1/24/06 - I have been researching the surgery for quite some time now, and have finally said it out loud that I need to do this. Not for anything other than for MYSELF!!! I have joined several boards online and have learned so much. I am waiting to hear back from the PCP to see if she will refer me to the Hospital for surgery. Once I have her referral, I'll be sending in a questionnaire they require before a consult is scheduled. Will update when I hear anything new. Would like to hear from others who have had surgery at SUNY Upstate Medical Center.   


2/3/06 - I saw my PCP today and she suggested joining LA Weight Loss, Curves, or Wellness Journeys. She said that there are many pros and cons to the surgery, which I told her I have been researching for quite some time now. She charted my current weight, and will see me next month for my normal diabetes follow-up and check my weight again then. She sent me to the referral desk to get an appt. with the surgery center. The woman there called them because I already had the questionnaire done and with me, so she was able to save me a step and fax it right over. Now I just have to wait for a letter in the mail for an appt. to the surgery center. :)  


3/14/06 - Well, I called the Surgery Center to see how long it takes for a consultation visit appt. They woman on the phone said, it's a matter of days. So now I think, ok, it's been a month. There was no record of anything on me there. So, the next day, I went to the PCP for my reg. diabetes follow-up, lost 3 pounds, woohoo (sense the sarcasm). I ended up re-filling out the questionnaire and mailing it in. That was on Thursday. Hopefully this week, I'll hear something back from the Center. Also, She encouraged me to join Curves. Will look into that this week.  


3/23/06 - Had my consult with Dr. Kim at University Health today. He was awesome, so down to earth and easy to talk to. He answered the few questions that I had. Also met with the Nurse, and Nutritionist. My quit smoking day is planned for April 1. Next appt is April 27. Wish me luck :)  


4/23/06 - Well I had my stress test done last week that was NOT fun at all. Have battle wounds and they still hurt a week later. Had all my blood work drawn on Friday, so I'm all set for that. My appt. with the surgeon is this Thursday. I have my letter from my PCP and I'm going to get my own personal letter done this week so they can be on their way. My psych evaluation is scheduled for May 4th. Lots to do, so I hope I'm on track. 23 Days Smoke FREE TODAY!!!!!!!  


4/26/06- I got my stress test results back today, all looks good. Also got all my blood work results back. I have my letter from my PCP and now have my own letter to my insurance company. I am ready for my appt with the surgeon tomorrow. 26 days smoke free I have seen a lot of lists of things to do when people lose weight, so I thought I'd finally do my own. Check it out at the top of my page. 


5/5/06 - Well, It has been quite a month. I have been smoke free since April 1st, 2006. I know that it doesn't seem like a long time, but to a smoker it does. I also had my Psych Eval done this week. Seems I really AM sane. I thought for sure that he'd find something wrong with me, well, that's what my co-workers kept telling me lol. Seems it takes a bout 3 weeks to get the evaluation to the surgeon, so now it's the waiting game. My next appt with the nutritionist, nurse, and surgeon is May 25th. Will post more when it happens. Now, I am patiently waiting.

5/14/06 - Happy Mother's Day!!! I joined Curves yesterday and will have my "official" first workout on Wednesday night. The cool thing is they let my 11 yr old join with me, and she is as excited as I am. My next appt with the surgeon is not until May 25th, but I have to show that I am working on the new rules and getting myself ready by trying to lose weight. So far, I am down 2 lbs, which seems to fluctuate between everyone's scales. I am still smoke free, and have just about quit all caffeine completely. I've started a multi-vitamin too :)

