that it gets better. Well, I will update later. Love you guys.

08/28/04 - Hey Family,
Just wanted to update. I was supposed to go to Punta Gorda to help with the clean up of Hurricane Charley, but then had a crisis with my sister and so I had to cancel. I also had a bad week with getting the results of the pulse oximetry overnight that I did back on AUGUST 12!!!! The American Home Patient has not sent over the results of that test to my PCP. So, I will be calling them again and better yet will probably go and light a fire under them. I guess it should not suprise me, cause it took a week to get an appt and then I had to wait three weeks for that!!! I just want to know if I will have to do a sleep study, it that so hard??? Oh, well, enough venting. I guess I will catch you guys later.

09/02/04 - Just wanted to update. I am back to work after being sick on my days off. My sinuses were really bad to the point that my head was spinning so fast I almost fell down. But I feel much better today. I also got the results back from my pulse oximetry test. I am going to have to see a pulmonary specialist due to the test revealing that I have some drops in my breathing when I sleep. The nurse said that there were times when I would stop breathing. So I will go to that appt. on October 5. I also have to do the horrid Pap Smear on Sept. 15. I attended another weight loss session with the dietician in group and I had lost 1 pound. I guess that’s ok since I did not gain any. Well, I will update later after my appts. Love you guys.

09/07/04 - Hey once again!! Well, I just wanted to update. We made it through Hurricane Frances unscathed, thank you LORD!! But they closed all of the state offices but mine. What is that about? Oh, well, I will just make the best of it and sit in the bldg by myself. I was really in some pain last night with the cyst that is on my ovary. But as I laid down and drifted off to sleep it stopped. I haven't exactly made good food choices these last couple of days. I made some Alfredo and a big old peach cobbler to go with it yesterday. My girls really enjoyed that. So I will just have to work on not eating this kind of thing for a while. Anyway, got to go, but still love you all.

09/09/04 - Well, I am here again to update. I don't really have much to update as nothing is really happening. I missed my appt for a PaP and had to reschedule for Oct. 6th. I was kinda relieved, I didn't feel like that wonderful experience today. I am just here at work, and it has been frenzied all morning with everyone gone to help with the las hurricane and now they are coming back and getting ready to go and help with this one!!! So I will update soon. Love you all.

09/20/04- Well hello again. It has been a while since I last updated. I have been off for the last six days from work and really enjoyed myself and my girls. We made it through Hurricane Ivan. Had no damage, just some little sticks and brush thrown about the parking lot. Well, the session with the dietician was okay, not very informative this time. I only have one more to go and then I will have my PCP submit my paperwork for approval on October 20th which is my anniversary date. I am so excited and sometimes a little apprehensive, but then I have to pick up my faith and know that GOD will be with my and he will guide Dr. Sieloff's hand to do a wonderful job and I will come out with no complications at all. Thanks be to GOD for all he has done and will do!!! Oh well, I guess I will close for now. Love you guys.

09/27/04 - Well, once again I am updating. I have been off for the last two days and we did make it throught Hurricane Jeanne without any damage or anything except the much needed rain. I work for the Forestry Division so I love it when it rains. Nothing really to update, I am about one week away from submitting my paperwork for my WLS approval and am really excited. I have to go to my appt. for pulmonary therapy on the 5th of Oct and then on the 6th for my PAP smear with my PCP. That day I will have her submit all my paperwork so we can get my approval and then prayerfully get a surgery date soon. All you guys please say a prayer for me that I get my approval fast and with no problems at all. I know that this will be the case and so I declare it to be done already in Jesus name. I will update later.....

10/01/04 - Hello all, I just wanted to updated a little. I recieved good news from my blood work that I did last week. My PCP said that my iron levels were normal and stable. And to keep taking my iron pills. I was so thrilled to hear that I was not borderline anymore. That is good because then I won't have any problems with surgery. So I will update after my appts this coming week. Take care all.

