almost 3 years post op!

Jan 28, 2011

Well here I am almost 3 yrs post op (in June) and think I've done pretty well.  I can't believe it's only been 3 yrs since I had the WLS, it seems longer than that!!! I am currently in the mid 160's, fluctuating between 161-165 right now.  I am going through some hormonal issues and insomnia right now, probably left over from when I had my baby last April.   I upped my b12 dosage though back when I started having insomnia though, went from 1000 mcg to 2500 mcg a day and my PCP said that could be it.   That was the only thing I changed though, so that could very well be it.   I've been on a lower dose of it for about a month now and it seems to be really helping me, so we'll see.

We're trying to figure out what's wrong with me and I need to go see an Endrocrinologist soon.  So I have to watch what I eat, although I'm stressed, and try to stay below 170.   That number is not my friend and my clothes really don't fit when I get to that weight!   I got to a low of 140 lbs right before I got pregnant in July of 2009 and gained 27 lbs during the whole pregnancy.   I lost all 27 lbs in the first 6 days (which is normal for me to lose it within 2-3 weeks with my other 2 kids) but then went on to have post partum depression (again!!) and got on some meds that made me gain all that weight back.  

So here I am, trying to lose at least 15 more lbs to get back to 150, where I'd be happy- 145 would be even better.   I need to get my butt in gear and stop snacking so much (especially on cookies and sweets!) and start exercising!!!   I'm getting a little chub on my butt and thighs (as you can see, lol) and I want that to go away soon!!  We'll see, I want to lose this by summer!

Here's a pic of me now:


and here's a pic of me with my 3rd baby, Brady:


Happy one year surgiversary to ME!!!

Jun 16, 2009

I can't believe it's been ONE year since I did this and look at me now!   I am so glad that I had this done and how it's changed my life. 

At this very time last year, I had just done the bowel prep drink (it was so nasty) and was really starting to freak out about the surgery the next day.   I had the pre-surgery class one year ago today and it really started to get to me what I was doing to myself.  I only slept an hour when I went to bed that night and then was up till like 4 in the morning.   I finally called my Mom at 4am because I needed someone to lean on to talk to (she had the surgery 6 yrs before me with major complications- probably why I freaked out) and she really helped a lot.  I was self pay and had payed everything that day before and was almost going to cancel it because I was so  scared.  

I finally went to sleep at 5am and then my kids woke us up at 7am, like they always do... lol (ages 2 and 5).  I was so dead tired when I went in for surgery and my eyes were all red and puffy from crying so much the night before and early that morning.   But I decided I was sick of being morbidly obese and nothing else had worked for me.   If I didn't do this, I would get to 300 pounds or more and would become more unhappy with my life and how it was going nowhere. 

I put everything I went through pre op that day before and then my journey up until now here on my profile oh  I am glad that I documented my feelings and all the pictures that I did thus far, it's so fun to look back at what I went through. 

I am so glad I did this and love my life now as a "skinny person"!!   I do have little regrets about how my life is now (I am slightly lactose intolerant and a few minor things that we are restricted to like no NSAID's), but I would trade that all for how much happier I feel with this new body and outlook on life, now that this 125 lbs is GONE!   Yay!!!

I can't believe I was once this BIG..... 

me at 270 one year ago                              

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This is me at 144 pounds a year later!

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Half the woman I once was!

Mar 29, 2009

So I tried on my "old" jeans from before surgery today and was amazed!  I wear size 10 now and these 22/24's were TIGHT on me before surgery!   I am literally half the woman I once was, less than 10 months later!   This is a picture I've always wanted to take, the ones where you are literally fitting into half of your pants!  

I just had to share it with you all- sorry about my undies showing, but hey these suckers are LOOSE and hard to hold up now!!!   Yipeeeeeee!!  

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1 comment

Measurements 3-24-09

Mar 24, 2009

Ok so I'm 9 1/2 months out and it's been a while since I've measured, about 3 months I think.  It's just amazing to see that I'm still losing a lot of inches, even if the scale isn't moving as fast as it once was!  And I'm the one doing the measurments this time, not my Mom, so I hope I did it right around where my Mom would measure me!  I've only lost 3 pounds in a month now, so I think my body is getting comfy at this weight!  Eeeeek!   Oh and I'm a size 10 jeans now, from a size 12 that I was like six weeks ago.   Yay!   I want to get down to a size 6 or 8 if I can, when all the weight is off.  

I still want to lose at least 15 more pounds, so I might actually have to get my rear in gear and actually start exercising to get these last few pounds off!    I can do it though!   I have heard you can still lose up until 18 months and 2 yrs out, so I'm sure it'll come off eventually.  

Blue numbers are the very beginning measurements and the red is what I am currently! 

chest (over bust)- 47.5, 45, 43, 41, 39.5...  38 inches-  almost 10 inches off my CHEST, that's a lot of booby fat gone!  lol

under chest (ribcage)- 38, 36, 34, 33, 32.... 30 inches - 8 inches gone!

waist- 43, 38,36, 35.5, 33......30 inches-   13 inches gone now!   Wow!

hips- 56, 53, 48.5, 47, 45.........42 inches-   that is 24 inches- 2 FEET I've lost off my HIPS!!  Does anyone have a ruler?!  That's a LOT of fat gone!   lol

thighs- 34 1/2, 32, 30, 26.5...... 24 1/2 -   that is 10 inches people!!!

neck- 14.5, 13.5, 13, 13.......12 -    that's 1 1/2 inches gone off somewhere where I didn't think I had much fat!


