Hi. My name is Lauren. I have elected to have the gastric bypass surgery to aid in my weight loss journey. I am  scheduled for surgery on June 18, 2008. I am very excited about it. I have struggled with my weight for 9 years and I am ready for  a real change. I currently weigh 260 pounds. My wonderful husband, Eric, had the gastric bypass last November. He is doing a wonderful job. The surgery has been a wonderful tool for him. He has already lost over 125 pounds! I am so proud of him. I have a beautiful newborn son named Elijah. He is one of the main motivators for me to have the surgery. I feel that it is my responsibility to set a good example for my son. We, as parents, must practice good health habits if we expect our children to do the same.
       I have begun to  embrace my new lifestyle  by  seeing a physical theropist twice a week. We will be working on strengthening and toning until I have my surgery. I want to be in the best shape possible before  my scheduled operation date. Plus, I am ready to make a change on how I spend my time. I know that with God's help and the support from family and friends, I will succeed. I will tranasform into the healthy person that is inside of me. I am so excited. Bring it on!!!!!

May 26, 2008. Memorial Day.
      Today, as I look through all of the "before and after" photos of all the people who have meet there goals, I am flooded with a lot  of different emotions. First,  I am amazed and shocked at what  a difference  surgery really can make. Then I am  so excited that  this next step is in my near future ( about 3 weeks). Then, I really could start crying that both me and my husband are being set free from the dangers and burdens of obesity. It's the best thing that could ever happen for us. The course of our whole life is changing. I am overwhelmed. I am greatful. I am so excited. And I can't wait until this time next year....next Memorial day. What a different person I will be! I am ready to continue on to the next phase of my journey. There's no looking back.... only looking to the new me that is to come. I will shed the old and put on the new. What will life be like when I am not fat anymore?

About Me
May 16, 2008
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fixing to fast
