ehhh..bored at work

Jan 03, 2009

So I haven’t posted an update and I am doing nothing at work so I thought what a better time than to blog a little, LOL. So I am now 2 months out from my surgery TODAY!!! I am down 51 lbs but I think I am in the middle of a stall. I have not lost anything in 4 days, which is upsetting, but I am attributing it to the increased intensity on my exercise. I had set a goal to be at 205 by Feb 14th but if the scale doesn’t start to budge I will never make it… I have done some recent clothes shopping, which is fun but I cannot wait to be in misses sizes...I just want to get rid of all the plus sizes and be in a normal store again…the huge array of clothes is exciting and tempting.    

Something I need to get better at is taking more pictures, the thought of taking them is daunting though…but I know in a year or two I will want to look back at them and see the progress I am making…plus I am doing a scrapbook of my pictures...I have three pages done but I was planning on doing weekly or bi-weekly pages….uhhh a little behind there.

Not for the Weak Hearted

Nov 02, 2008

i am an on going college student. it depends on the time in my life and how things are going that determines my major and college of choice. currently i am an online student "attending" indiana wesleyan university. i am working towards my 2 year business degree with plans to finish my RN studies. i am married to my best friend. he is my middle school sweetheart and it took many years, ups and downs, heartaches and breaks to see him for who he really is. for many years i judged him incorrectly and it was not until after we were married that i truly started to understand his most inner being. he is calm, understanding, compassionate, and nurturing. he is a father, and a great one at that. he makes me laugh and wipes my tears; hell he even took care of me for 4 months when i was carrying our triplets! love you baby! i have triplets. 2 boys and 1 girl. each of them is different in their own way. each shares a family name in one way or another. they interact with each other; they are independent, and entertaining. each day with them is one that i thank god that he has blessed with my family. i love being a mother. it is the hardest job but also the most rewarding one that i have ever had. in the past three years i have grown into an adult. i have learned to take off the glasses and see the real world. hard situations, difficult times, and overall happiness have taught me a lot. i have flowered into the lady i am today. i am sensitive yet forgiving. i do not waste my time on stupid people. ignorance is my biggest pet peeve. i love starbucks, dogs, music, icons, and reality tv. i am not afraid to speak straight up. sometimes the truth hurts. i have been hurt too many times to let people continue to walk all over me and my family. pink is my favorite color. i love reading patricia cornwell and listening to all types of music. i indulge in a hot shower followed by a massage. i am a sap for anything girly, though i rarely cry. i can be quick to judge and slow to admit i am sue me. i would love to move away from my current home. i would like to live in england. i have been to many of the states and nothing appeals to me. i sing in the shower, in my van and anytime i feel the urge. i love math, i hate reading required material. i am very frugal and love to cook. if you want to know anything else just ask...if i piss you off get over it...if you like me tell me, if you don't....oh well.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 2
Not for the Weak Hearted