10-06-04 - Well, I am here once again to update. I went to my appt at the pulmonary specialist on yesterday and he diagnosed me with having sleep apnea and I will have to have a sleep study done. Then today I had my PAP smear done and had my doctor to submit the paperwork for my approval for surgery. I have been calling the office to make sure that there is nothing else that is needed from me to go with the packet. I am only getting the answering machine and I did leave a message for the nurse. I pray that they call me back. I also weighed in yesterday and the scale said 279.4. Then I get weighed this morning and is said 285!!!I was like wait a minute, that can't be right!!! 6 pounds in 24 hours, I don't think so!!! Oh well, I won't worry too much about it I'm just praying that everything goes well, and that I will have my approval soon. So for those of you who will read this please say a prayer for me that I get my approval with no problems. Thank you in advance. Well, got to go, love you all.

10-11-04 Hey again, its me. I just wanted to update. I have not heard anything about my approval yet. Still waiting on that. But this weekend I had a breakthrough with my oldest daughter. She has been having some angry problems ever since my ex and I divorced. She told me and my best friend last night that she has been angry with him for a long time. She said that she hates him and that she doesn't want to look like him. Mind you she does look like him a lot. She has cut her hair and her eyebrows and she said that she does this because she doesn't want to look like him. She also said that she is angry because she could not protect me and her other sisters from him. I told her that that was not her problem and that he was a grown man and that the things that he did (too many to mention) were not her fault. The divorce was not her fault either. I told her that she was just a child when all of the problems started and that she should not take on that responsibility of trying to hold to doing what a man should do for his family. So I have decided today to go and seek counseling for all of us, not just her. I want to help my child and not have her go through life thinking that she could have done something to save her family. Anyway thanks for reading this and please keep us in your prayers. Take care.

10-14-04 Well guys I am still playing the waiting game. I called on yestereday to find out if anything has been heard of about my approval. The nurse told me that everything was submitted on October 7th and that I would probably hear something before they did. Well, the waiting is so hard to do!! But I guess I I should be thankful that GOD has given me this opportunity to find this wonderful tool. Now all I can do is wait until I hear some GOOD news!!! So everyone please pray with me that my blessing comes real soon. Take care.

10-16-04 Well, I am back again. Still haven't heard anything about my approval yet. I called the referral line yesterday and nothing. So I will just keep calling. Me and my oldest daughter Keysheia had our first appt with the counselor this morning and it really went well. She had a chance to talk with her and express her problems and so did I. We both left there feeling really good about the way things are and what we can do to change things. She had a real pretty smile on her face when I left to go to work and she was even laughing with her sisters. So I see that continued counseling will help our whole family as we will all be going every week. Good thing my employer pays for these sessions. So that is the only thing that I have to tell, so I will go for now. Will update as I hear from my approval. Take care.

10-21-04 Well it's me once again. I just wanted to update some. I called the referral line and spoke to a rep about my approval and right now it is still pending. Well, that just reaffirms that it is already approved just waiting to hear. I went yesterday to register for the sleep study and I have that to do on OCtober 27th. Oh I'm sure that will be fun. But I will be glad to get that over with. So for now I am just waiting to hear from my insurance. I will update once I hear something. Love you guys, take care.

10/25/04 Well, I have some good news!!! I called my insurance company and was told that I was approved and should be getting the letter in the mail today or tommorrow. I then called Amy to tell her. She was as excited as I was. Oh this the best news I have heard all day!!!!! APPROVEDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! What a wonderful word!! Thank you JESUS, for anwering my prayers. So, now I have to get the consult with the surgeon done and then get a good surgery date. Thanks to all of you who prayed for me. I will update later on to let you know when my surgery date is. Thanks again and take care.

** update** I just got off the phone with my surgeon's office. They have recieved my approval by fax and my consult date is scheduled for November 8th at 4:00 pm. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! I'm on my way. I am sooooooo happy!!! Well, I will update when I get my date. Later everyone.

