Food Funeral - It has a name!

Nov 17, 2009

I just read about Food Funerals.  I did that, I just didn't know it had a name.  I started the Pre-op diet Sunday, 11/15/09 and the week before I ate all of my favorite foods.  On the last day I was so full, that I bought 6 cookies at the mall and ate 1 bite of each one just to get the flavor!  My husband refrained from saying anything until the last day, and then he joked, "You better have the surgery soon, or you are going to gain 200 more lbs trying to eat everything you like before surgery!"  We both got a good laugh out of it!

1 week until surgery - My body is not happy with me!!

Nov 17, 2009

It is one week until surgery.  I never thought the Pre-op diet would be such a physical challenge.  Mentally, I am coping fine with 4 protein shakes a day and clear liquids.  But my body is NOT happy!!!!!!!!!!  I never expected so many physical symptoms. 

I am excited about the surgery, but at times I hope I am making the right choice.  This is a forever choice.  When you go on a diet, you always know in the back of your mind that at some point you can always go back and eat the food you love.  I am a self-pay so outside of the surgery itself, I am going to have a huge dollar investment in this in my monthly payments.  I am confident I can lose the weight (I always do when I set my mind to it - when I am on, I am really on) but since I have always gained any weight back I have lost, I am scared I am going to do the same thing again and the surgery will be all for nothing.  I guess I have failed so many times, that I don't have faith in myself.

But, then I look at all the people that have kept it off with WLS, and thought with a little help, I can be one of those people.  So, surgery, here I come!! 

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2009
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