9 months and I weigh 155 pounds!

Mar 09, 2009

I weigh 155 pounds now at almost 9 months out (on the 12th) and just in the last week, people have really been commenting on how much weight I've lost.   People are actually calling me SKINNY now and I have a hard time believing it!!!   I went from a 22/24 to size 10/12 now!   I am so happy at how far I've come in less than a year!   Only 15 more pounds till I hit goal!  

I have this pooch though from the saggy skin from having two babies and losing all this weight, so I could probably wear a size or two smaller jeans if I had a tummy tuck... hmmm, maybe one day.       

Just wanted to give some of you that are just fresh out of surgery hope that it does come off and you will look great in the near future.   I  my RNY, so glad I did it!


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Here comes the bride....again!

Dec 31, 2008

Ok, when I got married almost 10 yrs ago (in January it'll be 10!!), I was 165 and wore this wedding dress when I married my hubby. Well right now, I weigh 168 (have lost 101 lbs so far) and can fit into it again!!

I was down in our basement tonight and saw it hanging there in the plastic bag and thought to myself - hey, try it on and see if it fits. And it does, yipeeee! Now mind you, this was a dress from 10 yrs ago, so it's not in the style nowadays... lol. I think it looks pretty dang good though and I'm so happy I can fit into it again, and it's a little looser than the first time I wore it even!! 

What a nice way to end this 2008 year, by bringing back good ol' memories of my wedding day and looking better than ever now!

Merry Christmas to me-101 pounds gone at 6 months out!!

Dec 25, 2008

Ok, so I was a little late in posting my 6 month surgiversary pics, but I did it a few days ago and am finally getting around to posting them!   I just hit 101 pounds lost when I took these and weigh 168 lbs!!  

We had a great Christmas today and I did pretty good food-wise.   The See's chocolate candies at my bro-in-law's house were the most tempting today and I had a small bite of one of the chocolate covered peanut pieces (like half of one of the pieces).   I am so glad that the holidays are almost over and then we can get back to less treats everywhere and people giving us food/treats for the holidays!   We had about 10 neighbors give us goodies (cookies, chocolate popcorn, suckers, etc) and it was killing me!   Here's to a great year in 2009!!

My Measurements

chest (over bust)- 47.5, 45, 43, 39.5-  lost 8 inches!!

under chest (ribcage)- 38, 36, 34, 32-  lost 6 inches!

waist- 43, 38,36, 33-  lost 10!!! 

hips- 56,53, 48.5, 45-  lost 11!!! 

thighs- 34 1/2, 32, 30, 26.5......25.5- lost 9 again!!  

neck- 14.5, 13.5, 13, 13......still 13 (and probably won't change much now, it's small enough!!)- lost 1 1/2 inches

me at 269 back in June 2008        me today at 169!!  Merry Christmas to me!!

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Out of the PLUS SIZES!!! Size 16 pants!!

Nov 03, 2008

I went today after work and tried on some SIZE 16's and they actually fit!  So now I am officially out of the plus size clothing section at 185 pounds, what a wonderful feeling this is!   At almost 5 months out, I can't believe how far I've already come!!   I have been in the plus sized clothing for as long as I can remember.   I can't wait to get to goal and see what size I get to.  I figured it's been 25 lbs for every size I lost, since I started at a 22/24 and am now a 16/18.    I hope to at least get to a size 10/12 if possible, even though I only have 45 pounds to go.   I would love to be a size 8 but maybe after my tummy tuck in a few years- that would help me go down one more size I bet...

I can't believe just that much to lose before I'm at goal, doesn't seem like much to go (versus when I started with 130 to lose)!!  I have only 20 more pounds to go until I am the weight I was when I got married almost TEN YEARS AGO!  Amazing!!!!!   I  my RNY!

Measurements 10-30-08

Oct 30, 2008

chest (over bust)- 47.5, 45, 43.................41                    
under chest (ribcage)- 38, 36, 34...........33            
waist- 43,  38,36...................................35.5                                   
hips- 56,53, 48.5.......................................47                
thighs- 34 1/2, 32, 30...............................26.5                                         
neck- 14.5, 13.5, 13.................................13                              

4 Months since RNY and 78 pounds gone!

Oct 12, 2008

Today has been 4 months since my RNY!   I've lost 78 pounds and am in onderland now at 190 pounds!   I am so thrilled to be under 200 now and to be wearing my smaller clothes that I've saved from the past if I ever lost weight.   Some of these shirts and pants I haven't worn for 7-8 years!  I can't wait to lose the rest of the weight and go shopping for a new wardrobe!!   That's gonna be so much fun!

On another good note, I noticed today that not as much hair came out when I combed it out (after washing it).    So maybe it's starting to slow down, I hope it is!  

I will have my Mom take my measurements when I see her tomorrow and post those soon.   Can't wait to see how many inches I've lost since last month!!!    I feel so great and love losing this weight!!    

me at 268                     me today at 190
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(look at how friggin' HUGE my butt, waist and hips were !!!)                

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About Me
Riverton, UT
Surgery Date
May 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 83

Latest Blog 22
Out of the PLUS SIZES!!! Size 16 pants!!
Measurements 10-30-08
4 Months since RNY and 78 pounds gone!