11/02/04 Well, I am sorry that it took me a week to update, but I have been off for the last 5 days. I really needed to rest. Well, I had the dreaded sleep study on 10/27 and it was okay. I couldn't sleep for all those wires hooked to me. The technician was very nice and friendly. Also, I have been dealing with a cold for the last few days and I really want this to be over. I pray that I will be better before the 8th so I can get good surgery date. I do not want anything to hold this up. It has been a long year already. I also spent half of last night in the emergency room with my best friend. She was really having a hard time and was very weak from her anemia and diabetes. I will just say that the nurses in the ER are some very rude people!!! They refused to give her water even after the doctor said that she could have anything that she wanted. He had to go and get those nurses straight!!!! She was doing so much better when I left this morning at 2:30am, and she was getting ready to recieve her 4 yes count them 4 unit of blood. So please pray for her everyone. She is like a sister to me and I don't want anything to happen to her. Well, I will update after I get a date. Take care.

11-04-04 Hello again guys..I just wanted to update about my sleep study results. Well, I do have sleep apnea and the doctor wants me to wear a auto cpap for a month. Oh well, I guess I will, since I am anticpating having surgery around the week before Thanksgiving. Also we are moving to another apartment which is really in a nice area and has some nice clean sidewalks where I can walk after my surgery. I am still really excited about my surgery and can't wait. So, I will update on Monday to let you know of my surgery date. Take care.

11/10/04- Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I have gotten my surgery date. 11/18/04!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! I have decided to take 2 1/2 weeks off from work to recoup. I will update when I get a chance after my surgery. All of you who encouraged me thank you so much and THANK YOU JESUS for all you have done in my life.

11-15/04 Sorry I have not been around to update my page. I have been off for the last 4 days mobing into a new apartment. It is really nice and I finally got all the furniture and dishes, etc., in the right places. I am so excited, I only have three more days to go!!!!! I want to say a special thanks to Vickie J for being my angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't have found a better one. Well, I am at work so I guess I better go. I will update as soon as I get home from the hospital or maybe a few days later. Take care all, and much love to you!!

11-23-04 Hello AMOS!!!!!!!!!!!!I really missed coming to this site. Well, I am home from the hospital. I was released on Sunday 11-21 and I feel great. I first want to thank GOD for bringing me through this surgery with no complications and no pain. I also want to thank all of you who have supported me with your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Also, thanks to Vickie J. for beign my angel and keeping you guys updated. She is a really wonderful person and I am going to be there for her when she has her surgery. Now, I will try give you an idea of what happened. My sister Sandra and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am and was told to go to the surgical waiting room. Well, when we got there it was people wall to wall and even standing in the hallway. So I finally got a seat and was called about 15 minutes later. I was weighed and got the arm band and made sure all of my information was correct, etc. So I was taken to the surgical prep room for IV. The nurse began to attempt to place the IV in my left hand, well she on suceeded in making it bleed really bad. So she tried the right hand and she got it the first time. Whew!! So I waited about 15 minutes and the orderly came in and said your surgery is going to be at 7:30 and then took me to the holding area. I waited there for about 45 minutes. Dr. Sieloff was ready but his anesthiologist (sp) was not ready. But I had to wonderful nurses come over and talked to me. Gina, who had the surgery about a year ago, was telling me about hers and showed me some pictures of her before and after. She was really nice and gave me some good tips on eating afterwards. By that time, they were ready for me. So I was then taken to the OR and was told to scoot over on to the table. Of course you know that the table is not wide enough for your butt!! I was strapped down with arms out and the next thing I know, I am waking up in recovery. That was fast!!!! Really though it took about two hours. Dr. Sieloff said that he had no problems at all, just some scar tissue from my hysterectomy. I woke up and was not in any pain at all. Really none!! So about an hour or so later, I was taken to my room. I still was in no pain, but the nurse asked me to be sure, and I told her I didn't have any pain except for gas. They gave something for that and all was well. So I was feeling ready to go home by Sunday and I am here on computer so I feel good now. I will be getting off soon to go and get some rest. But I will update later. By the way, my sister is waiting on her approval and now my other sister Stephanie is considering the surgery. Is that not wonderful and keeping it in the family? Oh well, gotta go, but I love you all.

