Booty Pop...

Apr 25, 2011

Soooooo I’m officially below my goal weight sitting at 155 ish. AND I must say I lost my booty. I mean I had a donkey so this is REALLY REALLY dam hard for me. I mean I’m not complaining because it looks like if I can do the proper exercise I can get it to come back? Arghhhhhh…but what are the PROPER exercises! I swear I’m over here going crazy. So what do I do? Well for my mental sanity…I buy a booty pop. You heard me a fake booty. ROFLMAO! It’s not over exaggerated or anything. It’s just a little padded help for my bum bum. And I’m NOT ashamed. I put it on yesterday and got some little form of self confidence back! I mean what folks don’t tell you is that sometimes you’re MORE self conscious AFTER the weight lost then you were before the weight loss.


Mar 08, 2011

OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm getting closer and closer to my goal! I've had a few folks tell me I'm small enough and I should stop. I've got 16 lbs ta go and I will be attaining my goal. I can't believe the nerve of some folks though. Anyways, just saying a quick HELLO! AND OH YEAHHHHHH I'm losin BAYBAY!

90 down...30 to go...

Jan 29, 2011

So I started my journey at 265 and I'm currently sitting at 173 ish. I'm not on here nearly as much as I need to be. I truly understand what folks mean when they say the weight comes off and they start LIVING life. I've got lots of pics that I'll be posting as soon as I can find my camera cord. Just doing an update! LOVING my RNY and LIFE!
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Soon to be out the 190's...YAY!

Nov 14, 2010

So I'm flying through the 190's I was 199 just five days ago and today I'm 193! SHOCK and AWE! I'm like dang I sat at 214 for a week or so...Now I'm on a steam train running through the 190's. I'm not complaining about it at all it's just like WOW! Kicked right on back up huh?


Unjury...oh and I made under 200lbs!

Nov 09, 2010

Ok so I got these sample packs of Unjury protein right. Well for the last couple of days I started using them. I get severe stomach cramps after I drink one. At first I blamed it on my cycle but I noticed it’s only after drinking a shake. So I tested it. I had one yesterday morning CRAMPS. Did a Atkins shake this morning I was fine. Had an Unjury for lunch CRAMPS! I’m done with this mess! What the heck is up with this?!
Anyways this morning I hit 199.4! I'm extra excited. Whoooo Hoooo!!!!!!


Half way there..

Oct 30, 2010

I've been missing in action huh? I've got SO much energy it's crazy! I hit my half way mark some time last week. Ummmm....I'm so happy! As of today I'm 202.6 lbs and beyond happy about it. I'll write again on Tuesday to say what I'm looking like in the numbers department for my three months out mark. I'll also be posting some Halloween pics soon since I'm going to a costume party tonight. I'm eating well and I'm doing good. I've been testing to see what I can eat and I've learned I'm a dumper. High grease does it I found out yesterday when I had some Dirty Rice and sugar does it to me too! I found that out drinking some WATERED DOWN (yes way watered down) sweet tea. SO now I know to stay away from both! But otherwise life is great!


Sep 24, 2010

I'm down 50.1 lbs today! I'm 211.6. I'll be two months out as of next Tuesday and I am SO excited. I just can not believe that I have had such great progress! I wanted to be 195 or less by Oct. 31st which is my birthday and the way things are going I think it just may very well be possible. Eeekkkk! I'm so excited. That's about 5 weeks away but hey if I don't make that goal I know eventually I will get there. Anyways I was just wanted to share that. Oh and I go back to work Tuesday. Not excited about that but hey gotta pay the bills. This is going to be a new phase for me working and exercising. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!

Update...6 goin on 7 weeks out...

Sep 18, 2010

Not much to tell really...I'm down 46.1 lbs as of today (and I'm not even two months out yet.) So I'm sitting at 215.6. I'm hoping to lose another 4-5 lbs next week so I'm at 210 by the weekend. I'm going down to my old colleges Homecoming and I wanna be down at least 50 lbs by the time I step foot on the campus. I usually weight myself every day I'm wondering how I'm gonna do down there with no scale to hop on every morning? I need to check to see if they have a mini gym at the hotel I'm staying at? I am so used to going almost everyday at least 4-6 times a week that I don't wanna miss some form of workout while I'm there. Anyways, I've been doing the EAS Myoplex for protein supplement and I can't stand the Isopure RTD's STILL Blech..and how I loved them so prior to surgery. Can I just say down 50+ lbs. in two months would be an awesome thing to say?! I absolutely  my RNY!


Sep 13, 2010

Ok so I weighed in at 218.6 today. I'm excited and oh so very happy. Don't get me wrong. But Ummmmm...I haven't been under 220 since college and before that one good time, ever! So I'm now sitting here like OMG! OMG! OMG! Please keep coming off weight don't stop here. And it's odd I haven't stalled yet. So I'm just kind of in awe like Hmmmmmmmm....Aunt Flo came today so now I'm like will my weight go up from water weight? I'm afraid that I'll over exert myself in the gym to make sure I lose at elast .2 everyday until the Flo goes...Anyway I'm rambling I just wanted to put that on out there. TMI? Probably...LMAO!


Sep 05, 2010

I finally put a 1 month out pic up in my newest album...Check it out when you get a chance...Tell me if you can see a difference I can...Oh boy!!!!

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Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2010
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