5/25/06 - Well, I went to see the surgeon today, but again, instead, I met with the nurse instead. She said I have gained 4lbs, which she attributes to the no smoking. I can agree since I feel like I am constantly hungry. I do NOT like this at all. I am going to Curves, so far 4 times with my daughter, and trying to go every other day. I am almost ready to go every day. I need to find help with a menu. Low calorie. I have a hard time choosing healthy foods and portion sizes. That is my downfall. The nurse said that she is going to start the insurance procedure to get approval. She said it could take up to 4 weeks to get it done because they only have one person submitting info to the insurance companies. I told her I've waited 20 years, I can wait another year. To my hearts content, she said, "oh no, it'll be this summer". Good Gosh. Really? I don't have my heart set on anything or anytime, I just want to have this done. I am not going to get all worked up with hopes that things will happen to be disappointed. I have a lot of extra energy and don't have the time to use it. By the time I get home from work, there's dinner, the dog, homework for daughter, and trying to talk to the hubby. Hard to do. But I have to start somewhere. Stressful day at work today, really wanted to quit, but can't yet. At least not until after the surgery. Maybe a promotion would be better. Easier to handle working with people who aren't directly affected by you each day. Oh well. Happy Thursday!!!


6/22/2006 - Went to my appt to see the surgeon today, saw Marcy instead. Lasted about 5 minutes. She took my weight, which I've lost 1lb on her scale. It's been hard, I'm working out at Curves 3 times a week, drinking lots and lots of crystal lite, cut way back on my caffeine, just an occasional one about once a week. I am still smoke free. Marcy said she just got my Psych Eval back and is submitting the paperwork to insurance. She seems very confident with getting the approval. I am nervous that my insurance company just won't approve it, however, I have a backup. If they deny it completely, and we just can't make them budge, then I will switch over to my hubby's insurance which is a little more expensive, but will definitely approve it immediately. So we now wait 4 weeks to see what insurance says. My next appt. is scheduled for July 28th. Hoping to add more pictures as soon as I can figure out the digital Camera. :)

7/28/06 - I'VE BEEN APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had my 5th appointment with Marcy today and as we were walking down the hall she said, you're approved. I said WHAT????? OMG, seriously???? I cried. I cried like a baby, I was sooo happy. She had to show my the little note on my file that said I was approved and the approval number. OMG! I am so happy. I have not lost any more weight at all, but Marcy insists that I lose at least 13lbs before surgery. If I gain any weight at all, they will cancel my surgery. So BIG PUSH TO LOSE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be walking each day and going to Curves 6 times a week instead of 3. I am NOT chancing this at all. WEEE!  


8/18/06 - I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My surgery is scheduled for October 4th, 2006 at 1pm! I went to group last night and got the name and number of the woman that does the scheduling. Since there was a death in the family of the woman that does the insurance and scheduling, I thought I'd be my own advocate and call directly to see if there was any movement in my paperwork. I called Pat at 8:05am and she said that she did have a pile of paperwork from Dr. Kim's office but mine was not in that stack. She told me she would look into it and get back with me. Silly me, I left her my home number. At work, (9:30am) I got a call from the Bariatric Center saying that Pat had just been sent all of my paperwork. They apologized for the delay, but didn't know that I had been approved. GRR! She said that Pat would notify me in about 2 weeks of my date. Well, around 12:00pm something in my head made me call home for messages, and sure enough, at 11:04am, Pat had left me a message with my surgery date! I was so excited and yet nobody was at the office when I got the message, they all left for lunch. My surgery is scheduled for 1pm, with my pre-op testing on September 25th at 2pm with Marcy and the anesthesiologist. I am SOOOOO excited. I finally told my mom last week about me having the surgery, and she was happy for me. I have told most of my family, but not my husband's side yet. I don't know when I will tell them, but I will before I go in.  


9/17/06 - Well, I have been patiently waiting for my surgery, now I have only 16 more days until surgery. 10/4/06. I am so ready right now. I have been exercising daily, and making smarter food choices. I have lost 8 pounds since my last meeting with Marcy. She wanted me to lose 13, and well gosh darn it, I think 8 is great so far. I know I won't lose another 5 pounds before surgery, but I might get close to it. My hubby is trying to be very supportive, thought I am sure he is a bit scared. He is asking a lot of questions about my post-op surgery "diet" and trying to figure out what I'll be needing from the store. He is such an awesome guy. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He said to me the other day, "I don't know how you can do this, I mean, I just LOVE food." LOL!!! Yeah, so do I. That's my problem. :) I love food, but will be eating less and making much wiser and healthier good decisions. I am Ready!!!!