11-29-04 Well, hello again, I have just come from my doctors office after a follow-up and I thought I would share it with you. I have lost 18 pounds!!! In just one week after surgery!!!Can you believe it???? It felt so good to see that scale go down. I have been eating the right things for the most part and I had a bad experience on last night. I ate some dressing left from Thanksgiving. Well, let me tell you, I did not dump, but I felt really horrible. Learned my lesson, so I can have mushy foods now. One thing that I do not like is that damn Melba toast. That stuff is really hard to chew. So I guess I will stick with crackers. Well, I go back to the doctor in three weeks, and I will update then or maybe before. Love you all.

12/02/04- Hey again guys. I just wanted to do a quick update. I posted today about having some terrible head hunger. I haven't gone back to see if anyone could help me with that or my cravings for sweet tea. I am down 1 pound to put me at 19 in two weeks. Well I have never done that before, so I am glad for that. I go for my three week checkup on Dec. 20th and I will udpate about that. I go back to work on Monday the 6th. I hope I will be okay. I don't want to get sick at work. See you soon.

12/06/04- Hey again, I am back at work and wanted to update. Well, I am down to 257, that's 21 pounds!!!! I can really tell it in my clothes and some that I haven't worn in years. My eating is getting better. My head hunger is really tapering off. I tried a chicken wing last night and it really went down well. So far work is great. I will udpate later on.

**Update** I just wanted to let you all know that my sister has recieved her approval for surgery. We are using the same surgeon!!! I am so happy for her!!!! I will update and let you know when her pre-op and surgery dates are.

12/08/04 Well here goes another update. I am at work, and all day I have been in the grumpiest mood ever. I have noticed that since my surgery, I have a zero tolerance for people and their crap!! That is really not like me. I like being around people, but today is just not one of them. I am sitting here and have not really eaten anything at all today but a chicken wing, 1/2 of banana, some raisins, and about 8 crackers. I did not eat all of these things at once, but over the last 4 hours. I am waiting for my food to digest a bit more before I drink my water. It seems to be the only thing that looks good to me right about now. I am still holding at 257. I guess when I can find a gym, I can go and exercise some of my agressions out. Well, I update later.

12/15/04 Well, I am here again. I don't have much to update other than the fact the I am down 26 pounds!!!! I weigh 252. I can really tell it in my clothes. I tried on a pair of jeans that I have not worn in 3 years and they fit with no problem and they had some slack in the butt area. So that I am really happy about. I ate a chicken wing and a half on yesterday and it really made me not feel good at all. I did not throw up, but I had to sleep for a few hours then I felt better. So, today, I only had 2 jerky sticks, the juice of a navel orange and 4 crackers with peanut butter. And for the rest of the afternoon it will be water until dinner time. I also have started on taking protein shakes that I got from Susan Maria's website. I really love the Rich chocolate, it is the only one that I can tolerate. So I will go for now, but will udpate soon.

12/20/04 Well, just wanted to update about my doctor's visit. It went really well, he said that now I can start to incooperate a variety of foods into my diet. That I should begin to try new things. I also have lost a total of 28 pounds!!! Sounds good to me!!!! So I have got to order some more uniforms for my job because my pants are sooo big and baggy just after 28 pound loss. I feel really good, although I had a bad episode with some grilled tuna. Well, I won't try that again. I see the doctor again in March. I will update soon. Take care.

12-30-04 Well I am back. I have been having a problem with a two week plateau.. I have lost 28 pounds and about 18 inches but I have not lost any weight for the last 2 weeks. I know that I need to get in more protein so I have ordered some unflavored unjury to see if that will help. I have also made up my mind to go and join Curves to get in my exercise. So I guess I will update after the new year. Happy New Year everyone!!!

About Me
Tallahassee, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2003
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 13
A really ho hum day...
I have started on the right foot for January!!
Well it's Monday...
Feeling sick to my stomach today.....
What your Flavour?
Feeling really tired and achy...
It's Friday ....
Another day......oh well..
