What a new year brings!

Jan 08, 2010

Well, my last post was a year ago and I am doing fairly well.  However, as of today I am back on track.  I have been skating by over the last 3 or 4 months, (grazing, no protein shakes, no exercise) and I am starting to fear that I will gain weight again if I don't get back to doing what I have to do.  This year has brought a lot of changes and family concerns, but I have to remember to deal with them without the use of food.  I will have my protein shakes every morning.  I will take my vitamins daily. I will get and move daily. I have to or go back to what I was.  I will not go through another 25 years obese.  I made the mistake of taking this journey out of God's hands.  And of course in my hands, I started messing it up.  Lord, thank you for allowing me to receive this precious tool.  Holy Spirit, remind me daily that this was a gift from my Father and I should not abuse it.  I lost a step son this year due to the complications of obesity.  My son is obese as well and is dealing with the early onset of diabetes.  Father God give me the tools needed to be the example my family needs to stay healthy, fit and happy.  Today is the start of a new year.  I will rejoice!

A WOW moment today

Jan 03, 2009

It is a Saturday, but still woke up early.  I decided that if I was awake, I should make use of the time.  I have only been attending Curves sporatically since I joined.  I really need to go everyday, or at least walk on the days I don't go.  Well I dressed, had some water, and drove off leaving the hubby a note.  I not only did my workout at Curves, but on the way home I decided to stop at a walking trail that I pass everyday on the way home from work.  It closes at dusk, so I usually do not get to use it.  I decided to see how far I could go.  The path sign said it was 3300 ft long (about 3/4 mile).  I started at 8:21am and finished at 8:37am.  Amazing! (to me anyway). Six months ago, I had to use a wheelchair to go shopping because, I could not hold my own weight up.  I used a motorized chair at home.  Today, I not only did my workout, but I walked 3/4s of mile in 16 minutes.  I praise you Father, for giving me the strength.  I placed this journey in Your hands and you have provided success.  Thank you, Lord.  To Thine be the glory.



Six Months- I can't believe it!

Jan 01, 2009

Life is so much better when you can touch your toes and your husband's arm can actually go around your waist.  I have lost 143.5 lbs as of this morning.  I go for my six month check up on January 13, 2009. I hope my bloodwork shows no problems.  The only complaint I have is my hair loss.  I am told that it is not unusual (what with two major surgeries, two months of malnutrition, I guess it is to be expected).  I am enjoying life so much more.  We are even flying, yes flying (something I would not do because they wanted to charge me for two seats) to Disney World for 7 days. I have been walking a lot to get ready.  I am so excited.  It will be just David and I, so we can do whatever we want.

Thank you Father God for you mercy, love, and forgiveness.  Thank you Holy Spirit for the uplift when I needed it, the strength at just the right times. 

It is so great to be alive again.


Doing lots better, PTL!

Jul 21, 2008

I know that I will probably be the only one to follow this blog, but I am so blessed to be able to write it out.  I am so much better.  Dr. Gibbs saw me last Tuesday and said things looked good.  He took out the staples and then had me start my calcium supplement early (osteoporosis) and also has me taking additional vitamin D and B-12. 
One of them really makes things taste really bad.  I usually drink water over anything else during the day.  But since I started taking the extra supplements, water taste yucky.  I have been adding flavor to the water to drink it.  I am starting the soft diet tomorrow.  I also see Dr. Woodworth tomorrow.  I hope I will get clearance to go back to work.  I may just ask to work half days at first .  I will ask him about it.  I need to work harder to get my protein in.  I want to keep my hair after all.  Will write again with updates.

I am so glad to be alive. Praise the Lord!

Jul 12, 2008

Personal message


 I am sorry I haven't responded sooner.  The last three weeks have been traumatizing and very rough.  After my RNY surgery on the 25th, I suffered with gas pain badly, but had no output.  I stayed in the hospital for 5 1/2 days and they finally released me to a 3 hour drive home.  I was released on Monday, and did everything they told me to do, but I was not feeling better.  Finally ended up in the emergency room on Saturday early AM in dire pain.  My kidneys were only functioning at 10 percent and I had a strangulated hernia that needed immediate repair.  I heard my doctor saying that I could go either way.  I am home and doing better, but still very sick.  The surgeon has advised me that because I had the RNY, I am high risk. Now I am unable to obsorb the necessary minerals to keep my digestive track balanced and my nutrition program must be evaluated regularly.   I only hope that I can catch up later.  This is not about losing weight now (although still important), now it is about trying to keep my kidneys and digestive track alive. I am so blessed to still be here.  I 

Tommorow is the day!

Jun 24, 2008

Well I was nervous until I saw Dr. Gibbs today.  Although he will not know which procedure he will be using (lap RNY or Open), because of a large scar on my abdomen, he made me feel comfortable.  My surgery time was moved from 11am to 7 am so I do not have to sit around in the morning waiting for my turn.  I feel confident that I should be going home on Friday.  He even said that I could go back to work after a week if I was up to it.  We shall see.  Thank you Father God for Your blessings.  I praise Your name!

Only six days to go.

Jun 19, 2008

I am starting to get really nervous.  I have lost 17.5 lbs so far on the pre-op diet. I have been on the liquid diet for 11 days.  I started two days before I had to, but felt it better to start on a Monday than on a Wednesday in the middle of the week.  We leave for Little Rock Monday after work.  I will meet Dr. Gibbs for the first time on Tuesday. I will also get my labs done and meet with a nutritionist on Tuesday.  Then it's Wednesday morning off to surgery.  Father God, I ask that you cover me from head to toe with the Blood of the Lamb.  I place my health, safety and soul in your benevolent  hands.  I know that the days after surgery, I will not be able to see my footsteps, but Yours, as You carry me through this odessey. I praise Your name.  Bless my husband for the wonderful support and the sweet understanding angel that he is.  Thank you for bringing him into my life. 

One week Pre-op.

Jun 14, 2008

Well, I am 1 week into pre-op diet and feeling pretty good about my week.  I was doing errands at lunch one day and did not have anything with me.  I got light headed and needed something quickly.  I was next to McDonald's, so I asked for a hamburger and a large water.  I ate the patty and drank the water down.  I had not had anything  that morning and should have. Have not done that again.  I have lost 14 lbs since June 10th.  This weekend was hard as my family were here and my mom tried to sabatoge me by bringing donuts into the house.  Didn't work though.  I hope I can stay as successful next week.

Still waiting on the Pre-op pack

Jun 04, 2008

I would like to start the liquid diet on Monday, but have not received it yet.  Starting to get concerned that I may fail the liquid diet.  I can only try and do my best.  

I have a Surgery date!

Jun 01, 2008

June 25th.  Little Rock. Well, there it is. I have a date. I am doing my best to get prepared.  I am trying to read everything.  I found out that they sent in my surgery request in to Tricare Prime on a Wednesday and it came back approved on Thursday.  I thought I would have time to research because we all know that insurance companies do not approve WLS easily.  So now I have 1 week to get ready for 2 week liquid diet before surgery.  Maybe the Lord intended it to be fast so I would not find a reason not to do it.    I am excited.  I am gratefull to.  My husband has been supportive.  The challenge is getting him to read the materials also.  I need him to understand that he cannot make a cake while I am trying to fast.  In all though, he will be there for me. I am so glad he loves me so much.

About Me
Bella Vista, AR
Surgery Date
May 13, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 10
Doing lots better, PTL!
I am so glad to be alive. Praise the Lord!
Tommorow is the day!
Only six days to go.
One week Pre-op.
Still waiting on the Pre-op pack
I have a Surgery date!