9/23/06 - I am still doing what I am supposed to be doing, but now, when I make my food choices, I am finding that I tell myself, oh, I've been good, I can have this once more before surgery since it'll be so long until I can have it again. Others in my support group say they felt the same, so I guess I am ok. I am just so ready for this to happen. I will be taking 3 weeks off. This is my one and only "vacation" off this year. I can't wait. 


9/26/06 - I had all of my pre-op testing done yesterday. Was more of a waste of time actually, lol. I met with Mary, the Dietician, and we went over the post-op diet information. I was glad to finally have that, since I was anxious to see what was on the list. Then I met with Marcy, the Nurse, who weighed me in at 308, which means I've lost 5lbs on her scale. Mine says 8, but I'll go with hers lol. Then from there, I was sent over to the hospital to the registration. I had the Fast pass, which let me register a whole lot quicker. Then they sent me to the anesthesiologist (sp?) office and met with Colleen. She asked me a ton of questions about what meds I am on, she answered a lot of questions for me. We talked about the IV, the operating room, the tube down the throat, the waking up, and the pain meds. We also talked about blood clots. She was impressed that I knew so much about the procedure and what to expect. I guess she gets people in there that have NO clue. hmmm.. I accredit my knowledge to myself and also the awesome support group I attend on Thursdays. :) After Colleen, another Nurse came in, I don't remember her name. She went over all my health history, my meds again, and the procedure again, asking what I remembered from Colleen lol. duh? She then drew blood, and I was done. WHEW!!!!! 8 days to GO!!!! They all asked if I was nervous. I said of course, but I'm more anxious and just ready. I'm well prepared. :) That's all for now, I'll update soon.! 

10/3/06 - Only 28 hours to go. I am so excited. My husband and daughter took me out to Ruby Tuesdays last night for my birthday dinner (b-day not until 10/14). Then we had an ice cream sundae at Friendly's. That was what I wanted for my birthday. I don't plan on eating ice cream like that ever again, so it was nice to have. I didn't gorge (sp?) myself during dinner, but instead, still ate healthy, and didn't get "stuffed". I think I did pretty darn well. I will not have time to post tonight or tomorrow before I go to the hospital. I will post when I get back out though! SEE YOU ALL ON THE LOSING SIDE!!!!!!!!!! 


10/6/06 - I am home now. The surgery went well, LAP RNY. I have six little holes with strips covering them. I don't remember much more than I did get a bit nervous just waiting to be taken into the operating room. I had a moment, where I became teary eyed, but my husband was with me and it passed by quickly. The last thing I remember was on the operating table, and they said take deep breathes from the mask. So I did. That's all she wrote. The next thing I remember is being very groggy in a room, then waking up in a different room, and my husband was with me again. After that, it was pretty text book (from what I've heard). That night, my BP was a bit lower than normal so they kept giving me more fluids, and my sugar was a bit high. They ended up giving me insulin shots they whole time I was there. I was finally released, this morning, about 10:30am, and didn't have to have anything else. I am currently off all of my diabetic meds (metformin, glipizide XL), but still taking my Lisinopril (BP med). I was told to not take my depo-prevera shot next week, but see my PCP instead. She would be able to get me going when It's time. So that is it for now. I will update later.


10/9/06 - I tried pudding today and it sat very well. I only had 6 teaspoons. It was a yummy taste I got in my 3 protein shakes also today. Working on getting an 8oz down in just under 60mins. I had one down today in 30min, so that is going well. I also tried tuna today. OMG was it good. And I was full. 6 teaspoons of that and I was done. I am feeling great, and can't wait for tomorrow. I weighed myself this morning 3, yes THREE times. It said I weighed 292. I didn't believe it until the third time. Then, this evening, I was curious again, and it was down to 287. OMG. That is so crazy. It's been 6 long years since I've been under 300. BYE BYE 300!!!! I'll never see that again !  


