First Fill and SV's/NSV's.

Aug 06, 2009

I’ve been very busy the last couple of weeks. I attended my 45th high school reunion in West Virginia (one of two this summer), had a lot of out of town company come to visit, celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary July 31st, been helping get ready for our church’s massive give away program being held this weekend and today I had my first fill. Add to that this Sunday our adoptive grand daughter is flying in from Orlando to spend a week with her favorite grand parents. Very busy period of time and this is very good, but very busy. I actually had more time before I retired than I do now, after retiring.  

First, the weekend before last (July 25th) at my high school reunion I got lots of comments on my weight loss. I hadn’t seen most of these people (WOW, some of them didn’t weather well!) in several years and they never have seen a skinnier me. I had lost about 68 pounds the weekend we were up there. Got lots of complements and that felt good; after I assured them I haven’t been sick. I guess when your 63 and lose weight old friends automatically think it’s because you have been sick and have some dreaded old disease. I felt like saying “What the hell am I doing here with all these old people.”  

Now to my fill, the needle stick stung a little but that’s it. No pain. Right now I’ve got 4cc in my 14 cc Lap-Band. I’m on full liquids for today and tomorrow then back to “mushy” foods and then on to full foods as I feel ready. It’s a little ahead of schedule but they say I’m doing so well, to advance as I feel comfortable with more solid food.  

I’ve lost 18 pounds since my surgery July 7th and 72.2 pounds total since starting down this road last October 13th (2008). My doctors at the weight loss center are very happy with my progress as am I. We still haven’t set a goal weight, talked about it but haven’t set a final goal weight. I set mini goals, 5 or 10 pounds by such and such date. Works for me.  

So far, I really like my little band buddy, but even more importantly, my little band buddy seems to like me.

Oh Yea, I forgot to mention, the doctors also took me off one of my blood pressure meds.  


About Me
Henderson, KY
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2009
Member Since

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