10/17/06 - Well, I am definitely bored and missing my office job. I love the time off, but I have so much energy, I just don't know what to do with it. I have been hanging out with my Buddy Jenn (the guy at borders said we looked like sisters lol). I am doing a bit of card making and spending my money on supplies and cutters and such. I actually enjoy it. I am doing well eating wise. I tried Hormel chili yesterday and it was actually really good. I added some sour cream and cheese for added protein. I am still doing 3 shakes a day, and those go down great. I can tolerate, cottage cheese, ricotta, Jell-O, pudding, tuna fish, chicken salad, egg salad, cheese and crackers, and I think that's it for now. I still haven't tried fish or beans yet, not a big bean person. I wanted to start walking today, but it's pouring out. I might just go out and use the treadmills at our apartment weight room. We'll see :)!!!


10/30/06 - Well I went back to work last week. Let's just say, I was glad to be back to doing work. Not sure about 2 of my co-workers who treated me..hmm...how shall I say...Not Nice? I was shocked when I was forgotten about, ignored, and left out. Who would have thought that being out for 2 weeks would make them all forget about me. There was a temp there, so it's not like the desk was empty. That bothered me a lot. My boss decided not to speak to me all afternoon on Friday because I was very busy and she wanted to "play" a game for a project I just wasn't in the mindset for. Silly me, I guess I have a lot to learn about a younger boss. I hope it goes better this week. Otherwise, come January, they may be looking for someone else. Health wise, I am doing great. I am doing 3 shakes a day still, eating 3 meals, and I am down 22lbs this morning. I can't wait until Wednesday of this week, I GET TO GO BACK TO CURVES!!! WOOHOOO!!! I just can't wait to get back into my routine. I am off my blood pressure meds since I was getting dizzy and lightheaded. I have a follow-up this Friday with my Surgeon. Have a great week all!


11/3/06 - Well I REALLY wanted to go back to Curves this week, but I came down with a nasty head cold. So that was out of the question. I was ticked because I was so psyched to get moving again. The scale tells me I am down to 284. Holy cow. I can't WAIT to go to Curves and see it move more. I have a follow-up with my surgeon today, 1 month out this past Wednesday and I feel great, besides the cold thing. Almost gone though, and .... WE GOT SNOW LAST NIGHT!!!! Until next time... !


11/9/06 - Had my check-up last week and I am down to 282. That is 26lbs lost since surgery, 36lbs from pre-surgery. My Dietician had me cut back on my protein shakes from 3 a day to 1 a day for 2 weeks. One more week of shakes, then I am done. WOW. I thought I'd be on them much longer. She said because I was doing so well with eating and keeping foods down, that the extra shakes were empty calories. Hmm.. Interesting. So all the Strawberry Shake mix (5lbs) that I bought is going to go to someone else's home lol. No more of that. I went back to Curves this week and it was so much fun. I really did miss it. I don't sweat as much anymore, which is surprising, usually the second time around, I was sweating like a pig. My heart rate is up, but just not sweating, I guess that's a good thing. I'd like to start adding in an elliptical or treadmill on the opposite days. Just have to get myself motivated.


11/21/06 - Well, I will be 7 weeks post-op tomorrow and I am down to 276 this morning. That is 32lbs since surgery for a total of 42 since I started this process. I am off of my protein shakes. I don't do them anymore at all. I am eating 3 times a day and drinking as much as I can. I have to be honest, it's harder to get your fluids in than I thought it would be. I went out with my friend and actually bought a Jean Jacket that is a size smaller than my normal clothes, and it fit. It almost buttons up, so I am not worried. I am looking forward to cooking for Thanksgiving this week for my in-laws. I know what I can and Can't eat and am not worried at all. I am looking forward to staying home this year. Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!  


12/14/06 - I saw Marcy yesterday for a follow-up appt. I have lost a total of 38lbs since surgery for a total of 48lbs. I feel great, but I know that I need to step up my exercise. I am not getting up in the mornings and working out like I should. I have yet to get sick on any foods, which I think is a true blessing. My job is extremely stressful these days and I am actually thinking of moving on to another job. I took this job because my family relocated for my husbands new job. This one was open and convenient and I worked for the same company in Rochester before for 7 years. I feel it's time to move on. My lifestyle is changing, and I need to change with it. I can't be stuck in this stressful position while trying to work on my self and losing weight. I will be having a serious conversation with my husband this weekend. Once Christmas is over, the search will begin. Merry Christmas All!

12/19/06 - Today, I am officially down 51lbs. WOOHOOO!!!! I have not been at 267 since I was pregnant with my daughter 13 years ago. What an amazing feeling. I felt so good getting ready for work today. Who knew that 2 more lbs gone would feel so great. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 


1/12/07 - Well, I am officially 14 weeks out and I have lost a total of 58lbs to date. I was hoping for 60lbs, but that will be next week at my next follow-up. I am doing great, not gotten sick at all. I did overeat last Sunday, and boy could I feel it. I get this shooting pain in my left side, like a cramp. I had to keep moving for it to finally stop an hour later. Boy, I am more careful now. I just do not like that feeling. Finally got snow this week and the schools had snow days. I can't wait for the cold to be over with. My fingers are always freezing. I will update next week after my follow-up appt. with Marcy.

2/21/07 - Well it is official, I have been offered a new job with a new company and I have accepted it.  I am very excited because this means I can change my life even more since surgery.  I have worked with the same company on and off for the past 10 years.  I am ready to finally let them go and move on and change my career.  I know that it will be difficult and stressful, but that is OK by me.  I am very excited and I start this coming Monday.  So far for weight loss, I seem to be going really slow.  I know that I am not eating as well as I should.  I don't watch my protein nor my calorie intake and am sure that is my issue.  I have bought a gazelle which I used a lot last week, but this week not so much yet.  I try to get up in the mornings and do it, but I think the evenings may be more productive.  I am down 70lbs and feel great.  I am starting to see drooping skin ugh!  I actually had to go out and buy new bras this past weekend, but good thing, I found clearance.  I am wearing a size 24 pants today.  Geesh, the last time I was in a pair this small was 13 years ago.  Wow!!  It's pretty cool.  I find that if I don't try on clothes each morning, I waste them and they end up being too big before I can wear them.  So I pulled out a bunch of jeans that a friend gave to me and they actually fit.  Now I just have to wear them :)  I will update soon :)


3/13/07 - Well, it's been 5 months since surgery and I am down 75lbs.  It has been very VERY slow for me this past month with only losing 5lbs.  It has picked up again and I've lost 3 already this week.  I am into high gear now that the weather is nice all of a sudden.  Going to go out for a walk.  I have also started my new job and am into the 3rd week of a 9 week training.  I am so loving it.  Makes me want to go back to school and finally finish up my degree.  I have one (3 credit hour) class left.  Once I am off probation, September 1st, I will be able to think about school again in January.  I am excited about that.  That's all for now, enjoy the nice weather here in NY.  Remember, it will change in about 15 minutes. 


3/28/07 - Today, I weighed myself and I am 238lbs.  That is officially 80lbs lost since I started this whole process.  Who would have thought.  Not me, that's for sure.  Reality set in.  I am wearing tops that are still too big for me, so that I can hide my stomach.  Size 26/28 and some 30/32.  Pants, I am wearing a 1x and also 2x, depends on the style and material.  I can also fit into size 24 jeans.  I am so happy.  I am going to be getting a bike soon.  I have to say, I have not ridden a bike in over 15 years.  I can't wait.  We are going to go out biking as a family this spring and summer, and getting a new bike rack for the car.  I am on a high :)


4/26/07 - I did it.  I finally did it.  I lost enough weight to beat my husband's weight.  Well so I thought.  When I told him last night at dinner that I beat him, he was kind enough to tell me that he's lost another 3lbs.  So......I weighed myself this morning.  He is at 232, and I was at 233 this morning.  I am almost there again.  With my luck, he'll lose another 5lbs and not tell me.  Healthy competition never hurt anyone right?  We are hoping to get our bikes in the next few weeks.  We went for a walk this week which was really nice as a family.  The cool thing was...I didn't sweat a lot, I just "glistened".  lol.  85lbs lost so far, and I am NOT complaining at all.  17 more pounds to lose to reach 100lbs lost.  And 36lbs more to be in the 100's.  Haven't seen that number in over 13 years. :)  Happy Thursday:)


5/27/2007 - I am almost out 8months from surgery and I am down 90lbs.  I feel great.  I am biking on my new bike with my family, and am trying to get in more walking throughout the day.  I am parking further from the building at work each day.  Each step helps.  I've taken to walking the stairs instead of the elevator.  Those last few steps are killers, but I feel it when I'm done.  I have 50lbs more to meet my doctors goal of 180.  Ok, well actually 48lbs, but 50 is more even.  I am hoping to meet that goal by my 1 year mark.  So I have 4 months to lose that.  I know it seems like a lot to lose in 4 months, when I'm only losing about 1lb a week, but I know that if I try hard and work hard, I can do it.  Happy Memorial Day Everyone!!!! 

7/4/07 - Happy 4th of July and Happy 9 Month Anniversary to us 10/04ers! I feel almost like this is my "State of the Weight" speech. (State of the Union? I know, dumb lol)  So much to be appreciative of over the last 9 months. It's very ironic, I gained almost 100lbs when I was pregnant with my daughter, 13 years ago. Took me 9 months to put it on, 13 years to figure out how to get it off, and 9 months to get it back off. Ironic huh? I am currently at my pre-pregnancy weight and lost another pound this morning. I am really struggling right now to lose more than 1lb a week. My head is confusing because I am really bored at night and get the munchies. I am fighting with that right now, and think that I finally figured it out.  Things I have accomplished in the last 9 months: I take only calcium and a multi-vitamin, instead of 5 different scripts. I can go out and eat and not worry about fitting in a booth, I can CROSS MY LEGS!!!!!! I really DO have a belly button in there, I can sleep at night and move without having the box spring creak, I can walk with out having to stop to catch my breath. I can bike 6 miles and just feel slightly tired, I don't sweat like I used too, instead, just glisten, I got a new job in February to help me change my old "routine", I can park in the farthest lot and not be winded when I get to the office, I can deliver papers on my new paper route and feel a  little winded, I can shave my legs without sitting in the tub, I can FIT in the tub with room on both sides, I can reach my toenails to paint them. Each week a different color, I can go throughout the day not worrying about what I am going to make for dinner, I can eat and be full without being "thanksgiving stuffed", I can eat out with friends and family and enjoy the conversation, rather than stuffing my face, I can shop at Wal-mart, Target, K-mart in MY size. I can get rid of my subscriptions to Romans, Catherine's, Lane Bryant, I can wear capris and feel great about myself. I can buckle my seatbelt without pulling it all the way out, I have moved my seat closer to the steering wheel in my mustang, I have given away more donations to good will in the past 9 months than I have in the past 30 years. I can put my swimsuit on and feel ok with myself to go swimming, I can fit in a movie theater seat with room on each side. I can turn off the computer, knowing it will still be there tomorrow. I am not a hostage in my own home anymore, I have better SEX than I have in years. This has re-sparked our relationship in so so many ways! My husband can put his arms ALL the way around me, I weigh less than my husband and can wear his clothes.  So many things have changed, and so many more will change. I am thrilled and so extremely grateful for the opportunity to have this surgery that deeply changed my life. Sappy, I know, but fortunate and lucky to be alive and kicking.  Here's to the next chapter in our lives. 

8/12/07 - Well, I am now 10 months out of surgery and I am down 96lbs.  I weighed in at 222 this morning.  I was stuck at 223 for over 3 weeks and nothing that I did or changed seemed to help.  I am working well at my new job and have 2 weeks left of probation.  I am not concerned, because I am meeting my quota each week.  I am doing well per my supervisor, so I just need to endure the next 2 weeks and be at my best, so there is no reason to question me.  Once probation is over, I will then be able to start working overtime and earning extra cash for my savings account.  I am saving for a new house, and also plastics.  I also just started working for Wegmans as a part time night cashier.  That will also help out with saving for a new house.  My hubby thinks that I am saving strictly for my plastic surgery, but what he doesn't know is that at this time, I want a house more than plastics lol.  I still have 42lbs left to lose, and at this rate, it'll be another 6 months or so to lose it, so I definitely have time. The summer is almost over, where did it go?  School starts in another 4 weeks for my daughter who will be going into 8th grade.  Gosh, time flies.  Have a good rest of the summer.


9/1/07 - I finally lost 100lbs total.  This morning, before we went to the State Fair, I weighed myself and I am at 218lbs.  That's exactly 100lbs lost so far on my journey.  I am so happy.  It has taken a long time, but I am very proud of myself.  I still have more to lose, but hitting that 100lbs makes it so much easier to see my goal.  I want to get to at least 180.  That gives me 38lbs more to lose to get to my goal.  I finally finished up probation for work, so I am definitely an employee now.  Less stress right there.  School starts in a few days, my baby will be going to the 8th grade. Hard to imagine she is almost 13 years old.  Here's to another healthy and happy month!


10/15/07 - Today was my 1 year appointment with Marcy at the center.  She was thrilled with my progress.  This morning I weighed in on my own scale at 214.  Her scale said 221.  So that is a difference of 7lbs with clothes on.  I go with my number, not hers lol.  I am doing well, but want to increase my losing each week/month.  I still have 15lbs to lose to be under 200.  I'd really like to hit that before Christmas.  At the rate that I am going though, it's going to take 15 weeks IF I'm lucky.  So my daughter has shown an interest in Curves again, so I am going to go check that out this week again.  I need to get motivated again.  I have the entire week off from work.  They give us our birthday off, which mine was yesterday, so today I got off.  I decided what the heck, let's just take the whole week off.  Last Thursday was a crushing day for my family.  We came home to a very sick dog.  She has been struggling with a lump on her face for a few years.  We knew it was cancer, but there wasn't anything we could do to get rid of it.  It finally overtook our beloved Ruby, and we took her to the vet with her mouth bleeding uncontrollably.  The vet broke the news, it was time.  There was nothing he could do to stop the bleeding.  We had to put her to sleep.  It was the worst night of my life.  We all cried and cried at the loss of her.  She was our family member.  She was our baby.  We knew it was the right thing to do, but it just hurt so much.  We had to take care of her needs, not ours.  It's been a very long 4 days without her.  She was the kind of lab that loves your attention.  She knew when someone was mad in the family and would protect the one being yelled at.  She loved to help us "cook", especially when we dropped food by "accident".  She loved making popcorn with me.  Jumping and dancing in the kitchen to let me know it was popping.  She always got a handful.  So we are adjusting to a life without a pet.  I guarantee that it won't last very long.  We've talked about another dog already.  Just a matter of time.  So that is what has happened in the past few days.  I am hoping that I can get back into the swing of things and get into a new routine.


1/9/07 - Well, it was a crazy few months and I haven't had a chance to update.  I am still stuck and actually gained a few pounds over the holidays.  I am fighting to lose 4 lbs again to get back down to the 214 I was at in October.  It definately is more difficult as the time goes on to lose anything.  I have actually been stuck for 2 1/2 months now.  I am hoping that it was start up again in a few more weeks.  I am trying to concentrate on my protein amounts and fluid intakes, hoping that I can get back on track.  Work has been great, with overtime being offered alot, I jump every chance I get.  I am determined to bring in more income for our family.  We desperately need a vacation and we are saving for that.  Well that is about all for now, so I'll update soon.

6/15/07 - Well it has been a very long time, that is for sure. I am back up to 225lbs, which is 11lbs gain but stable.  I am certainly trying to lose it again and to finally get to my goal of 180.  It is very hard to do.  I don't know how people do it.  I have energy, and eat pretty well, somedays are better than others.  Exercise is hard and I don't get out much.  I do walk on the weekends with my husband, but nothing to call "exercise"!  I know that is my issue.  I do get my protein, but it's hard to get in what I need.  I am trying to add in a shake every day to help increase that.  I am struggling, and I am sure others are as well.  I don't attend support group much anymore because I just don't get anything out of it.   Besides the leader, I am usually the furthest one out.  I don't get any support, and it's hard to give it when I can't get it :(  Vacation is 1 month from tomorrow, and I can't wait.  We just need to get away and have some fun.!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2008
Member Since
